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Your 2017 Lacrosse Board Patrick Rollins* Dave Mehney George Rudolph*

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Presentation on theme: "Your 2017 Lacrosse Board Patrick Rollins* Dave Mehney George Rudolph*"— Presentation transcript:

1 Your 2017 Lacrosse Board Patrick Rollins* Dave Mehney George Rudolph*
Sarah McNamara Brian Hartl Natalie Stewart* Brian Elliott Mike McConnell * Retiring members

2 Housekeeping Issues Website will be updated
Practice/evaluation schedules Calendar Tournaments - Now Season schedule- next 2 weeks Rosters- after evaluations Download the Sport Engine App Dicks Sporting Goods- March 4/5 Athlete’s Connection- Date TBD Apparel Website- TBD

3 Our Philosophy Provide the best opportunity for all FHC kids to learn and play lacrosse, and have FUN. Through the emphasis of fundamentals, skill development, and teamwork, we strive to achieve excellence.

4 Our Philosophy: Includes Losing
“Our obsession with winning is the enemy of excellence in youth sports. Excellence is all about the process; while winning is all about the outcome.” -John O’Sullivan Changing the Game by John O’Sullivan The parents guide to raising happy, high performing athletes and giving youth sports back to our kids

5 Sideline Guidelines for Parents (& Players)
As parents & players, you represent FHC. Let’s do so in a positive manner: Let the coaches coach Let the referees officiate Let the experience of playing lacrosse belong to your child

6 Where the Money Goes Referee Expenses- approx 65-70 games
Tournament Registration Fees Pre-season practice fields- MVP New Equipment Administrative/Scholarship/Sponsorship (HS) Coaching Clinics/Paid Coaches Field maintenance

7 Required Equipment Helmet- no hockey helmets Mouth guard- have extras
NOCSAE approved Mouth guard- have extras Chest/Shoulder Protector Gloves Elbow Pads Cup Cleats Stick Base layer (recommended) Dicks Sporting Goods Day- March 4

8 Organization for 2017 Return to grade-level format (this year)
Each level a little different All teams 3-8 finish at Cranbrook Paid coaches for 7/8 teams MLL League Play for TT’s

9 Tournament Teams Elevated level of competition
All players encouraged to try out (5th-8th) Additional financial commitment- $70-100 Additional time commitment Additional weekend tournaments 1 extra practice per week

10 Preseason Practice & Evaluations
All pre-season events take place at MSA (MVP) Fieldhouse behind Cascade Meijer 5:30-7:00 PM for all events Full gear Weather permitting (all sessions outdoors) Dress for the weather

11 Preseason Practice & Evaluation Schedule
3/4 Players March 14, 16, 21, 23, 28 5/6 Players March 13, 15, 17, 20, 22, 23 (Tryouts), 24, 27 7/8 Players March 13, 15, 17, 20, 21, 22 (Tryouts), 24, 27, 28

12 7th/8th Grade 7/8 A 7/8 B Season Commitment
Paid Head Coach/ Parent Assistants Will function as a Tournament Team for 7/8 (Tryout) Weekday games and weekend tournaments 7/8 B Season Commitment Practice 2-3 days per week at Lower Bowl Games & Tournaments Pre-season practices & evaluation begin March 13

13 7/8 “A” Tournament/ Weekend Schedule
April 15- EGR & Army Ants (Home) April 22/23- Rip the Duck (South Bend, IN) April 29- Detroit Country Day May 6/7- King of the Hills (Home) May 13/14- Border Wars (Naperville, IL) May 20- MLL Sting June 4- Cranbrook Invitational

14 7/8 “B” Tournament/ Weekend Schedule
April 15- EGR April Honor the Game (Midland) April Brine Early Bird Classic (Lansing) May 6- King of the Hills (Local) May 13- Warrior & Hartland (Home) May 20- vs. Midland, BJ Sports, & TVC (Rockford) June 4- Cranbrook Lax Jam

15 5th/6th Grade 2 house teams of equally divided experience
All players play on a House Team Tournament Team All players encouraged to try out Season Commitment Practice 2-3 times per week at Lower Bowl Weekday Games & Weekend Tournaments Evaluations/Pre-Season Practices begin March 13

16 5/6 House Tournament/Weekend Schedule
April 15- EGR April 30- Brine Early Bird Classic (Lansing) May 6- King of the Hills (Home) June 3- Cranbrook Lax Jam

17 5/6 TT Tournament/Weekend Schedule
April 15- Army Ants (Home) April 22/23- Rip the Duck (South Bend, IN) April 29- Detroit Country Day May 6/7- King of the Hills (Home) May 13/14- Border Wars (Naperville, IL) May 20- MLL Sting

18 3rd/4th Grade One team Season Commitment
Practice 2 Cascade Park Weekday Games & Weekend Tournaments Evaluations/Practices begin March 13

19 3rd/4th Grade Weekend Tournament Schedule
April 15- EGR April 29- Brine Early Bird Classic (Lansing) April Detroit Country Day May 6/7- King of the Hills (Home) May 13- Warrior & Hartland (Home) May 20- Sting June 3- Cranbrook Lax Jam

20 1st/2nd Grade 9 regular season games (may add 1 ) King of the Hills
Format One team- currently 16 players (will grow) Players provided with reversible pinnie Season Commitment Practice twice Cascade Park 9 regular season games (may add 1 ) King of the Hills Intra-squad scrimmages to focus on the basics

21 7/8 Coaches Collin Hampel 7/8 B Tate Ferris 7/8 A

22 5/6 Coaches Dave Mehney Brian Hartl Alan Rowland

23 5/6 Coaches Brian Elliott Dave Koning Mike McConnell

24 3/4 Coaches Rob Blake Brian Grant Jason McNamara

25 King & Queen of the Hills
Premier West Michigan Lacrosse Tournament Two Day Event- May 6 & 7 FHC, FHN, FHE Lacrosse Programs Features Boys & Girls teams Combines three events from 2016 into one event benefitting all programs

26 King & Queen of the Hills
Festival and Tournament Format Boys Festival- 3 games guaranteed Saturday Boys Tournament- 4 games guaranteed Saturday/Sunday Girls Festival- Grades 1-4 on Sunday Girls Tournament- Grades 5-8 on Saturday

27 King & Queen of the Hills
All FHC Teams Grades 1-8 will play in this event Over 50 teams competing from MI, IL, IN Fields will be utilized at all three Forest Hills Districts Stadium fields will give the opportunity to “play under the lights”

28 King & Queen of the Hills
Volunteers Needed Scorekeepers Registration Parking Merchandise Sales Sponsorships Title Sponsor Field Sponsor Food Vendors Sign-up sheet for Volunteers & Sponsorship Sales

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