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Earthquakes EEn.2.1.1 Explain how the rock cycle, plate tectonics, volcanoes, and earthquakes impact the lithosphere.

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Presentation on theme: "Earthquakes EEn.2.1.1 Explain how the rock cycle, plate tectonics, volcanoes, and earthquakes impact the lithosphere."— Presentation transcript:

1 Earthquakes EEn Explain how the rock cycle, plate tectonics, volcanoes, and earthquakes impact the lithosphere.

2 Forces Within Earth Earthquakes are natural vibrations of the ground caused by plate movement in Earth’s crust or by volcanic eruptions Can be extremely destructive Kill thousands of people Destroy entire cities Anyone living in an area prone to earthquakes should be aware of the potential danger and how to minimize the damage that they cause.

3 Stress and Strain Most earthquakes occur when rocks fracture deep within Earth Fractures form when stress (forces acting on a material) exceed the strength of the rock 3 kinds of stress: Compression – decreases the volume of a material (squishes it) Tension – pulls a material apart Shear – causes a material to twist The deformation of materials in response to stress is strain

4 Faults Rocks fail when stress is applied too quickly, or when stress is too great. The resulting fracture or system of fractures, along which movement occurs, is called a fault Three basic types of faults: Reverse fault – form as a result of horizontal compression Normal fault – caused by horizontal tension Strike-slip fault – caused by horizontal shear

5 Earthquake Waves The vibration of the ground during an earthquake are called seismic waves Every earthquake generates 3 types of seismic waves: Primary waves (P-waves) – causes rock particles to move back and forth as it passes Secondary waves (S-waves) – causes rock particles to move at right angles to the direction of the wave Surface waves – causes rock particles to move both up and down and side to side.

6 Earthquake Waves Surface waves travel along Earth’s surface
P-waves and S-waves pass through Earth’s interior The first waves generated by a quake spread out from the point of failure of rocks This point, where an earthquake originates, is the focus of the earthquake; usually several km below the surface The point on Earth’s surface directly above the focus is the earthquake’s epicenter.

7 Measuring and Locating Earthquakes
More than one million earthquakes occur each year! More than 90% are not felt and cause little to no damage The ones that make the news are major seismic events that cause much damage

8 Earthquake Magnitude & Intensity
The amount of energy release during an earthquake is measured by its magnitude Measured using the Richter Scale – based on the size of the largest seismic waves made by the quake 10 fold scale: meaning seismic waves of a magnitude-8 earthquake on the Richter scale are 10 times larger than a magnitude-7 and 100 times larger than a magnitude-6.

9 Moment Magnitude Scale
Most seismologists use the moment magnitude scale – takes into account the size of the fault rupture, the amount of movement along the fault, and the rock’s stiffness Moment Magnitude – based on size of several types of seismic waves

10 Modified Mercalli Scale
Another way to assess earthquakes is to measure the amount of damage Called the intensity of an earthquake; is determined using the modified Mercalli scale – rates the types of damage and other effects during and after its occurrence.


12 Depth of Focus Another factor that determines a quake’s intensity is the depth of the quake’s focus Can be classified as shallow, intermediate, or deep Deep-focus = smaller vibrations at epicenter Shallow-focus = larger vibrations at epicenter A shallow-focus, magnitude-6 quake will have greater intensity than a deep-focus, magnitude-8 quake Catastrophic quakes with high intensities are almost always shallow-focus quakes

13 Locating an Earthquake
Initially, the exact location of an earthquake’s epicenter and time of quake’s occurrence is not known But, it can be easily determined using seismograms and travel-time curves

14 Distance to an Earthquake
To determine the location of the epicenter: The locations of 3 seismic stations are plotted on a map A circle whose radius is equal to the epicentral distance is plotted around each station The point of intersection of these circles is the epicenter

15 Time of an Earthquake The exact arrival times of the P-waves and S-waves at a seismic station can be read from the seismogram Using a travel-time graph, the time of occurrence can be determined by subtracting the travel time from the known arrival time of the wave.

