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Submission Title: [NTRU Security Tutorial]

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Presentation on theme: "Submission Title: [NTRU Security Tutorial]"— Presentation transcript:

1 Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs)
Submission Title: [NTRU Security Tutorial] Date Submitted: [May 10, 2002] Source: [Daniel V. Bailey, Product Manager for Wireless Networks and Ari Singer, Principal Engineer] Company [NTRU] Address [5 Burlington Woods, Burlington, MA 01803] Voice:[(781) ], FAX: [(781) ], Re: [Draft P /D14] Abstract: [This presentation gives a tutorial overview of a proposed security solution for the draft standard.] Purpose: [To familiarize the working group with the security architecture.] Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P

2 Agenda Implementation Goals Security Services The Proposed Solution

3 Implementation Goals Low cost!
Algorithm agility Applications must be able to choose algorithms But the standard should provide for some interoperability Low cost! Low bandwidth overhead! Low code space! Low chip area! Low power drain! Low transmission time! Support both star topology and peer to peer (master/slave) Scalable Must support a broad range of application security needs

4 Agenda Implementation Goals Security Services The Proposed Solution

5 Security Services Authentication and Access Control restrict association Encryption provides privacy on transmitted data Integrity shows transmitted data wasn’t altered and came from an authenticated device Freshness shows transmitted data wasn’t replayed

6 Authentication and Access Control
Needed in situations in which a pre-established (e.g. manual) shared secret is not available Use public-key algorithms like RSA, ECC, NTRUEncrypt Based on number-theoretic operations NTRUEncrypt uses only adds on 7-bit integers Used once to establish a key used by a symmetric algorithm Not to protect network traffic! One-time cost at network setup time

7 Encryption Only needed when data is confidential
Symmetric-key algorithms like KEELOQ, RC4, DES, AES Based on simple bit-manipulation operations like XOR, AND, lookup tables Directly protects confidentiality of network traffic Encrypts and decrypts data with a single key shared by both sender and receiver

8 Integrity Shows data came from a particular DEV and wasn’t altered in transit Often more important than encryption in a WPAN! Provided by symmetric-key algorithms like KEELOQ, DES, AES Based on simple bit-manipulation operations like XOR, AND, lookup tables Integrity protected with a single key shared by both sender and receiver A block cipher provides integrity for the same gates used for encryption

9 Freshness Needed when integrity and timeliness are both required Prevents insertion of old messages Each device stores a counter that is included in the integrity protected messages Best left to the application

10 Agenda Implementation Goals Security Services The Proposed Solution

11 Selecting Security Services
A Security suite is selected for each relationship Security suite is a collection of cryptographic algorithms Determines which services are provided SEC bit in frame control field indicates if frame is secured Only provide security services that you need for your device Obviously, each of these services costs resources

12 How Do We Hold Down Costs?
Once again: Obviously, each of these services costs resources. For some devices that need all services, the costs are acceptable For other devices that don’t need all services, the costs won’t be acceptable Baseline interoperability is still a goal Conclusion: should specify only the most fundamental of services, leaving all others to higher layers Higher layers MUST be involved!

13 What’s fundamental here?
Access control list (ACL) The MAC PIB contains a list of DEVs with which the MAC is permitted to talk Maintained by the upper layers, read-only to the MAC Payload protection Symmetric-key encryption and/or Symmetric-key integrity

14 Access Control List The DME maintains the ACL, using the method best suited to the application. What’s in the ACL? Device address either an IEEE address or a default key to communicate with a number of unlisted devices Supports master/slave and star topology networks Device Address Security Suite Payload Keys 8 octets or 1 octet 1 octet Variable (16 octets typical)

15 Access Control List Device Address Security Suite Payload Keys 8 octets or 1 octet 1 octet Variable (16 octets typical) Many ways for DME to introduce devices and exchange payload keys: User entry “Learn” mode – Broadcast a symmetric key over the radio Public-key Cryptography “Learn” mode – Broadcast a public key over the radio (safer!) User verifies correct public key received

16 Payload Protection Encryption and/or integrity provided as a black box to the MAC If the SEC bit is set, MAC passes data to security suite Security suite decrypts and/or checks integrity, and passes results to DME Conclusion: MAC doesn’t need to know anything about the security suite. Just that it’s on! Devices without security can just ignore frames with SEC=1 Security suite determines if encryption, integrity, or both are provided

