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Structuring Co-Requisite Courses

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Presentation on theme: "Structuring Co-Requisite Courses"— Presentation transcript:

1 Structuring Co-Requisite Courses

2 The Co-Requisite Model
Companion Course English Comp After discussing this slide, Peter turns it back to Sarah.

3 So What’s Different about Teaching ALP?
small class size coordinated with Comp attention to non-cognitive issues integrated reading and writing After discussing this slide, Peter turns it back to Sarah.

4 backward curriculum design
Pedagogy for ALP backward curriculum design After discussing this slide, Peter turns it back to Sarah.

5 Developmental Writing at CCBC
ENG 050 the word ENG 051 sentence skills ENG 052 writing paragraphs ENG 101 reading college-level texts and writing college-level essays reading college-level texts and writing college-level essays reading college-level texts and writing college-level essays A L P The Accelerated Learning Program

6 backward curriculum design
Pedagogy for ALP backward curriculum design active learning After discussing this slide, Peter turns it back to Sarah.

7 This Class Has Talent Form the students into groups of about four. Give each group copies of the same three papers, written by members of the class (names removed, of course). Ask each group to decide which paper they think is the most effective and then to make a list of its strengths. After 20 minutes or so, have the groups report out. Discuss the differences in their selection of the strongest paper and try to figure out—not which group is right—but why they disagreed. Also, discuss what counted as a strength. The emphasis on discussing strengths rather than what we usually do in group work on papers—discussing weaknesses—is a real plus for this activity.

8 What can you figure out about punctuation rules from the following sentences? The sentences in black are correct; the sentences in red are not correct. Tom lives in Overlea, and his brother lives in Parkville. Tom lives in Overlea and his brother lives in Parkville. Chuck bought an iPhone, but he doesn’t know how to use it. Chuck bought an iPhone but he doesn’t know how to use it. Wendy went to the ocean, and it rained every day. Wendy went to the ocean and it rained every day.

9 What can you figure out about punctuation rules from the following sentences? The sentences in black are correct; the sentences in red are not correct. Peter discussed grammar and gave us some 3X5 cards to study. Peter discussed grammar, and gave us some 3X5 cards to study. My mother has worked hard all her life but has not gotten ahead. My mother has worked hard all her life, but has not gotten ahead. Tyesha opened the door and let a strange cat into the house. Tyesha opened the door, and let a strange cat into the house.

10 backward curriculum design
Pedagogy for ALP backward curriculum design active learning integrated reading and writing After discussing this slide, Peter turns it back to Sarah.


12 How do you read this face?

13 How do you read this picture?

14 Acceleration Acceleration
Acceleration is often misunderstood because people have preconceived ideas about what the word means.

15 Acceleration Acceleration
Acceleration is often misunderstood because people have preconceived ideas about what the word means. Many people think they understand the concept, when, in fact, their understanding is very shallow.

16 Acceleration Acceleration
Acceleration is often misunderstood because people have preconceived ideas about what the word means. Many people think they understand the concept, when, in fact, their understanding is very shallow. Some people are not aware of the relationship between acceleration and force.

17 Acceleration Acceleration
Acceleration is often misunderstood because people have preconceived ideas about what the word means. Many people think they understand the concept, when, in fact, their understanding is very shallow. Some people are not aware of the relationship between acceleration and force. Many are not aware that the amount of acceleration is also affected by friction.

18 Acceleration Acceleration
Acceleration is often misunderstood because people have preconceived ideas about what the word means. Many people think they understand the concept, when, in fact, their understanding is very shallow. Some people are not aware of the relationship between acceleration and force. Many are not aware that the amount of acceleration is also affected by friction. from An Introduction to Physics Phillip Masterson and Carl Jenkins


20 Constructing a Meaning
In the first 48 pages of The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, much is said about the Johns Hopkins Hospital. Discuss in your group what this section of the book finally says about Johns Hopkins. Write a single sentence that sums up what your group decides the book says about Johns Hopkins. Be ready to support your group’s conclusion with evidence from the text.

