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MLA 8 Practice.

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1 MLA 8 Practice

2 What are the rules for citing a book?
Look at the sample, and explain to your desk partner what each piece represents. Steinbeck, John. Of Mice and Men. Penguin, What do the italics mean? Why not underline? What gets put in quotation marks? Why not this entry?

3 Problem: Needs last name first
Identify the ONE mistake in each of the following samples, and write the correct way to fix it. 1. Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin. Skinny Chic. Random House, Problem: Needs last name first

4 FIXED: Freedman, Rory and Kim Barnouin. Skinny Chic. Random House,

5 Identify the ONE mistake:
2. Freedman, Rory and Kim Barnouin. Skinny Chic. Random House, Problem: Title of book not italicized

6 FIXED: Freedman, Rory and Kim Barnouin. Skinny Chic. Random House,

7 Identify the ONE mistake:
3. Freedman, Rory and Kim Barnouin. Skinny Chic. Random House, 2005, New York. Problem: Location means where in the container it is located. In a book, for example, the location would be the page numbers. For an online source, it would be a URL. Location is not where it was published.

8 FIXED: Freedman, Rory and Kim Barnouin. Skinny Chic. Random House,

9 Identify the ONE mistake:
4. Cisneros, Sandra. “Salvador Late or Early.” Elements of Literature Third Course, edited by Kathleen Daniel, Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, Austin, TX, 2003, pp Problem: Location is the page range, not where it was published.

10 FIXED: Cisneros, Sandra. “Salvador Late or Early.” Elements of Literature Third Course, edited by Kathleen Daniel, Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 2003, pp Notice: This citation is a short story/vignette in an anthology. Because it’s an anthology, it has an editor. Notice how that is formatted. It also then has page range for the location. The publication place is omitted.

11 Identify the ONE mistake:
5. Cisneros, Sandra. “Salvador Early or Late.” Elements of Literature Third Course, edited by Kathleen Daniel, Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, Problem: the page range is missing

12 Fixed: Cisneros, Sandra. “Salvador Early or Late.” Elements of Literature Third Course, edited by Kathleen Daniel, Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 2003, pp

13 Now, let’s work on how to cite an article on the web.
Look at the following sample with your desk partner, and discuss what each step means. Pilgrim, David. “The Brute Caricature.” Jim Crow Museum of Racist Memorabilia. Ferris State University, November 2000, Accessed 20 May 2009.

14 Identify the ONE mistake:
1. Bonnet, Jenny. What’s Wrong with Meat. Family Corner, 4 Oct , Accessed 9 Oct Problem: Article title should be in quotation marks

15 Fixed: Bonnet, Jenny. “What’s Wrong with Meat.” Family Corner, 4 Oct , Accessed 9 Oct

16 Identify the ONE mistake:
. Bonnet, Jenny. “What’s Wrong with Meat.” Family Corner, 4 Oct. 2006, Accessed 9 Oct Problem: container (website title) should be italicized

17 Fixed: Bonnet, Jenny. “What’s Wrong with Meat.” Family Corner, 4 Oct , Accessed 9 Oct

18 Identify the ONE mistake:
3. Bonnet, Jenny. “What’s Wrong with Meat.” Family Corner, 4 Oct. 2006, Accessed 9 Oct. 2009, Problem: accessed date goes after location/URL

19 Fixed: Bonnet, Jenny. “What’s Wrong with Meat.” Family Corner, 4 Oct , Accessed 9 Oct

20 Identify the ONE mistake:
4. Haria, Kavit. “Can Vegetarians Get Sick from Not Eating Meat.” Wellness Junction. n. p., 6 Nov Web. 9 Oct Problem: MLA 7th edition, not 8

21 Fixed: Haria, Kavit. “Can Vegetarians Get from Not Eating Meat.” Wellness Junction, 6 Nov.2007, Accessed 9 Oct

22 Identify the ONE mistake:
5. Haria, Kavit. “Can Vegetarians Get from Not Eating Meat.” Wellness Junction, 6 Nov. 2007, Accessed 9 Oct Problem: No hanging indent on 2nd and consecutive lines

23 Fixed: Haria, Kavit. “Can Vegetarians Get from Not Eating Meat.” Wellness Junction, 6 Nov.2007, Accessed 9 Oct

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