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Ch 8 Sec 2 Constitutional Convention

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1 Ch 8 Sec 2 Constitutional Convention
Rules regarding trade between the states Articles Of Confederation did not allow Fed. Gov. to regulate trade

2 Ch 8 Sec 2 Constitutional Convention
C. Meeting called in Philadelphia in May 1787 D. 12 states attend– Rhode Island refused to attend

3 II. Delegates Meeting called Constitutional Convention
55 Men, all white, lawyers, doctors, merchants Called Framers or Founding Fathers Washington,Franklin,Madison attended E. Jefferson and Adams did not attend

4 III. Ideas Changed from 1776-1787
1776 concerned about government being too strong 1787 people realize strong central government is necessary for order & the government is not the enemy!

5 IV. Convention Begins Washington is elected president of the meeting
Decided all meetings would be secret

6 V. Virginia Plan Government has 3 branches: leg,ex,jud
2 house (bicameral) legislature Senate and House of Representative both based on population

7 VI. Jew Jersey Plan 1 house legislature with each state having 1 vote
Similar to Articles of Confederation


9 VII. Great Compromise (Connecticut)
Virginia Plan became the framework EXCEPT representation in Senate is 2 for each state

10 VIII. Slavery Problem: Do slaves count as population for the House of Representatives?

11 VIII. Slavery B. 3/5 Compromise 1. Slaves count as 3/5 of a person 2. Slave trade banned in 1808

12 IX. Ending Done in September 1787 All but 3 signed
Needs to be ratified by the states

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