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Greek Education System

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1 Greek Education System

2 Short History Greece’s Education System has undergone several effective changes throughout years. Its last change was in 2012, when senior high multidisciplinary schools were split into general lyceums and professional ones.

3 Infant Education Greek Parents are obliged to enroll their children in “Νηπιαγωγείο”, which is known as nursery school or kindergarten, usually at the age of 4. The greek kindergarten consists of two consequent grades, which pupils necessarily attend, in order to be promoted to primary school level.

4 Primary Education Δημοτικό (Demotikon) is the elementary or primary education school, and consists of six grades. Greek pupils enter the primary school approximately at the age of six. The subjects taught in the primary education level include Greek Language, Mathematics, Poetry, Environmental Education, History, Science, Religion, Music and Gymnastics. A school year consists of three semesters and marks begin from 0 to 10.

5 Secondary Education Junior High School This is the first level of secondary education, and the last obligatory one. A student is needed an elementary school’s discharge paper to attend this school. It consists of three grades, and the promotion to each sequent level requires qualification in final exams at the end of each school year, only for the primary subjects.

6 Secondary Education Junior High School Like in primary school(3 semesters), this level’s grades consist of two (2) semesters. But unlike the previous education level, students are evaluated with marks from 0 to 20. This education level includes a wider variety of subjects such as Algebra, Geometry (Maths split), Physics, Geography, Chemistry, Biology (Science also split), History but also introduction to Ancient Greek Language and Literature, Modern Greek Literature, Social Education, while Music, Crafting or Gymnastics are not neglected.

7 Secondary Education Senior High School General Lyceum
After completing 9 years of total education and receiving the medium baccalaureate, greek students choose either to stop or continue their secondary education. In the public sector, there are 3 options: Senior High School General Lyceum Professional Lyceum

8 General Lyceum General Lyceum consists of three consequent grades. In the first grade, all students attend the same subjects (Algebra, Ancient Greek Lang., English/French, Geometry, Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Literature, Modern Greek Lang., History, Economic Theories, Religion etc.) and an extra subject of their preference (Psychology/Theatrics/Computer Science/Secondary Foreign Language etc). School exams exist like in the junior high school for the qualification to the next grade

9 Second Grade of General Lyceum
The second grade is when students are needed to choose a separate thematic direction of subjects, that corresponds to their future preference of faculty in the tertiary education, while still attending a variety of common general subjects. Second Grade of General Lyceum Classic Direction Scientific Direction

10 Classic Direction Ancient Greek Social Studies
Classic Direction in the second grade consists of the following special subjects: Ancient Greek Social Studies

11 Scientific Direction Mathematics/Informatics Physics/Biology
Scientific Direction in the second grade consists of the following special subjects: Mathematics/Informatics Physics/Biology

12 Third Grade of General Lyceum
In this third year, students are asked if they wish to change their previous grade direction or not. At the end of this year, national exams are held to decide the number of qualifiers to public tertiary education. Directions remain as previous, with the exception that the scientific direction splits into 2 branches.

13 Classic Direction Ancient Greek History Latin
Classic Direction in the third grade consists of the following special subjects: Ancient Greek History Latin

14 Scientific Direction Mathematics Physics Chemistry Biology
Scientific Direction in the third grade consists of the following specific subjects: Mathematics Physics Chemistry Biology

15 ECONOMY INFORMATICS Mathematics Informatics Informatics
Economy Informatics Direction in the third grade consists of the following specific subjects: Mathematics Informatics Informatics Business Managing Chemistry/Biochemistry Electronics *As seen Mathematics are common for both Scientific and Economy Informatics.

16 Selectivity Process Students of general lyceums may either choose to participate in national examinations for the selectivity in public university faculties or participate in school exams just in order to obtain the senior baccalaureate. Students who choose to enter university faculties are examined in 4 the specific subjects of the direction they attended through the last degree, plus the subject “Modern Greek Language” and one of the following common subjects: Common Biology History of the Modern World General Mathematics & Statistics Common Physics Students of any direction who choose General Mathematics & Statistics as their 6th subject, may also choose to be examined in the selected subject of “Economics”, and thus they have the opportunity to succeed in any of the economic faculties.

17 Selectivity Process Irrespective of the direction that a student has chosen, he/she may apply for entering any type of faculty, after he/she has had his results received. All the faculties of the higher education are divided to 5 groups: Humanities, where the admission is guaranteed by being examined in Ancient Greek and History (both Classic Direction) or alternatively, with a loss of points in Modern Greek Language and History of the Modern World (Sceintific or Technologic Direction) Sciences, where the admission is guaranteed by being examined in Mathematics and Physics (both Scientific or Economy Informatics) or alternatively, with a loss of points in General Mathematics & Statistics and Modern Greek Language (Classic Direction) Health Sciences, where the admission is guaranteed by being examined in Biology and Chemistry (Scientific Direction) or alternatively, with a loss of points in Common Biology and Modern Greek Language (Classic or Technologic Direction)

18 Selectivity Process Engineering, where the admission is guaranteed by being examined in Mathematics and Physics (Scientific or Economy Informatics) or alternatively, with a loss of points in General Mathematics & Statistics and Modern Greek Language (Classic Direction) Economics & Managing, where the admission is guaranteed only by being examined in Economics and General Mathematics & Statistics irrespective of direction. Students who wish to choose Gymnastic Academies, Military Academies or Art Academies can be examined in any of the above combinations of subjects

19 Senior High School General Lyceum Professional Lyceum
Secondary Education Senior High School General Lyceum Professional Lyceum

20 Professional Lyceum Professional Lyceums are very popular among students who don’t want to be “overloaded” with the heavy subjects of the General Lyceum, and wish to obtain a specialty after completing the attendance. The attendance of Professional Lyceums also lasts 3 years.

21 Professional Lyceum Subjects in Professional Lyceums include some common subjects with the General Lyceum since the 1st grade. During the 2nd grade, students are needed to choose 2 specialty correlative subjects, depending on the local school’s availability, (i.e. Electrotechnics, Nursery, Graphic Designing, Paramedics, Car Engineering etc.) while they all attend subjects of Scientific and Technologic directions of the General Lyceum. In the 3rd grade, they are called either to pick again 2 specialty subjects, which are of increased gravity for their admission in university faculties, plus Mathematics and Modern Greek Language, or choose to be examined on those of the Scientific or Technologic direction among students of the General Lyceums.

22 In Greece there are two types of Universities.
TERTIARY EDUCATION In Greece there are two types of Universities. Higher Education Institutions Technical Education Institutions All the Universities are public and free of charge. The studies lasts usually four (4) years except medical school (six years) and polytechnic (five years).

23 Thank you RHODES 2017

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