16 Seismic Belts Seismologists have collected and plotted locations of epicenters The global distribution of these epicenters reveals an interesting pattern They are not randomly distributed Most earthquakes are associated with tectonic plate boundaries 80% occur along the Circum-Pacific Belt 15% occur along the Mediterranean-Asian Belt Most of the remaining occur at ocean ridges

17 Earthquakes and Society
Most earthquake damage results from prolonged shaking of the ground by surface waves (can last longer than a minute) Many structures cannot withstand this violent motion Collapsing buildings are responsible for many earthquake-related deaths

18 Some Earthquake Hazards
The damage caused by an earthquake is directly related to the strength or quality of the structures involved The most severe damage occurs to unreinforced buildings Wooden structures and high-rise steel-frame buildings sustain a lot less damage Some buildings in earthquake-prone areas (California) rest on large rubber structures that absorb most of the vibrations made during a quake.

19 Structural Failure Buildings are destroyed as the ground beneath them shakes In some cases, the supporting walls of the ground floor fail and cause the upper floors to fall and collapse as they hit the ground or lower floors – called “pancaking” In other cases, the height of the building is related to structural failure In the 1985 Mexico City earthquake, most buildings between 5 and 15 stories collapsed or were destroyed. Similar structures that were shorter or taller sustained only minor damage The shaking had the same period of vibration as the natural sway of the intermediate (5-15 stories) buildings = caused them to sway violently

20 Land and Soil Failure Earthquakes can wreak havoc on Earth itself
In sloping areas, earthquakes may trigger massive landslides Soil liquefaction can also cause trees and houses to fall over or to sink into the ground Earthquake waves can be amplified as they travel through a soil Soft materials have little resistance to deformation, so seismic waves are amplified in such materials Wave size and earthquake intensity are greatest in soft, unconsolidated sediments and small in hard, resistant rocks such as granite

21 Fault Scarps Fault movements associated with earthquakes can produce areas of great vertical offset where the fault intersects the ground surface – called fault scarps.

22 Tsunami Another type of earthquake hazard is a tsunami – a large ocean wave generated by vertical motions of the seafloor during an earthquake These motions displace the entire column of water overlying the fault, creating bulges and depressions in the water The disturbance then spreads out from the epicenter in form of extremely long waves In the open ocean, the wave height is generally less than 1m In shallow water, the height can exceed 30 m These enormous wave heights and the speed at which they travel make tsunamis dangerous threats to coastal cities both near and far from the quake’s epicenter.

23 Seismic Risk Most earthquakes occur in areas called seismic belts
The probability of future quakes is much greater in these belts than elsewhere around the globe Past seismic activity is a reliable indicator of future earthquakes and can be used to generate seismic-risk maps Alaska, Hawaii and some western states are at high seismic risk Some central and eastern states are at risk as well These regions have suffered disastrous earthquakes in the past and probably will again in the future.

24 Earthquake Prediction
To minimize the damage and deaths caused by quakes, seismologists are searching for ways to predict these events Prediction is largely based on probability studies Probability of an earthquake occurring is based on 2 factors: The history of earthquakes in an area The rate at which strain builds up in the rocks

25 Earthquake History Earthquake recurrence rates can indicate that the fault involved ruptures repeatedly at regular intervals to generate similar quakes For example: the earthquake recurrence rate at Parkfield, CA shows that a sequence of quakes of approx mag-6 shook the area ~ every 22 years from 1857 to 1966; this indicates a 90% probability that a major quake will rock the area within the next few decades

26 Earthquake History Probability forecasts are also based on the location of seismic gaps – sections of active faults that haven’t experienced significant earthquakes for a long period of time Example: a seismic gap in the San Andreas fault that cuts through San Francisco This section of the fault hasn’t ruptured since the devastating earthquake in 1906, so seismologists predict a 67% probability that the San Francisco area will experience a mag-7 or higher quake within the next 30 years.

27 Strain Accumulation The rate at which strain builds up in rocks is another factor used to determine the earthquake probability along a section of a fault Two important factors in earthquake probability studies: 1. Strain accumulated in a particular part of a fault 2. How much strain was released during the last quake Another factor is how much time has passed since an earthquake has struck that section

28 Prediction Earthquake prediction is still a relatively new branch of geology. Being able to predict these destructive events can prevent damage to property, possibly reduce the number of injuries as a result of the quake, and, most importantly, save many lives.

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