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Signal recycling R&D at LAL: Influence in Virgo

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1 Signal recycling R&D at LAL: Influence in Virgo
Matteo Barsuglia CNRS/IN2P3 - LAL Orsay ILIAS, Padova January 28th 2005

2 SR: influence on the sensitivity curve
Virgo Sensitivity (/Hz1/2) AdvVirgo (M.Punturo) AdvVirgo with SR Arm finesse = 600 fsr = 800 Hz rsr = 0.95 Frequency (Hz)

3 Signal recycling: optimization at 1 kHz
(*) = mirror 1kHz

4 Signal recycling at high frequency
Sensitivity optimized at different frequencies Why HF sensitivity ? HF periodic sources (?) HF bursts (?) Black Hole Ringdowns Virgo and Virgo FS factor 10 Virgo + SR 10 Mo BH with maximal rotation  rings at about 3 kHz 3 Mo Schwarzschild BH  rings at about 4 kHz Virgo FS + SR

5 SR: influence in Virgo sensitivity
Impact in an advanced Virgo detector SR has to be first compared with other shot-noise reduction (laser power, recycling factor, finesse) The influence depends widely from the thermal noise reduction Need and overall design for an advanced Virgo

6 Virgo central area Laser beam Space for signal recycling suspension
Power recycling West input Beam splitter North input Laser beam Space for signal recycling suspension ITF output “dark port”

7 Why not? Control problems longitudinal: 5 dof instead 4)
autoalignment more complex R&D needed demonstrate lock acquisition and linear control demonstrate autoalignment Extra hardware second,third phase modulation / second beam / low finesse locks… control system more poweful and faster

8 What R&D does it mean for SR?
propose locking/autoalignment strategies test-them with simulation (frequency domain and time domain) Build a prototype – acquire experience

9 SR in the world Table top interferometers with dual rec and FP in the arms (Australia, Caltech, Florida): principle, first control tests GEO600, Hannover: dual recycling, no FP in the arms locked, noise hunting in progress 40m, Caltech 5 dof controlled (not in the final configuration) as close as possible to advanced LIGO

10 Which prototype? Suspended prototype at LAL was studied initially and excluded (~ 2002) Attention given to the Glasgow group (~ 2003) dual rec FP ITF project delayed/cancelled GEO: great experience (contact: ILIAS-WG1) Attention to prototype: the closest to the optical scheme of an advanced Virgo (~ 2004)  collaboration with Caltech

11 Collaboration LAL- 40m@Caltech
Founded by EGO travels post-doc ( M.Varvella, 2Y post-doc, during 2005 based in Caltech) Goal of the collaboration: Collaboration on the 40m/Adv LIGO simulation  Have a simulation package for Virgo/SR Follow the 40m commissioning  transfer the experience and ideas to Virgo

12 2005 activity Participation to the LIGO-40m simulation group
e2e simulation of 40m/adv LIGO Improvement of the speed: re-summation cavity Start a signal recycling package for Virgo/SR

13 Future Configurations and scientific impact:
Prepare an overall design for Virgo/SR (Virgo white paper) Control and simulation: Follow the locking ideas used in the 40m and GEO Use the simulation packages and ideas developed in the 40m/Adv LIGO to prepare the Virgo/SR control scheme

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