21 Constructing a Meaning
Group 1: Johns Hopkins was a terribly racist institution. Group 2: For the time, Hopkins was less racist than most institutions. Group 3: The good that Hopkins did for the poor far outweighed any harm they did. Group 4: The medical research Hopkins did was more important than their racist treatment of their patients.

22 backward curriculum design
Pedagogy for ALP backward curriculum design active learning integrated reading and writing thinking skills After discussing this slide, Peter turns it back to Sarah.

23 12th Grade American History
Take-Home Exam In an essay of 500 words or more, explain the causes of the Civil War.

24 The Causes of the Civil War
slavery states rights vs. federalism economic and social differences

25 Sir Walter Scott

26 The Causes of the Civil War
slavery states rights vs. federalism economic and social differences the South read too much of Sir Walter Scott

27 Short Writing 1 Assignment: Write a one-page essay in which you tell me one interesting thing about the kind of person you are.

28 Some Theses from Paper 1 I am a very outgoing person because I am afraid to be alone. The type of person that I happen to be is a good person. One trait about me that sticks out and can easily be connected to me, is how creative I am. I am a very adventurous person, The majority of people I asked said I am caring. I am a generous person, but I am not a fool. I am something of a chameleon. I feel an important thing to know about myself is that I am ambitious. I have been described as many things, adventurous being one of them. I am a very generous person. One thing that best describes me is that I am a very outgoing person. I am a thoughtful to my grandmother. I would like to consider myself a somewhat outgoing person. I have always been a determined person. I like to meet new people and make new friends. I'm very outgoing. I am very ambitious because I am afraid of failing. I want to do well in school. My desire to help other people is really selfish at heart. There are many characteristics that I have. However the one that I think sticks out the most would have to be that I am giving.

29 Some Theses from Paper 1 I am a very outgoing person because I am afraid to be alone. The type of person that I happen to be is a good person. One trait about me that sticks out and can easily be connected to me, is how creative I am. I am a very adventurous person, The majority of people I asked said I am caring. I am a generous person, but I am not a fool. I am something of a chameleon. I feel an important thing to know about myself is that I am ambitious. I have been described as many things, adventurous being one of them. I am a very generous person. One thing that best describes me is that I am a very outgoing person. I am a thoughtful to my grandmother. I would like to consider myself a somewhat outgoing person. I have always been a determined person. I like to meet new people and make new friends. I'm very outgoing. I am very ambitious because I am afraid of failing. I want to do well in school. My desire to help other people is really selfish at heart. There are many characteristics that I have. However the one that I think sticks out the most would have to be that I am giving.

30 backward curriculum design
Pedagogy for ALP backward curriculum design active learning integrated reading and writing thinking skills non-cognitive Issues After discussing this slide, Peter turns it back to Sarah.

31 Addressing Non-Cognitive Issues
Why Are You in Dev Ed?

32 I rushed through the test.
I had a hard time paying attention. I didn’t work very hard in high school I didn’t like all the reading I didn’t know some words I had somewhere to go. I was tired. I was bored. I took all three tests in a half hour. I've been out of school a long time I didn't take high school seriously I'm a horrible writer.


34 I rushed through the test.
I had a hard time paying attention. I didn’t work very hard in high school I didn’t like all the reading I didn’t know some words I had somewhere to go. I was tired. I was bored. I took all three tests in a half hour. I've been out of school a long time I didn't take high school seriously My high school was terrible I was sick a lot during high school My parents are not educated I lived in six foster homes when I was growing up classes in my high school had more than 50 students My parents and friends used terrible grammar We were homeless and it was hard to study My mother never wanted me to go to college I was never asked to write in high school

