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Application of (open) digital badges Unit 3 Topic 2 Partners: EDEN and SRCE Short term staff training, Seville, 2-6 October 2017 Ferenc Tátrai EDEN.

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Presentation on theme: "Application of (open) digital badges Unit 3 Topic 2 Partners: EDEN and SRCE Short term staff training, Seville, 2-6 October 2017 Ferenc Tátrai EDEN."— Presentation transcript:

1 Application of (open) digital badges Unit 3 Topic 2 Partners: EDEN and SRCE Short term staff training, Seville, 2-6 October 2017 Ferenc Tátrai EDEN

2 Topic 2: Creating and issuing badges using the available open badge infrastructure
Objective At the completion of this Unit you will be able to create your digital badge using an awailable badge creator tool to credential the learning outcome(s) of your course, i.e.: Create the grapghic image of a badge Define the necessary attributes of a digital badge Complete a digital badge template Issue a badge .

3 Topic 2: Creating and issuing badges using the available open badge infrastructure
What is an Open Badge Infrastructure? Open badge infrastructure is a technical infrastructure (platform) that supports open badge systems in creating and issuing digital badges. These platforms provide badge templates to support the creation and issuing of digital badges. Examples: Moodle Open Badge Factory of Discendum Oy of MyKnowledgeMap Ltd

4 1) Creating badge image using an image creating tool
Example: use of the Badge image creator of MyKnowledgeMap Free account for designing and issuing badges if you register, or you can use the less ambitious Classic Badge designer. If you register and sign in, you can click on the „Creating new graphics”, and start creating your badge. Now we create the ReOpen training participant badge using the Classic Badge Designer tool. You may start the creation of the badge image at any step.

5 Creating badge image using an image creating tool
Let’s design a badge graphics using the Classic Badge Designer!

6 Creating badge image using an image creating tool

7 Creating badge image using an image creating tool
There are 6 fields on the screen. We start with designing the shape first.

8 Creating badge image using an image creating tool
Select the two-coloured shield from the special shape group, and set the colour code to blue

9 Creating badge image using an image creating tool
Now insert a cup into the badge selected from the icon field. You can set the colour as well as position the icon vertically and horizontally with the rulers.

10 Creating badge image using an image creating tool
Type the badge text as ReOpen, select the font type and the colour, and position the text horizontally and vertically. If you do not use inner shapes and banners, you finished the graphic design.

11 2) Defining the necessary attributes of the digital badge
Open Badge Factory has got an issuing plugin for Moodle, thereby using this option you are able to issue digital badges in Moodle. Create a badge: Watch the 4 minutes video of the Open Badge Factory here

12 Creating badges using the Open Badge Factory platform
Based on the short video, let’s list and follow the necessary steps! 1) Login to the service clicking on (I signed in with the identity of the EDEN Secretariat) You will see the following:

13 Creating badges using the Open Badge Factory platform
2) Select the Creator tool from the menu at the top and the Create new badge option Creator tools / Badge library Badge library Milestone badges Badge applications Shared badges Image library Criteria page templates Form templates

14 Creating badges using the Open Badge Factory platform
Now you are on the content page (1) .

15 Creating badges using the Open Badge Factory platform
Set the language (default: English) Name: give suitable name, e.g. ReOpen training participant Description: Print what the badge for, e.g.: This badge is issued as part of the Recognition of Valid and Open learning project activities. The earner of this badge successfully accomplished the training on recognition of valid non-formal open learning in formal curricula in Seville on 2-6 October 2017 organized by the ReOpen consortium. The training consisted of the following parts: Non-formal open learning curriculum design Application of digital badges Recognition of non-formal open learning results in formal curriculum

16 Creating badges using the Open Badge Factory platform
Image: Add a .png image for the badge. (This should be prepared in advance, copied from an image library)

17 Creating badges using the Open Badge Factory platform
Tags (not compulsory, can be added later): digital_badges, formal_curriculum, micro-credentials, Non-formal_learning, open_badges, open_learning, recognition Criteria: Identify the criteria for the badge. Describe the skills and knowledge that the badge is used to recognize. Or you can use a ready made criteria as a template. The criteria is a mandatory field before you can issue a badge. E.g.: The earner took part in the 3 full day course and successfully completed all assignments and took part in the group works associated with the training sessions.

18 Creating badges using the Open Badge Factory platform

19 Creating badges using the Open Badge Factory platform
You can proceed to the Message page: compose the message

20 Creating badges using the Open Badge Factory platform
Now you compose the Subject, body, link text (the text for badge download button. Earners will get their badges by clicking this button. Default link text: "Get your badge”), footer . You also can pick an templete, save the composed e- mail as a template and preview to composed message. Let’s see the sample composed for the ReOpen badge:

21 Creating badges using the Open Badge Factory platform

22 Creating badges using the Open Badge Factory platform
You can also preview your message and go to the next step: the Settings page

23 3) Complete the badge creation
You can also preview your message and go to the next step: the Settings page. If you collected the s, collected and uploaded the resuts of the assignements and the group work, set the expiry date, you can save and close the badge. You should set the status of the badge from draft to ready for issuing.

24 4) Issuing a badge using the Open Badge Factory of Discendum Oy
Watch the 4 minutes video of the Open Badge Factory here We can follow the step by-step instructions Preview Set badge details Select recipients Edit message Confirm and issue

25 4) Issuing a badge using the Open Badge Factory of Discendum Oy

26 Issuing a badge using the Open Badge Factory

27 Issuing a badge using the Open Badge Factory

28 Issuing a badge using the Open Badge Factory

29 Issuing a badge using the Open Badge Factory

30 Issuing a badge using the Open Badge Factory

31 3. Badge Creation in Moodle
To create open badges in Moodle, you need administration rights. Teachers have these rights. You just have to login to Moodle with these rights and open your relevant training material. We illustrate this procedure with the „Training material on application of digital badges”. Click on „Course administration” in the menu on the left , than click Badges and there on the „Add a new badge”. You will see the following picture:

32 Badge Creation in Moodle

33 Badge Creation in Moodle

34 Badge Creation in Moodle
Fill in the badge details (just as in the Open Badge Factory example)

35 Badge Creation in Moodle
Enter the issuer details , the contact data and the expiry date (if any)

36 Badge Creation in Moodle
Click to „criteria” to choose from 3 options. We selected course completion

37 Badge Creation in Moodle
Down on the same page enable completion tracking!

38 Badge Creation in Moodle
You have to edit the completion settings for each unit. Let’s begin with Unit 1, and edit the completion settings of the Reflection questions:

39 Badge Creation in Moodle
Roll down and select the „Student can manually mark the activity as completed” Save and return to course. Click on „Save and display”. We can update the assignement now.

40 Badge Creation in Moodle

41 Badge Creation in Moodle
We set „show activities as completed when conditions....and that students must submit... We can follow with editing the quiz – Assignment 1.1 and set the grades

42 Badge Creation in Moodle

43 Badge Creation in Moodle
Rolling down on the page we can set the pass grade, the attempts allowed and the grading method. Going back to the course completion settings

44 Badge Creation in Moodle
We can also set the criteria for the whole course

45 Badge Creation in Moodle

46 Badge Creation in Moodle
And we set the minimum grade and the description

47 Badge Creation in Moodle
Compose the message body and enable the badge (careful! No more cahnges in the badge once it was enabled!)

48 Thanks for your attention! Contact:
UNIT 3 Thanks for your attention! Contact:

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