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All players must have matching kit of the same colour

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1 All players must have matching kit of the same colour
Personal equipment T shirt with sleeves Helmet + faceguard Max 50x25cm Number 7.5cm Face guard & helmet Protect, face - chin - eyes forehead -mouth Boat Bumpers 30mm thick 50mm wide Cover 100mm down each side of kayak Numbers 10cm on front 20cm on back Helmet and face guard Protect face chin eyes forehead mouth CE approved Sept 2002 Show paddles Legal paddle one per player on pitch double bladed max length 220 max blade area 50x25cm edge min 5mm Radiali in plan 30mm min no bolts rivets showing sharp dangerous edges Spray deck Kayak Body protector All players must have matching kit of the same colour

2 If floating lines are used then the boundary moves with the line.
………………………………….. out Overhead obstacle Ball out of play out In If the ball hits the supports/rope supporting the goals and bounces back into the pitch the ball is out of play Out Out In Pool Side water If floating lines are used then the boundary moves with the line.

3 Restart after a goal All players in their own half
Not a Direct Shot on goal ! Play starts on whistle Player has 5 seconds to take throw Restart after a goal No need to present ball, Cannot be tackled for 5 seconds or until the ball has been played Must wait for whistle. If one of the team moves over the line give a start infringement

4 Substitution Team can sub at any time if
Exit and entry is at team’s OWN goal line After whole boat (and all other kit) off pitch A capsized player… Can be substituted at the next break in play - if off the playing area Or Immediately if behind own goal line - with all their kit Capsize player no further part in game leave area and all equipment Sub next break in play all equipment off pitch or carry to goal line all equipment Talk and draw legal substitution if player swims

5 When is a Goal is Scored ? Scoring a goal
The whole of the ball must pass through the plane of the front of the goal. If a defender stops the ball from behind the goal the goal will be allowed Disallowed goal from free throw Goal Goal No Goal No Goal Front paddle paddle

6 Illegal play A goal keeper can defend the goal within arm’s reach as long as the paddle is not moved towards the opponent, or used in a dangerous manner. Illegal use of paddle or Illegal Kayak Tackle ? Paddle not within arm’s reach. No contact on Body. No Foul !!! Remember hand to blade or blade to hand

7 Illegal use of paddle Touching any part of an opponent’s body
Playing or attempting to play the ball with the paddle when the ball is within arm’s reach or across the bow of an opponent’s kayak Throwing a paddle Any dangerous use of the paddle Using a paddle to restrict an opponent or their equipment NB playing or attempting to play the ball is illegal If I have the ball on my paddle or am holding the ball with my paddle and a opposition player takes it from me as long as I don’t attempt to play or endanger the player it is not illegal ????

8 Illegal possession Possession. A player is in possession:
when the ball is in their hand can manoeuvre it with a paddle can reach the ball with their hand, the ball being on the water and not in the air. 5 seconds. The ball must be thrown at least 1m from the body horizontally Failure to present the ball is also signalled with illegal possession Early attempt in referee’s ball Explain difference between Possession and control Illegal possession is when you tackle a player who is not in possession tackle a player and the ball is not in hand or in a position to reach the ball in the water (not air) Tackle a player who is not manoevering it with the paddle. Control: When a player is within 3 metres of the ball and is the nearest player to the ball. A player must not rest the ball on their spray deck whilst moving

9 Illegal kayak tackle Any tackle that endangers a player
FREE SHOT Any tackle that endangers a player Any contact with a player’s body Tackling a player who is not within 3m of the ball Tackling a player who is not competing for the ball Ramming – hard tackle to side and momentary contact LEGAL KAYAK TACKLE IS: no body contact outside sustained contact tackled player within 3m competing for ball Any dangerous tackle If one player is on top of another they can push off – they may use their hands to get off each other.