35 I rushed through the test.
I had a hard time paying attention. I didn’t work very hard in high school I didn’t like all the reading I didn’t know some words I had somewhere to go. I was tired. I was bored. I took all three tests in a half hour. I've been out of school a long time I didn't take high school seriously My high school was terrible I was sick a lot during high school My parents are not educated I lived in six foster homes when I was growing up classes in my high school had more than 50 students My parents and friends used terrible grammar We were homeless and it was hard to study My mother never wanted me to go to college I was never asked to write in high school

36 Mini-Research Paper on Personal Finances
Choose one of the following topics. Search the web for information about one of the following topics. After you’ve gathered some information, think about the topic until you arrive at a point you could argue to your classmates about the topic. Write a one-pager in which you attempt to convince your classmates to agree with you. Possible topics: the new Pell Grant rules the pros and cons of taking out a student loan the pros and cons of taking out a payday loan the pros and cons of getting a credit card is making a budget worth the time it takes? any other topic dealing with personal finance

37 backward curriculum design
Pedagogy for ALP backward curriculum design active learning integrated reading and writing thinking skills non-cognitive Issues After discussing this slide, Peter turns it back to Sarah. editing skills

38 Getting in Touch with Grammar 1
A German red small car was parked in front of my house.

39 Getting in Touch with Grammar 1
Peter, do you have any change?

40 Group Editing Form groups of three or four. Give each group a copy of Sample Paper 1 and ask them to work together on editing it for mistakes in punctuating independent clauses as well as fragments, run-ons, and comma splices—the punctuation conventions we have covered up to this point in the course. You might want to give some kind of award to any group that fixes all the errors. Some faculty bring in cookies or candy as a reward; others use points (see discussion of grading).

41 My mother grew up in the South.
Combine the following short sentences into one longer sentence. The new sentence should contain all the information contained in the shorter sentences below. Set 1 My mother grew up in the South. My mother speaks with a Southern accent. My mother doesn’t realize she has an accent.

42 Sentence Combining My mother, who grew up in the South and speaks with a Southern accent, doesn’t realize she has an accent. Growing up in the South, my mother speaks with a Southern accent, but she doesn’t realize she has an accent. Because my mother grew up in the South, she speaks with a Southern accent, but she doesn’t realize she has an accent.

43 backward curriculum design
Pedagogy for ALP backward curriculum design active learning integrated reading and writing thinking skills non-cognitive Issues After discussing this slide, Peter turns it back to Sarah. editing skills coordinating comp and developmental classes writing projects

44 Credit-Level Comp Developmental ALP Activity 1: Quirky Questions Review Syllabus Short Writing 1: One Interesting Thing (in class) Introduction to the course Activity 14: Interesting Interviews week 1 day 1 Homework: watch video on the writing process Questions about the writing process Activity 2: Identifying Thesis & Unity Problems Activity 5: Why You’re in Dev Ed Activity 2: Identifying Thesis & Unity Problems, continued week 1 day 2 Homework: watch video on theses Questions about theses Activity 3: One Interesting Thing Discussion Activity 4: Activating Schema Activity 15: Errors and Expectations Activity 16: Rules You Already Know week 2 day 1 Activity 17: Previewing and Predicting the University of Rochester Marshmallow Study Activity 18: Sentences and Independent Clauses Homework: watch video on thinking Questions about video On Thinking Activity 6: Marshmallow video Activity 7: Reading About Marshmallows week 2 day 2

45 The Community College Composition Contest
Activating Schema The Community College Composition Contest

46 The Community College Composition Contest
Activating Schema The Community College Composition Contest Compositions had been arriving in the mail for two weeks.

47 The Community College Composition Contest
Activating Schema The Community College Composition Contest Compositions had been arriving in the mail for two weeks. By Friday more fifty had had been logged in, and another twenty-five or so arrived in the Saturday mail.

48 The Community College Composition Contest
Activating Schema The Community College Composition Contest Compositions had been arriving in the mail for two weeks. By Friday more fifty had had been logged in, and another twenty-five or so arrived in the Saturday mail. Over the weekend, the judges had to evaluate more than seventy-five compositions submitted from all over the country.

