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East Asia China Chapter 27 Section 1.

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1 East Asia China Chapter 27 Section 1

2 Dynasties

3 Shang Dynasty 1600 B.C.

4 Zhou Dynasty Begins 1045 B.C. Trade, iron tools, and spread of culture
Philosophers Confucius - Confucianism Laozi – Daoism

5 Other Dynasties Great Wall and uniting China begun by Qin Shi Huang Di
Ming Dynasty 1400s Explorers to East Africa Qing Dynasty 1600s-1900s Banned European trade in 1600s Trade forced on China in 1800s Spheres of influence – exclusive trade with Japan and Europe

6 Modern China 90% of people live in 1/6th of country
High migration to urban areas Farm labor shortages Overcrowded urban areas Solutions New agricultural towns in remote areas Policy that allowed each family to have no more than one child

7 1911 Revolution ended rule of emperors
Military leader – Chiang Kai-shek Nationalist Government of the Republic of China

8 1949 New communist government Led by Mao Zedong
People’s Republic of China “Great Leap Forward” Small farm cooperatives replaced by large government-owned farms Millions die of starvation

9 1970 China allows private ownership of businesses and farms
Foreign businesses technology welcomed

10 Taiwan Formed by Nationalist fleeing communism
Now work together for both economies

11 Mongolia Formed 1911 1924-1991 communist with Soviet influence
1991 democratic

12 Education and Healthcare
Literacy rates increasing Communism pays for healthcare 70 years life expectancy

13 Language Religion Mandarin
Ideograms – pictures or symbols that stand for ideas Communism discourages religion Most atheist Buddhism, Confucianism, Daoism Restrictions on Buddhism

14 Arts Ancient pottery shows human relationship
Tang Dynasty created porcelain called china Cultural revolution has hurt traditional arts

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