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CHAIN Kick-off Meeting - Rome,

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Presentation on theme: "CHAIN Kick-off Meeting - Rome,"— Presentation transcript:

1 CHAIN Kick-off Meeting - Rome, 13.12.2010
Technical program and issues Roberto Barbera University of Catania and INFN CHAIN Kick-off Meeting - Rome,

2 Outline CHAIN objectives and actions CHAIN technical work plan
Exploiting commonalities: existing services & information Issues to be discussed Summary and conclusions CHAIN Kick-off Meeting – Rome,

3 CHAIN Objectives and Actions (from the DoW)
O1) Define a strategy and a model for external collaboration, in close collaboration with, which will enable operational and organisation interfacing of EGI and external e- Infrastructures; O2) Validate this model, as a proof-of-principle, by supporting the extension and consolidation of worldwide Virtual Research Communities […] across the regions for trans-continental research; O3) Explore and propose concrete steps forward towards the coordination with other projects and initiatives […]; A) These objectives will be achieved by means of an activity of support to existing and emerging communities, coordination of efforts with other e-Infrastructures, harmonisation of best practices and dissemination of results towards stakeholders and policy levels. CHAIN Kick-off Meeting – Rome,

4 (At least) Two existing scenarios
No previous Grid and e-Infrastructures activities. Scarce knowledge and/or experience in deploying/managing large e-Infrastructures. Isolated spots of research activities with high computing demands. Greenfield regions/countries e-Infrastructures already started/deployed Locally developed m/w. Fair to good knowledge and experience in e-Infrastructures High quality research groups and institu-tions with world wide collaborations. Advanced regions/countries CHAIN Kick-off Meeting – Rome,

5 The CHAIN workplan «at a glance»
CHAIN Kick-off Meeting – Rome,

6 Deliverables & Milestones

7 Quality metrics & thresholds
≥500 contacts registered in the database; 2 conferences and ≥4 thematic workshops; ≥7 press releases and ≥1 video; ≥50 participants (from ≥10 countries) to the workshops and ≥30 qualified participants to the conferences; ≥50 documents in the training material repository; Average feedback ≥4.5/6 in training events; ≥2 VRCs supported with at least 1 existing and 1 “new” application; ≥10 potentially interested companied contacted. CHAIN Kick-off Meeting – Rome,

8 A multi-layeredGrid Infrastructure (Slides date back from April 2009 – EELA-2 First Review)
A Grid infrastructure is composed, from bottom to top, of three layers, each of them including Grid and Network components: At the lower Institute level: The Resource Centre (RC) is the actual site of the Grid computing resources; The backbone LAN or MAN network connects the Computing and Storage Elements (CE & SE) at the RC site; At the intermediate national level: The National Grid Initiative (NGI) integrates all Grid Institutions in the country and federates under its Grid Operation Centre (GOC) all their RCs in a National Grid; The underlying National Research & Education Network (NREN) links country-wide the Research and Education Institutes and optimizes / monitors their network activity via its associated Network Operation Centre (NOC); The upper international layer is made of two entities at the same level: The Regional Grid Initiative which brings together all NGIs and supervises the various national operations; The International Network Backbone: the WAN network which integrates the various NRENs and supervises the overall international network activity by means of network support centres.

9 RC Resource Centre tasks Reg. Auth. Monitoring 0th Level User Supp.
Storage Element(s) Computing 0th Level User Supp. Reg. Auth. Monitoring Accounting Security inc. resp. RC

10 NGI Country-level tasks Monitoring WMS L&B Cert. Auth. 1st Level
Accounting M/W Repo. Cert. Auth. VOMS 1st Level user supp. Data Catalogs Info. Syst. L&B WMS NGI

11 Regional-level tasks Region M/W release Monitoring Accounting
Catch-all CA Global VOMS 2nd Level user supp. Gen. Info. System Knowledge repo. High level Grid services Region

12 Training & dissemination tasks
Conferences Dissemination Material Consultancy Event calendar Training events T&D

13 User support tasks User Supp. Tech. requirements Local/remote support
Guidelines New communities Tech. requirements gathering Local/remote support Apps. Registry User Supp.

14 Network and Grid: Asia TEIN3 as International Network Backbone
At least one ROC: APROC (registered in the EGI GOCDB) CHAIN Kick-off Meeting – Rome,

15 Network and Grid: Latin America
RedClara as International Network Backbone Two ROCs: IGALC and ROC-LA (both registered in the EGI GOCDB) CHAIN Kick-off Meeting – Rome,

16 Network and Grid: Africa
EUMEDCONNECT2 as International Network Backbone in the Mediterranean region Ubuntunet Alliance and WACREN in Sub-Sahara (but AfricaConnect is still to be funded) Africa ROC (soon registered in a dedicated «catch-all» instance of GOCDB) CHAIN Kick-off Meeting – Rome,

17 AuthN/AuthZ services National and «catch-all» Certification Authorities exist in all Regions addressed by CHAIN; «Catch-all» VOs exist in all Regions except Sub-Saharan Africa; Any other VRC-specific VO can be either created or authorized from the CIC portal: CHAIN Kick-off Meeting – Rome,

18 User support Asia and Latin America use the EGI instance of GGUS:
A dedicated «catch-all» instance of GGUS is already available for Africa: CHAIN Kick-off Meeting – Rome,

19 Training A MoU has already been signed between CHAIN and EPIKH:
EPIKH has partners in all Regions addressed by CHAIN: CHAIN Kick-off Meeting – Rome,

20 VRC identification Application DBs available in all the Regions addressed by CHAIN: CHAIN Kick-off Meeting – Rome,

21 Global statistics (1/2) (data are from May 2010)
CHAIN Kick-off Meeting – Rome,

22 Global statistics (2/2) (data are from May 2010)
CHAIN Kick-off Meeting – Rome,

23 Issues (for me) to be discussed
Define the details of the collaboration with; Make the actions of CHAIN and other projects (GISELA in Latin America, EUMEDGRID-Support in the Mediterranean, and EU-IndiaGrid2 in India) complementary and not duplicated; Address all the key players and relevant stakeholders in Sub- Saharan Africa; Identify the entities that could best ensure long term sustainability of e-Infrastructures in Far-East Asia and Sub- Saharan Africa; Checkpoint on the status of the interoperability between European and Chinese middleware; Identify ASAP the list and location of events (both internal and external) where CHAIN can have the strongest impact. CHAIN Kick-off Meeting – Rome,

24 Summary and conclusions
CHAIN is doubly challenging: 1) for the geographic coverage and 2) for the ambitious objectives; Luckily, the experience accumulated in the last years allow us not to start from scratch; much information and several services are already available; However, several important issues are open and need to be clarified by today’s meeting. CHAIN Kick-off Meeting – Rome,

25 Thank you very much ! Any questions ?
CHAIN Kick-off Meeting – Rome,

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