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Half-Yearly meeting January 2017

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1 Half-Yearly meeting January 2017
Report of the Business Committee John Marsh, Convener University of Glasgow General Council

2 Report of the Business Committee
Business Committee membership Matters arising at Business Committee meetings Work of Committees General Affairs Sub-committee Senate Academic Standards Committee Glasgow University Trust Young Alumnus of the Year Avenue Editorial Board Looking Ahead University of Glasgow General Council

3 Business Committee membership
Eight vacancies Leaving us: Professor Arthur Allison Dr Bobby Logan Professor Eve Johnstone Duncan Marley Kate Dunlop Ruth Sharp Helen McAvoy Anne Lowe All have made valuable contribution to Business Committee during sometimes difficult period Ordinance changing the composition of Court Higher Education Governance (Scotland) Act University of Glasgow General Council

4 Scottish Code of Good HE Governance
Introduced in 2013 review due 2016 Higher Education Governance (Scotland) Act 2016 covers many principles of Code Review by Committee of Scottish Chairs of Scottish higher education Convener met independent consultants Code discussed by Business Committee prior to introduction little day-to-day impact on General Council governing body to be well connected with its “stakeholders, including staff and students Principle might be expanded to include any graduates association, i.e. General Council University of Glasgow General Council .

5 University of Glasgow General Council
Communication Peter Aitchison, Director of Communications and Public Affairs Formed a year ago main role is to maintain, protect and enhance reputation of University makes more use of video and social media assists academics to be comfortable before media attracted many former staff from prominent media outlets Convener to meet to seek advice on raising the profile of the GCBC and the General Counci University of Glasgow General Council

6 General Affairs Sub Committee
Supports Convener in identifying matters of interest or concern Matters considered level of access provided by the University for students from disadvantaged backgrounds implications of Brexit use of Graduate Teaching Assistants role of University Teachers within the University gender imbalance in student intake University’s policy on student debt University of Glasgow General Council

7 Senate Academic Standards Committee
A member of Business Committee attends meetings of Senate Academic Standards Committee as observer Matters noted include: Higher Education Funding Council for England Teaching Excellence Framework level of discretion to be allowed to external examiners results of Undergraduate College Monitoring Summaries University of Glasgow General Council

8 Glasgow University Trust
Business Committee nominates Two Trustees A limited role Trust has been restructured Assets held in more liquid form Total number of Trustees reduced Business Committee Trustees reduced to one University of Glasgow General Council

9 Young Alumnus of the Year
Convener invited to take part in the selection Matt Fountain (MA, 2011) was named for 2016 founded Freedom Bakery trains prisoners in artisan bakery skills which assist them to enter employment on release University of Glasgow General Council

10 Avenue Editorial Board
Two members of Business Committee on editorial board of Avenue University of Glasgow General Council

11 Looking ahead Convener has met
Clerk of Senate and Senior Vice-Principal, Professor John Briggs Secretary of Court, David Newall Chair of Court, Elizabeth Passey Aim: to investigate constructive and supportive role for General Council Business Committee agreed to consider this in more detail

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