49 The Community College Composition Contest
Activating Schema The Community College Composition Contest Compositions had been arriving in the mail for two weeks. By Friday more fifty had had been logged in, and another twenty-five or so arrived in the Saturday mail. Over the weekend, the judges had to evaluate more than seventy-five compositions submitted from all over the country. By Sunday evening their eyes were aching, but they had finished.

50 The Community College Composition Contest
Activating Schema The Community College Composition Contest Compositions had been arriving in the mail for two weeks. By Friday more fifty had had been logged in, and another twenty-five or so arrived in the Saturday mail. Over the weekend, the judges had to evaluate more than seventy-five compositions submitted from all over the country. By Sunday evening their eyes were aching, but they had finished. Some of the compositions made them hum; others caused them to tap their feet.

51 The Community College Composition Contest
Activating Schema The Community College Composition Contest Compositions had been arriving in the mail for two weeks. By Friday more fifty had had been logged in, and another twenty-five or so arrived in the Saturday mail. Over the weekend, the judges had to evaluate more than seventy-five compositions submitted from all over the country. By Sunday evening their eyes were aching, but they had finished. Some of the compositions made them hum; others caused them to tap their feet. A few caused the judges to wave their hands in the air as if directing an orchestra.

52 The Community College Composition Contest
Activating Schema The Community College Composition Contest Compositions had been arriving in the mail for two weeks. By Friday more fifty had had been logged in, and another twenty-five or so arrived in the Saturday mail. Over the weekend, the judges had to evaluate more than seventy-five compositions submitted from all over the country. By Sunday evening their eyes were aching, but they had finished. Some of the compositions made them hum; others caused them to tap their feet. A few caused the judges to wave their hands in the air as if directing an orchestra. At midnight on Sunday, they announced the three finalists.

53 The Community College Composition Contest
Activating Schema The Community College Composition Contest Compositions had been arriving in the mail for two weeks. By Friday more fifty had had been logged in, and another twenty-five or so arrived in the Saturday mail. Over the weekend, the judges had to evaluate more than seventy-five compositions submitted from all over the country. By Sunday evening their eyes were aching, but they had finished. Some of the compositions made them hum; others caused them to tap their feet. A few caused the judges to wave their hands in the air as if directing an orchestra. At midnight on Sunday, they announced the three finalists. Monday evening the orchestra performed the three compositions to a large crowd.

54 The Community College Symphonic Composition Contest
Activating Schema The Community College Symphonic Composition Contest Compositions had been arriving in the mail for two weeks. By Friday more fifty had had been logged in, and another twenty-five or so arrived in the Saturday mail. Over the weekend, the judges had to evaluate more than seventy-five compositions submitted from all over the country. By Sunday evening their eyes were aching, but they had finished. Some of the compositions made them hum; others caused them to tap their feet. A few caused the judges to wave their hands in the air as if directing an orchestra. At midnight on Sunday, they announced the three finalists. Monday evening the orchestra performed the three compositions to a large crowd.

55 Credit-Level Comp Developmental ALP Activity 1: Quirky Questions Review Syllabus Short Writing 1: One Interesting Thing (in class) Introduction to the course Activity 14: Interesting Interviews week 1 day 1 Homework: watch video on the writing process Questions about the writing process Activity 2: Identifying Thesis & Unity Problems Activity 5: Why You’re in Dev Ed Activity 2: Identifying Thesis & Unity Problems, continued week 1 day 2 Homework: watch video on theses Questions about theses Activity 3: One Interesting Thing Discussion Activity 4: Activating Schema Activity 15: Errors and Expectations Activity 16: Rules You Already Know week 2 day 1 Homework: watch video on thinking Questions about video On Thinking Activity 6: Marshmallow video Activity 7: Reading About Marshmallows Activity 17: Previewing and Predicting the University of Rochester Marshmallow Study Activity 18: Sentences and Independent Clauses week 2 day 2

