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Next Steps: Developing a Skills and PSE Strategy for Canada.

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1 Next Steps: Developing a Skills and PSE Strategy for Canada.
Dr. Michael R. Bloom Vice President, Organizational Effectiveness and Learning Diana MacKay Director, Centre for Skills and Post-Secondary Education November 7, 2013

2 You’ve Heard About the Research to Date…
Step 1: Diagnostic studies that identify key issues Skills—Where Are We Today? PSE and the State of Skills Production in Canada. Understanding the Operating Environment Policies, Laws, and Regulations Governing Skills and PSE. The Economic Impact of PSE in Canada.

3 Much More Research to be Done...
Step 2: Understanding the desired future state International Comparators and Best Practices Australia Brazil China Finland Germany India U.K. U.S. Benchmarking Canada’s Skills & PSE Performance Apprenticeship excellence Credential assessment and recognition Funding arrangements International student attraction and retention Learner mobility Research excellence System pathways and roadmaps Teaching and learning Diana are there any details you can add here?

4 Much More Research to be Done…
Step 3: Solutions and Strategies Skills and PSE Strategy for Canada Skills and Learning Pathways Planning Tool Rethinking Universities: New Forms for New Functions Learning in the Digital Age University and Colleges: Pathways to Skills & Careers Advanced Skills for the New Economy Productivity and PSE PSE Pathways to Innovation and Commercialization Capitalizing the PSE Sector: Funding Reform Options International Best Practices in PSE Reform

5 PSE Needs Systemic Changes
Sustaining research as a priority. Supporting innovation. Technology and pedagogy - from teaching to learning. Advanced skills development. Institutional and jurisdictional silos. Credential recognition / accreditation. Skills and learning roadmaps.

6 The Research Process. Questions Researchers Advisors Impact
We ask the difficult questions. Our approach is impartial and evidence-based. Questions Have diverse experience and backgrounds. Teams are multi-disciplinary selected according to skills and subject matter expertise. Researchers Our research is independent, however subject matter experts are often engaged to be advisors. All research is independently peer reviewed. Advisors The research process ensures that Conference Board research always offers new insights, understanding and impact. Impact

7 The Stakeholders and Investors.
Diana, I’m not sure of the best place to put this document. It might be a good visual to orient people up front, alternatively you might want to use it as a summary slide at the end. Please let me know what your preference is.

8 Research Team. The Conference Board has approximately 100 economists and researchers with advanced qualifications. The Conference Board regularly publishes research on a relevant topics (e.g. education, skills, innovation, immigration, economic trends and forecasts, labour market information, economic impact studies, etc.). Researchers on SPSE projects are selected from across the Conference Board based on their subject matter expertise and technical skills.

9 The Role of Advisors. Each research project has an advisory group and external reviewers. Advisors are: Chosen based on subject matter expertise Help to frame research questions and methodology Review drafts of the research reports prior to publication External reviewers: Are recognized experts in the subject matter Provide an independent, third-party review

10 Reference Groups. The Conference Board is convening 7 reference groups comprised of experts and practitioners: To consider the issues and research from key vantage points To engage a broad range of stakeholders To inform the development of research questions To provide quantitative and qualitative information on key issues To reflect on preliminary findings from their informed perspective

11 Cross-PSE Reference Group
This reference group brings together leaders from colleges, polytechnics, universities, apprenticeship and coop programs, workplace trainers, private career colleges, etc., with a mandate to: Consider strategic linkages across the PSE system Explore how other countries are leveraging system- wide programs or investments Analyse potential avenues for enhancing cross- institutional collaboration at a system level in Canada

12 Quality Network for Universities
This reference group brings together the vice-presidents (academic, finance and administration, research, etc.) from across Canada with a mandate to: Consider the far-reaching changes in Canada’s economy and in higher education that affect their institutions as well as students, faculty, and staff Explore how other universities around the world are adapting and ensure Canada’s continuing competitiveness Share ideas and coordinate action that enhances Canada’s skills and PSE performance

