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AP Statistics Variables.

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Presentation on theme: "AP Statistics Variables."— Presentation transcript:

1 AP Statistics Variables

2 Vocabulary Statistics – The science of data.
Individuals – The objects described by a set of data. Can be people, animals or things. Population – Set of all possible individuals. Variable – Any characteristic of an individual.

3 Exploratory Data Analysis (Descriptive Statistics)
Basic Strategies: 1. Examine each variable by itself, then move on to study relationships between variables. 2. Graph and summarize specific aspects of the data.

4 More Vocabulary Univariate Data – Describes a single aspect of Data (age). Bivariate/Multivariate Data – Describes more than one aspect (gender and age).

5 Types of Variables Categorical Variable – Describes a category or group an individual belongs to. *Groups can’t be rank-ordered. Examples – Gender, eye color, age groupings.

6 Types of Variables Quantitative Variables – Uses numerical values to describe the variable. One can rank order and can perform arithmetic operations on quantitative data. Can be further broken down into Discrete and Continuous quantitative variables.

7 Quantitative Variables
Discrete - Isolated points on a number line (ages, grades). These are items which can be counted. Continuous – Can exist in an interval on a number line (GPA’s, task completion times) These are item which must be measured.

8 Distribution of a Variable
What values a variable takes and how often it takes them.

9 Qualitative Graphs Bar Graphs

10 Qualitative Graphs Continued
Circle Graphs:

11 Homework Worksheet - Categorical vs. Quantitative Variables

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