56 The Marshmallow Video

57 Credit-Level Comp Developmental ALP Activity 1: Quirky Questions Review Syllabus Short Writing 1: One Interesting Thing (in class) Introduction to the course Activity 14: Interesting Interviews week 1 day 1 Homework: watch video on the writing process Questions about the writing process Activity 2: Identifying Thesis & Unity Problems Activity 5: Why You’re in Dev Ed Activity 2: Identifying Thesis & Unity Problems, continued week 1 day 2 Homework: watch video on theses Questions about theses Activity 3: One Interesting Thing Discussion Activity 4: Activating Schema Activity 15: Errors and Expectations Activity 16: Rules You Already Know week 2 day 1 Activity 17: Previewing and Predicting the University of Rochester Marshmallow Study Activity 18: Sentences and Independent Clauses Homework: watch video on thinking Questions about video On Thinking Activity 6: Marshmallow video Activity 7: Reading About Marshmallows week 2 day 2

58 Reading About Marshmallows
For almost a century the infant has been characterized as impulse-driven, pressing for tension reduction, unable delay gratification, oblivious to reason and reality, and ruled entirely by a pleasure principle that demands immediate satisfaction.1 The challenge has been to clarify how individuals, while remaining capable of great impulsivity, also become able to control actions for the sake of temporally distant consequences and goals, managing at least sometimes to forgo more immediate gratifications to take account of anticipated outcomes.2 It began in the 1960s with preschoolers at Stanford University's Bing Nursery School, in a simple study that challenged them with a tough dilemma. My students and I gave the children a choice between one reward (for example, a marshmallow) that they could have immediately, and a larger reward (two marshmallows) for which they would have to wait, alone, for up to 20 minutes. We let the children select the rewards they wanted from an assortment that included marshmallows, cookies, little pretzels, mints, and so on. ''Amy," for example, chose marshmallows.

59 Reading About Marshmallows
Describe the differences between these two texts. How do you explain the differences? Which is better writing? Why? “Translate” the first sentence in the scholarly article—“To function effectively, individuals must voluntarily postpone immediate gratification and persist in goal-directed behavior for the sake of later outcomes.”—into more ordinary language.   Mischel finds a surprisingly strong relationship between the ability to delay gratification as a four-year-old and a number of positive outcomes later in life. Does this relationship surprise you? Why or why not?

60 Credit-Level Comp Developmental ALP Activity 1: Quirky Questions Review Syllabus Short Writing 1: One Interesting Thing (in class) Introduction to the course Activity 14: Interesting Interviews week 1 day 1 Homework: watch video on the writing process Questions about the writing process Activity 2: Identifying Thesis & Unity Problems Activity 5: Why You’re in Dev Ed Activity 2: Identifying Thesis & Unity Problems, continued week 1 day 2 Homework: watch video on theses Questions about theses Activity 3: One Interesting Thing Discussion Activity 4: Activating Schema Activity 15: Errors and Expectations Activity 16: Rules You Already Know week 2 day 1 Activity 17: Previewing and Predicting the University of Rochester Marshmallow Study Activity 18: Sentences and Independent Clauses Homework: watch video on thinking Questions about video On Thinking Activity 6: Marshmallow video Activity 7: Reading About Marshmallows week 2 day 2

61 Previewing & Predicting
Ask one member of each pair to read the report and be prepared to summarize what they learned to the class. Ask the observer to simply make detailed notes of what the reader does. After no more than five minutes, perhaps less, ask the observers to report out on what the readers had been doing. Look for evidence that they didn’t just dive in to the reading, but spent a little time previewing and predicting trying to get a sense of what kind of reading this would be, activating their schema.

