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People migrate sometimes from choice and sometimes from need

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1 People migrate sometimes from choice and sometimes from need
People migrate sometimes from choice and sometimes from need. trying to approach this need which still tests our humanity PHOTO SHOOTING-VIDEO MAKING PROJECT Katerina Efraimidou 7th Lykeio Thessaloniki

2 Part a personal testimony as a teaching tool
Though personal experience is neither part of collective memory nor history, since memory is selective and chooses which events to silence, misinterpret or hold and logic processes data according to personal criteria, such narrations when functioning complementary to scientific sources can act as an excellent educational tool because of their power and directness in creating emotions.

3 Tasks - activities Research on the Internet : 1492 A.D
Why were the Jewish expelled from Spain? (Sp. Inquisition) Why did the Sultan accept them? Their contribution to the city of Thessaloniki Tour Guide Old Jewish Neighborhood – Monuments – Synagogue

4 Preparation for an interview with Mrs Shelly Koen-Kounio.
The choice of the testimony of a “hidden child” highlights the value of human life without showing the horror of a concentration camp. It cultivates empathy and points out the significance of being an active member of the society while declaring the responsibility of an apathetic watcher. Furthermore, it contributes to the awakening of students’ curiosity towards Local History and awareness of shared European common experiences through the study of the Holocaust. Sub-tasks Prepare questions How to use photo-cameras, video-cameras (size-zoom-sound) Actual interview Outcome The image of a lovely, friendly, hospitable and willing interlocutor such as Mrs Shelly managed to alter the view of an otherwise unknown and indifferent to them Jew.

5 PART B: creating a film Former Yugoslavia (Presentation from history teacher) Familiarize with the documentary film: “Survival in Sarajevo” Watch the film. Task Sheet : What’s the message which people that were involved in Benovolencija transmit? 2. Did this film have any impact in your point of view about your relationships with people of different religion and if it did, which way? 3. How do you think you would react if you were there too? 4. Three years with bomb attacks, without water-electricity-food, without transportation means, schools and without any activity. How this experience affects a person? Explain it. 5. Have you ever before heard about the escape facilitation of underage people in order to avoid a general social crisis? Give examples. 6. What may Denis is thinking while the bus starts? 7. Nowadays Denis cooperates with Centropa. If you were him, how would continue your life? 8. Use the three pictures above and compose a story which you will present with a presentation program with pictures.

6 Parents Permission Filmmaking language : Scene (time-place) Footage (camera angle-light-sound-short plans) Editing Moovie Maker – Premiere pro (fade in-fade out-action-animation) Musik (yourown- free from or – Photostory3 – youtube) Script Our film “To those … who resist”

7 Part c refugees in greece today
Invite young refugees from the “Day Center Alkioni” at our school Get acquainted with the culture: Food brings us closer Colorful lines connect us Football: global language

8 STUDY THE BOOK: Monologues across the Aegean Sea
STUDY THE BOOK: Monologues across the Aegean Sea. The journey and dreams of unaccompanied refugee children Chose phrases Dramatization (Create statues refer to the phrases) Photo shooting – Photo editing ( Photo Exhibition


10 Thank you Our film on the whole project:
Thank you

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