17 Secure Frame Control Field Format
So what does a new frame control field look like? A lot like the old one… Note the change: the SEC bit Bits: 0-2 3 4 5 6 7-8 9 10-11 12 13 14-15 Frame type Dest. fields present Dest. addr. mode Source fields present Source addr. mode Reserved SEC Frame fragment specifier Frame seq. bit Frame following Ack. policy

18 Protected beacon payload
Secure Beacon Format So what does a secure beacon look like? The same, apart from optionally protecting the payload Octets: 2 3/10 1 variable 2 Frame control (SEC = 0) Address info Sequence number Superframe spec. Pending address spec. Address list Beacon payload Frame Sequence Check Frame control (SEC = 1) Protected beacon payload Frame Check Sequence MAC Header MAC Payload MAC Footer

19 Protected command payload
Secure Command Format So what does a secure beacon look like? The same, apart from optionally protecting the payload Octets: 2 Variable 1 variable 2 Frame control (SEC = 0) Address information Sequence number Command type Command payload Frame sequence check Frame control (SEC = 1) Protected command payload Frame sequence check MAC header MAC payload MAC footer

20 Secure Data Frame Format
So what does a secure data frame look like? Again, the same, apart from optionally protecting the payload Octets: 2 Variable 1 variable 2 Frame control (SEC = 0) Address information Sequence number Data payload Frame sequence check Frame control (SEC = 1) Protected data payload Frame check sequence MAC header MAC payload MAC footer

21 Recommended Security Suite
To offer interoperability, Select a mandatory security suite or Mandate a way for DEVs to negotiate a suite to use Mandating one reduces device complexity, but won’t meet the needs of every application Every security suite adds some overhead Extremely constrained devices may not be able to tolerate any overhead Some members have recommended Triple-DES. Here’s our experience implementing Triple-DES We think it’s a reasonable choice

22 Triple-DES DES has a 64-bit block size.
DES encryption has 16 rounds. Triple-DES encryption has 48. Using DES for integrity takes another 16 rounds, except for the last block, which takes 48. So we need 64 rounds per 64 bits. Instantiating one round of DES in hardware on an 8-bit bus gives a throughput of 3 cycles/bit So a 250 kbps data rate needs a 1 MHz clock. Hardware implementations in 3.5 – 6 thousand gates. Bandwidth overhead of 4 bytes or more for integrity code (4 is allowed), 1 byte for length Bandwidth overhead of 9-16 bytes for encryption using CBC mode or 4 bytes or more for CTR mode

23 Triple-DES Security Encryption standardized in ANSI X9.52, FIPS 46-3, … Well-studied since the late 1970s. 112-bit key makes brute force key search attacks infeasible Integrity Code standardized in ISO 9797, … We provide integrity on the ciphertext, not the plaintext Length field makes best attack brute force guessing on integrity code 4 byte integrity code gives 1 in 4 billion chance of correct guess 6.2 days of streaming at 250 kbps to get one fake message accepted 4 byte overhead on CTR encryption allows you to send 4 billion frames before needing to change keys

24 Intellectual Property
IBM held a patent on DES, dating from 1975. It’s expired now, but it was never enforced anyway Triple-DES-CBC first suggested in April, 1977 Unpatented by its authors. 1977 patents expired in 2000

25 What have we done? Security architecture bandwidth overhead of a single bit per frame Applications can choose the algorithms and features desired These will add bandwidth overhead We can still support ALL of a full security solution for high-security applications, while not burdening devices No intellectual property!!

26 Did we meet our goals? Low cost!
Algorithm agility Check! Low cost! Low bandwidth overhead/transmission time! One bit/frame due to architecture. 8 or more bytes for interoperable algorithm, applications may choose alternate algorithms for lower overhead. Low code space! Applications implement only the services they need Low chip area! 3-DES in thousand gates Low power drain! Clock rate of 1 MHz Support both star topology and peer to peer (master/slave) Scalable

27 Conclusion Devices that need security get just what they need
On a frame-by-frame basis Secured devices have maximum latitude in delicate cost/power/bandwidth tradeoffs

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