10 Illegal Hand Tackle Legal…
FREE SHOT Legal… ONE open hand pushing an opponent’s back, upper arm or side. When the player is in possession Not dangerous A LEGAL HAND TACKLE open hand back upper arm or side body not dangerous in possession head and shoulders out of water After a legal hand tackle, a capsized player may be re-tackled if their head and both shoulders are out of the water. A player may NOT fend off a tackle

11 A player who is behind the goal line can NOT be jostled
Illegal Jostle A legal jostle When a player is manoeuvring their kayak against an opponent's kayak between the 6m line, and the goal line to gain a position where neither player is attempting for the ball. FREE SHOT Illegal jostle when a player is stationary or attempting to maintain a position and their body is moved by more than half a metre A player who is behind the goal line can NOT be jostled

12 Illegal screen (Obstruction)
FREE SHOT Illegal Holding Illegal screen (Obstruction) A player restricting the movement of another or gaining support. Or using boundaries for support or propulsion Holding opponents’ equipment Actively impeding a player outside the 6m area if not competing for the ball Impeding a player who is not within 3m of the ball Illegal Screen Actively impeding the progress of a player towards the ball when the player is not within 3 m of the ball Actively impeding outside the 6m area the progress of a player towards the goal where neither player is competing for the ball Actively impeding the progress of a player where they are: not in possession not within 3m of the ball and is not the nearest player to the ball not competing for the ball. Comfort break

13 Advantage No whistle ! Advantage is given when the team in possession would have been disadvantaged by stopping play Call play on If a foul was serious, but not dangerous a card can be given at next break in play “Play - On”

14 Sanctions Warning - Green Card Sending Off for 2 min - Yellow Card
Sending Off for rest of game - Red Card Free throw Direct free shot Goal Penalty Shot Any combination of the above Use cards as example and show signals as examples

15 Failure to present the ball… …Possession is given to the other team
Taking Throws Free Throw - Indirect Goal line throw Corner throw Sideline throw Failure to present Start infringements Free Shot - Direct Illegal Hand / Kayak Tackles Illegal hand tackle Illegal jostle Illegal possession Illegal screen Illegal holding Initially when taking a throw the ball must travel 1 metre horizontally or be passed to another player Failure to present the ball… …Possession is given to the other team

16 Referee’s ball Given when 2 players share possession for more than 5 seconds Referee error, faulty goals, injury etc Two players 1m apart with hands on paddle or on spray deck No other players within 3m of where the ball lands

17 Defence of Goal The defending player most directly under the goal in order to defend it with the paddle is considered to be the goal-keeper at that time. The goalkeeper’s body must be facing into the playing area and attempting to maintain a position within 1 metre of the centre of the goal line. An attacker should NOT be penalised for pushing a defender onto the goalie if the defender could have avoided hitting the Goal Keeper. The same applies for a defender hitting an attacker too !!!

18 Goal penalty shot Administering a G.P.S. Leading Ref at 6m mark
Shooter on the 6m line - stationary Trailing Ref on halfway line controlling other players All other players in the other half of pitch Subs not directly behind goal Trailing Ref signals when other players positioned correctly Shot starts when Leading Ref blows whistle The player cannot play the ball again until it has touched another player his equipment or the goal frame A Goal Penalty shot MUST be awarded for ANY FOUL in the act of shooting within the 6 metre area.

19 Giving cards Issuing a Card Blow whistle Call Time out
Call Player over Show Score Keeper player Number & Card Show Player Card If Yellow or Red, Wait for player to leave playing area Re-start game with appropriate signal Blow Whistle Fill in Send Off Form at end of game How Blow whistle Time out unless green call over if required indicate foul player number and offence to scorekeeper restart game with paddle foul whistle restart 2nd yellow = red 3rd green = yellow combination or instant red?????

20 Reasons for giving cards
GREEN CARD Unsporting play Hindering player righting themselves Preventing quick throw Foul Language YELLOW CARD Stopping player righting themselves Foul Language at Ref Deliberate Dangerous Play 3rd Green Card RED CARD Personal Attack Professional Foul Uncontrollable Behaviour 2nd Yellow Card

21 Referee Guidelines Wear the correct black clothing – look and act like a referee Blow whistle loudly Keep discussion to a minimum Stay in control In general stick to your decisions do not be swayed by players When giving a signal for a foul, maintain the signal and then point to the position you want it to be taken from Strong fair take control stand and look like a ref try to keep score

22 Illegal Holding/Screen
Signals Start Infringement Completion of period Paddle Foul Illegal Holding/Screen Play – On ! Illegal Possession Goal Issue a Card Illegal Tackle (Hand / Kayak) Goal Penalty Shot (G.P.S.) Time - Out No Goal !

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