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Simon J E Taylor, Project Coordinator

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1 Energising Scientific Endeavour through Science Gateways and e-Infrastructures in Africa
Simon J E Taylor, Project Coordinator Modelling & Simulation Group, Brunel University London, UK

2 Welcome old friends and new!

3 e-Infrastructures are Powerful ICT for Science
High speed research communication networks Computational resources (grids, clouds, etc.) Software services Data services (data sources, scientific literature) Sensors Securely accessed via web-based portals or science gateways

4 e-Infrastructures are Complex
VRC #1 VRC #2 VRC #n Applications Applications Applications Science Gateways (e.g. Africa Grid Science Gateway) Other services (e.g. eduroam) Authentication and Authorisation Infrastructure (Certification Authorities and Identity Federations) Sensors & Instruments Grid / Cloud / HPC resources (e.g. Africa & Arabia ROC) Data Infrastructures (OADRs, DRs, DOIs) Experimental networks (e.g. SBN) Research & Education Networks (ASREN, UbuntuNet, WACREN, NRENs)

5 But Can be Delivered Simply!
Science Gateways can facilitate simple secure access to e-Infrastructures Science Gateways can be focal points for scientific collaborations Science Gateways can support communities of practice

6 Science Gateways and e-Infrastructures can energise CoPs
e-Infrastructures accessed through Science Gateways can help Communities of Practice to Work intensively and collaboratively to boost research potential and impact Openly share and disseminate knowledge, experience and state-of-the-art research to speed up scientific progress Expand its scope across the world Promote easy access to software, computing, data and sensor services used by participants

7 Used by many Communities of Practice
Meteorology Geography History Biology Arts Archaeology Pharmacology Chemistry

8 Communities of Practice can therefore access…
Example: AIBST What: African Institute of Biomedical Science & Technology (AiBST) Why: A network of researchers hosted by AiBST collaborating on biomedical and pharmacological sciences, clinical trials, and clinical drug studies Who: Zimbabwe (host), Tanzania, Uganda, Ethiopia, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa

9 e-Infrastructure Knowledge and Services…
> 4,000 repositories > 30 million resources

10 …Via National Research and Education networks (NRENs)…
Illustrative NRENs who have benefitted from our collaborations KENET – Kenya MAREN – Malawi NgREN – Nigeria SA NREN – South Africa TERNET – Tanzania RENU - Uganda ZAMREN – Zambia

11 Sci-GaIA: Energising Scientific Endeavour through Science Gateways and e-Infrastructures in Africa
Concept To support Communities of Practice with advanced ICT including Science Gateways and e-Infrastructures Aim To create a sustainable foundation of educational material and procedures for the development and management of Science Gateways and e-Infrastructures in Africa and beyond to energise scientific endeavour (Open Science)

12 Open Science e-Infrastructures Science Gateways NRENs
Communities of Practice Support Open Science e-Infrastructures Science Gateways NRENs Education and Training Openly accessible educational materials Scientists, Technologists, NRENs, students (Universities and TTA) e-Infrastructure Service Development Data, software, computation, sensors, publications, 3D printers…

13 Key Events Workshops Training events
Open Science collocated with the UbuntuNet-Connect Conference, November 19-20, 2015 in Maputo, Mozambique; Workshop 2 collocated with WACREN Conference in March; Workshop 3 collocated with the Technology Transfer Alliance – Date and place TBA. It will focus on the pedagogical aspects of the project, as well as international student-led Science Gateway projects. Training events One web-based Winter School that will consist of online webinars and offline training materials for self-pace learning – March 2016; 10 teams of 4 people to develop science gateways for CoPs Application is open!  One 2-week long face-to-face Summer School  - location to be decided – July 2016.

14 Join the forum at
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