13 Indigenous Peoples’ Roundtable for Skills and PSE
This reference group brings together stakeholders from among First Nations, Métis and Inuit communities as well as experts and practitioners to: Consider the unique circumstances facing Canada’s Indigenous learners Explore best practices in Canada and globally Consider enhancements to Indigenous educational institutions

14 Leaders' Roundtable on Immigration
The Leaders’ Roundtable on Immigration brings together business executives, government leaders, and experts and practitioners to address common issues relating to immigration. Roundtable members will: Explore how forthcoming changes to immigration policies and programs must dovetail with a national strategy for skills and PSE Assess how Canada can better engage internationally with a single voice on The attraction and retention of international students Global research partnerships

15 Council on Education & Training in the Digital Age
This reference group brings together educators, businesses, practitioners, governments, experts and service providers who all share an interest in: The e-products and e-services that are increasingly important to education in today’s digital age How e-commerce in education influences systems Best practices and innovations in distance learning Teacher training for digital natives in the classroom

16 Youth, Entrepreneurs, and Students
This reference group brings together educators, businesses, practitioners, governments, experts and service providers who all share an interest in: The e-products and e-services that are increasingly important to education in today’s digital age How e-commerce in education influences systems Best practices and innovations in distance learning Teacher training for digital natives in the classroom

17 Workplace Learning This reference group brings together experts and practitioners in on-the-job training and development, workplace professional development, and employer- sponsored learning, with a mandate to: Understand trends that have led to significantly reduced investments in workplace learning Consider current and future strategic connections between PSE institutions and employers Study and share best practices among workplace programs and policies

18 Stakeholder Engagement
All stakeholders in Canada’s skills and PSE system are invited to be a part of the Centre for Skills and PSE. Contact us! We will involve you! The annual Summit on Skills and Post-Secondary Education will be a key forum for learning about progress year to year. Many of Canada’s skills and PSE associations are already involved. All of them are invited to do so. Our team is eager to work collaboratively with these associations and we will come meet with groups interested in a dialogue.

19 Investors’ Meetings The Centre for Skills and Post-Secondary Education has more than 30 confirmed investors. Investors’ meetings take place 2 times annually and provide a forum to discuss the strategic direction of the Centre, learn about research findings, and assess progress towards the goals of the Centre. Additional opportunities for investor engagement take many additional forms – through reference groups, research advisory groups, regional consultations, and the Conference Board’s various communications channels (website, webinars, updates, etc.)

20 Investors : as of Nov 7, 2013 Alberta Min. of Enterprise and Advanced Education Concordia University Dalhousie University Association of Canadian Community Colleges Dawson College Inspire Nanaimo (Vancouver Island University/Nanaimo Chamber of Commerce/ City of Nanaimo) Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada Athabasca University Brandon University Canadian Association for Graduate Studies Kwantlen Polytechnic University Canadian Alliance of Student Associations Lethbridge University Memorial University College of the North Atlantic

21 Investors: continued New Brunswick Post- Secondary Education, Training and Labour Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT) University of Alberta Nova Scotia Community College University of British Columbia Nova Scotia Dept of Labour & Advanced Education University of Calgary University of Ottawa/Université d’Ottawa Ontario College of Art & Design University University of Regina Royal Roads University University of Saskatchewan Ryerson University University of Winnipeg Saint Mary’s University Wawanesa Insurance Simon Fraser University York University

22 The End Goal: A Strategy for Canada
The central element of the Centre will be to arrive at a: PSE and Skills Strategy for Canada. The Strategy will encompass a holistic approach to skills development and PSE in Canada. It will be bold and ambitious, with an objective of ensuring Canada’s competitiveness as a global leader in education. The process for creating the Strategy will involve evidence-based research and a focus on Canada’s and our PSE systems’ best interests.


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