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Navy By Delaney Delan ey.

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1 Navy By Delaney Delan ey

2 Personnel Specialist (PS)
Personnel Specialist (PS) provide enlisted personnel with information and counseling related to Navy occupations, opportunities for general education and job training, requirements for promotion, and rights and benefits. PS maintain and audit pay and personnel records of military personnel, determine military pay and travel entitlements and deductions.

3 Construction Electrician
There are many different needs that the United States Navy fulfills all over the world. Not only are they charged with maintaining global peace for all of the different nations in the world. They are also responsible for making sure that they are able to provide shelter for personnel and those that are in need. It is the reason why the Sea Bees are so important and that there is a need for a construction electrician. You will be responsible for helping with wiring new construction as well as making sure that the electrical equipment which is used to build is in good operational condition.

4 Sonar Technician These technicians are operators and electronics technicians responsible for keeping sonar systems and equipment in good operating condition on surface ships such as frigates, minesweepers, destroyers, cruisers or at remote locations throughout the world. They are responsible for underwater surveillance, and aid in safe navigation and search-and-rescue operations. They use sonar to detect, analyze and locate targets of interest. Advancement: Enlistee enters as E-1 (seaman recruit). Advancement to E-2 (seaman apprentice) will be made after successful completion of recruit training.

5 Machinist's mates Machinist's mates operate and maintain steam turbines and reduction gears used for ship propulsion and auxiliary machinery such as turbogenerators, pumps and oil purifiers. They also maintain auxiliary machinery outside of main machinery spaces, such as electrohydraulic steering engines and elevators, refrigeration plants, air conditioning systems and desalinization plants. They may also operate and maintain compressed gas producing plants.

6 Personnel Specialist (PS)
The duties performed by PSs include: Maintaining and entering data into Enlisted Service Records Gaining personnel to new commands, transferring personnel, preparing personnel for retirement/Fleet Reserve. Preparing all types of separations. I.D. Card issuance Providing enlisted people with information and counseling related to Navy occupations, opportunities for general education and job training, requirements for promotion, and rights and benefits Assisting enlisted people and their families with special problems or personal hardships Perform counseling and interviewing personnel on a variety of matters

7 Construction Electrician
What You Will Do You will be responsible for helping with wiring new construction as well as making sure that the electrical equipment which is used to build is in good operational condition. You will also help in creating plans for construction and repairing old construction to update them to current standards. You will be responsible for working on base as well as across multinational borders. You will work in a variety of climates and atmospheres to provide the electricity that different projects need around the world.

8 Sonar Technician What They Do: The duties performed by STG-AEFs include: operate sonar sensors for detection and classification of contacts; operate underwater fire control systems; identify sounds produced by surface ships, torpedoes, submarines, evasion devices, sonar transmissions, marine life and natural phenomena; analyze, interpret and report all acoustic data; identify the characteristics, functions and effects of controlled jamming and evasive devices on sonar operations; prepare and interpret sonar messages; maintain charts and plots; operate tape recorders, bathythermographs and fathometers.

9 Machinist's mates The duties performed by MMs include: aligning piping systems for oil, water, air and steam, and controlling the operation of ship boilers and steam turbines used for ship propulsion and service systems; controlling operation of turbo generators used to produce electrical power; cleaning, adjusting, testing and performing other preventive maintenance on a ship's boilers, main engines, turbo generators and other auxiliary machinery including steering engines, elevators, winches, pumps and associated valves.

10 The end


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