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Jeopardy C for Colopy Bingo XL Terms 1 Terms 2 $100 $100 $100 $100

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy C for Colopy Bingo XL Terms 1 Terms 2 $100 $100 $100 $100"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy C for Colopy Bingo XL Terms 1 Terms 2 $100 $100 $100 $100
$200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 Final Jeopardy

2 $100 Question from Terms 1 Legal arguments made in writing

3 $100 Answer from Terms 1 briefs

4 $200 Question from Terms 1 Disapproves of most or some of an opinion’s grounds, but approves of its majority outcome.

5 $200 Answer from Terms 1 concurring opinion

6 $300 Question from Terms 2 The constitutional authority to interpret and administer law

7 $300 Answer from Terms 1 jurisdiction

8 $400 Question from Terms 1 Trial courts of the federal court system

9 $400 Answer from Terms 1 district courts

10 $500 Question from Terms 1 Request that the Supreme Court hear
an appeal of a lower court’s decision.

11 $500 Answer from Terms 1 Writ of Certiorari

12 $100 Question from Terms 2 A courts schedule of cases to be heard.

13 $100 Answer from Terms 2 docket

14 $200 Question from Terms 2 People who believe political and social
conditions should be considered when Interpreting the Constitution and law.

15 $200 Answer from Terms 2 Loose Constructionists

16 $300 Question from Terms 2 The power to review a lower court’s

17 $300 Answer from Terms 2 Appellate Jurisdiction

18 $400 Question from Terms 2 Courts that hear appeals of U.S. district
court cases.

19 $400 Answer from Terms 2 Court of Appeals

20 $500 Question from Terms 2 Papers filed with the Court by groups that are affected by a case but are not parties involved in it.

21 $500 Answer from Terms 2 Amicus Curiae Briefs

22 $100 Question from C Given the power to appoint federal judges.

23 $100 Answer from C The president

24 $200 Question from C Given the power to confirm federal judges

25 $200 Answer from C The Senate

26 $300 Question from C Name of the Supreme Court case in
which the Supreme Court gave itself the power of Judicial Review.

27 $300 Answer from C Marbury v. Madison

28 $400 Question from C The opinion offered by those judges in
the minority

29 $400 Answer from C Dissenting Opinion

30 $500 Question from C The current Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

31 $500 Answer from C John Roberts

32 $100 Question from D T/F: District Courts have only original jurisdiciton

33 $100 Answer from D True

34 $200 Question from D T/F: Federal Courts must accept appeals

35 $200 Answer from D False

36 $300 Question from D Which federal court or courts hear the greatest
number of cases each year?

37 $300 Answer from D District Courts

38 $400 Question from D Identify the amendment in question in the case
Texas v. Johnson.

39 $400 Answer from D The 1st Amendment

40 $500 Question from D Who determines the number of justices
in the Supreme Court?

41 $500 Answer from D Congress

42 $100 Question from E Number of justices currently on the
Supreme Court.

43 $100 Answer from E 9

44 $200 Question from E Approximately how many cases does the
Supreme Court hear per year? A B C. 1, D. 5,000

45 $200 Answer from E B. 80

46 $300 Question from E All of the following describe the Supreme
Court justices EXCEPT They are appointed for life. They do not have any age requirements They can be impeached by Congress They usually resign at an early age

47 $300 Answer from E D. They usually resign at an early age

48 $400 Question from E Term which means satisfaction of a claim

49 $400 Answer from E redress

50 $500 Question from E What was the amendment in question
in the Supreme Court case New Jersey v. T.L.O?

51 $500 Answer from E The 4th Amendment dealing
with searches and seizures.

52 Final Jeopardy Identify the 3 constitutional courts discussed
in class and identify the type of jurisdicition each has.

53 Final Jeopardy Answer District Courts – original jurisdiction
Courts of Appeal – appellate Supreme Court – both original and appellate jurisdiction

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