62 Credit-Level Comp Developmental ALP Homework: watch video on theses Questions about theses Activity 3: One Interesting Thing Discussion Activity 4: Activating Schema Activity 15: Errors and Expectations Activity 16: Rules You Already Know week 2 day 1 Activity 17: Previewing and Predicting the University of Rochester Marshmallow Study Activity 18: Sentences and Independent Clauses Homework: watch video on thinking Questions about video On Thinking Activity 6: Marshmallow video Activity 7: Reading About Marshmallows week 2 day 2 Homework: reading 4: More Marshmallows Activity 9: More Marshmallows Activity 10: assign Essay 1 (Delayed Gratification) Homework: Short Writing 2: on delayed gratification Discussion of sample of papers from Short Writing 2. Activity 19: Independent Clauses week 3 day 1 Homework: Short Writing 4: Working Hard, Getting Ahead Activity 11: Reserved Parking Activity 12: Peer Reviewing Practice Homework: Short Writing 3: Reserved Parking Activity 11: Reserved Parking Activity 12: Peer Reviewing Practice week 3 day 2

63 More Marshmallows Does the article about the University of Rochester study change what you think about delayed gratification? If your thinking about delayed gratification has changed, what was it in the article that caused that change? If your thinking has not changed, what was it in the Mischel articles that caused you to reject the argument in the University of Rochester study? Now what do you think about delayed gratification as a strategy in your own life?

64 Credit-Level Comp Developmental ALP Homework: watch video on theses Questions about theses Activity 3: One Interesting Thing Discussion Activity 4: Activating Schema Activity 15: Errors and Expectations Activity 16: Rules You Already Know week 2 day 1 Activity 17: Previewing and Predicting the University of Rochester Marshmallow Study Activity 18: Sentences and Independent Clauses Homework: watch video on thinking Questions about video On Thinking Activity 6: Marshmallow video Activity 7: Reading About Marshmallows week 2 day 2 Homework: Short Writing 2: on delayed gratification Discussion of sample of papers from Short Writing 2. Activity 19: Independent Clauses Homework: reading 4: More Marshmallows Activity 9: More Marshmallows Activity 10: assign Essay 1 (Delayed Gratification) week 3 day 1 Homework: Short Writing 4: Working Hard, Getting Ahead Activity 11: Reserved Parking Activity 12: Peer Reviewing Practice Homework: Short Writing 3: Reserved Parking Activity 11: Reserved Parking Activity 12: Peer Reviewing Practice week 3 day 2

65 Short Writing: Delayed Gratification
Option 1: Write a short essay—about a page—about yourself or someone you know who did succeed in delaying gratification. What happened as a result? Option 2: Write a short essay—about a page—about yourself or someone you know who did not succeed in delaying gratification. What happened as a result?

66 Credit-Level Comp Developmental ALP Homework: watch video on theses Questions about theses Activity 3: One Interesting Thing Discussion Activity 4: Activating Schema Activity 15: Errors and Expectations Activity 16: Rules You Already Know week 2 day 1 Activity 17: Previewing and Predicting the University of Rochester Marshmallow Study Activity 18: Sentences and Independent Clauses Homework: watch video on thinking Questions about video On Thinking Activity 6: Marshmallow video Activity 7: Reading About Marshmallows week 2 day 2 Homework: reading 4: More Marshmallows Activity 9: More Marshmallows Activity 10: assign Essay 1 (Delayed Gratification) Homework: Short Writing 2: on delayed gratification Discussion of sample of papers from Short Writing 2. Activity 19: Independent Clauses week 3 day 1 Homework: Short Writing 4: Working Hard, Getting Ahead Activity 11: Reserved Parking Activity 12: Peer Reviewing Practice Homework: Short Writing 3: Reserved Parking Activity 11: Reserved Parking Activity 12: Peer Reviewing Practice week 3 day 2

67 Essay 1 on Delayed Gratification
For this assignment, I’d like you to write a three to four page essay that grows out of your reading, your discussion, and your thinking about delayed gratification. Your audience for this paper is students who will be arriving at your institution next year. Think deeply about delayed gratification—what it is, when it is a good strategy, how might one be successful at doing it. Support your argument with information from the articles you have read or others you locate yourself and/or with examples from your own life or from the lives of people you know.

68 The Accelerated Learning Program
The Community College of Baltimore County

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