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2/21 English III Agenda TSW utilize context clues to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words to create their vocabulary list for chapter 7 in order to.

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Presentation on theme: "2/21 English III Agenda TSW utilize context clues to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words to create their vocabulary list for chapter 7 in order to."— Presentation transcript:

1 2/21 English III Agenda TSW utilize context clues to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words to create their vocabulary list for chapter 7 in order to improve their sight word recognition. TSW utilize properly formatted direct references/quotes to respond to questions (short answer) on Beowulf in order to better analyze the events of the poem. Focus: Vocabulary Chapter 7 – Words 1-3 – determine the meaning of the underlined words using the context of the sentence: 1. The survivors of the earthquake slowly rebuilt their homes and lives after the calamity. 2. That article on sightseeing in New Orleans was not comprehensive. It failed to mention many points of interest in that wonderful city. 3. Jorge wanted to propose to Elena in the conventional manner, so in the middle of a restaurant, he got down on his knees and asked, “Will you marry me?” Activities: 1. Groups/Individuals: Identify more of Beowulf’s heroic traits in the sections with Grendel’s Mother (p ). 2. Individuals/class: Respond to question #3 on page 57 – Model a response using quotes. Closing: Independent reading time.

2 Improving Vocabulary Skills
Chapter 7

3 1. calamity (noun) - ___________
The survivors of the earthquake slowly rebuilt their homes and lives after the calamity. calamity means: an activity a tragedy C. a risk

4 2. comprehensive (adj.) - _________
That article on sightseeing in New Orleans was not comprehensive. It failed to mention many points of interest in that wonderful city. comprehensive means: complete familiar C. continuous

5 3. conventional (adj.) - ___________
Jorge wanted to propose to Elena in the conventional manner, so in the middle of a restaurant, he got down on his knees and asked, “Will you marry me?” conventional means: out-of-the-way useful C. usual

6 Respond to question #3 on page 57
Restate and answer the question. Provide support for the answer (prove it) Repeat for each question Both Grendel and his mother exhibit the characteristics of an epic villain. Both have superhuman strength and spread fear with their vicious attacks. Grendel, more so than his mother, had an unquenchable blood lust, “…no crime could ever be enough, no savage assault quench his lust for evil.” (ln ) This savagery sets Grendel apart from his mother because he attacks Herot simply for the pleasure of killing, while she attacks to seek vengeance for her son’s death.

7 2/22 English III Agenda TSW utilize context clues to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words to create their vocabulary list for chapter 7 in order to improve their sight word recognition. TSW utilize properly formatted direct references/quotes to respond to questions (short answer) on Beowulf in order to better analyze the events of the poem. Focus: Vocabulary Chapter 7 – Words 4-6 – determine the meaning of the underlined words using the context of the sentence: 4. In flagrant disregard of his parents’ stated wishes, Art wore a T-shirt and jeans to his sister’s wedding. 5. My weight used to fluctuate between 150 and 190 lbs. Now it’s steady, at 170 lbs. 6. “I know you’re tired,” Jack said, “but we’ve got to persevere and get to the camp before the storm hits.” Activities: 1. Class: Read and analyze the conclusion of Beowulf p Closing: Independent reading time.

8 4. flagrant (adj.) - ___________
In flagrant disregard of his parents’ stated wishes, Art wore a T-shirt and jeans to his sister’s wedding. flagrant means: obvious acceptable C. minor

9 5. fluctuate (verb) - ___________
My weight used to fluctuate between 150 and 190 lbs. Now it’s steady, at 170 lbs. fluctuate means: to continue to vary C. to follow

10 6. persevere (verb) - ___________
“I know you’re tired,” Jack said, “but we’ve got to persevere and get to the camp before the storm hits.” persevere means: to surrender to hold back C. to keep going

11 2/23 English III Agenda TSW utilize context clues to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words to create their vocabulary list for chapter 7 in order to improve their sight word recognition. TSW organize plot events, direct references, and indirect references to create a Beowulf graphic novel, in order to demonstrate comprehension and proper usage of references. Focus: Vocabulary Chapter 7 – Words 7-10 – determine the meaning of the underlined words using the context of the sentence: 7. Over the years, Mr. Madigan rarely took time to ponder the meaning of life. Since his heart attack, however, he’s thought a lot about what is important to him. 8. Most prisons make little effort to rehabilitate inmates so that they can lead productive, wholesome lives after their release. 9. Without a teacher, the sixth-grade class was in turmoil, until the principal entered the room and the students quickly came to order. 10. At tomorrow’s staff meeting, I will venture to say what I really think and cross my fingers that I don’t get fired. Activities: 1. Class: Review homework questions and review Graphic novel expectations. 2. Individuals: Plan and organize graphic novel. Closing: Independent reading time.

12 7. ponder (verb) - ___________
Over the years, Mr. Madigan rarely took time to ponder the meaning of life. Since his heart attack, however, he’s thought a lot about what is important to him. ponder means: to wait for to ignore C. to think about

13 8. rehabilitate (verb) - ___________
Most prisons make little effort to rehabilitate inmates so that they can lead productive, wholesome lives after their release. rehabilitate means: to pay back to prepare for normal life C. to depend upon

14 9. turmoil (noun) - ___________
Without a teacher, the sixth-grade class was in turmoil, until the principal entered the room and the students quickly came to order. turmoil means: discussion disorder C. harmony

15 10. venture (verb) - ___________
At tomorrow’s staff meeting, I will venture to say what I really think and cross my fingers that I don’t get fired. venture means: to dare to remember C. to imagine

16 2/24 English III Agenda TSW organize plot events, direct references, and indirect references to create a Beowulf graphic novel, in order to demonstrate comprehension and proper usage of references. Focus: Use 5 of the vocabulary words in compound or complex sentences that describe the events of Beowulf. Activities: Activities: 1. Individuals: Work on Beowulf graphic novels Closing: Independent reading time.

17 Complex Sent.: Beowulf represents the conventional Anglo-Saxon hero, someone who shows great strength and honor despite facing a time of great turmoil. Compound Sent.: Beowulf ventures to Herot to defeat Grendel, a monster who has already slain dozens of men, and he is able persevere in his quest by relying on his strength and cunning.

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