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Project work Theme: «The Role of foreign language in the modern world»

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1 Project work Theme: «The Role of foreign language in the modern world»
Project work Theme: «The Role of foreign language in the modern world».           «The Role of foreign language in the modern world».                   “Role of foreign languages in modern world”.

2 Scientific annotation.
The aim of the research is to find out what is the significance of learning a foreign language for a man in the modern world Objectives of the study: - acquaintance with the history of studying of foreign language in our country and in the world - study of the causes lead the person to learn a foreign language - the study of problems and the importance of foreign language proficiency for different ages and social groups of population

3 Methods of research. A. analysis of the materials of mass media, the Internet B. conversation with competent specialists (teachers of foreign language) C. Sociological survey of different age and social groups of population

4 Contents. 1.Introduction 2. Analysis of materials of mass-media and the Internet A. Six factors of internal motivation, which stimulate the study of a foreign language B. The statistics 3. The results of the research A. a sociological poll of age and social groups of the population B. conversation with competent specialists 4. Conclusion 5. Literature

5 Introduction. As it is known, from the point of view of the interests of the state foreign language education can be seen as a key resource in such areas as innovation economy, uniting the society and the development of social structure. If to speak about a concrete person, for the non-Russian education is a significant factor of its «capitalization», as they say today, «human capital». Owning them, he gets a real chance to occupy in society more prestigious both socially and spiritually position, be competitive in the modern labor market, mobile and free in the modern multicultural and multilingual world.

6 Analysis of materials of mass-media and the Internet
Six factors of internal motivation, which stimulate studying of a foreign language: 1. Career growth. 2. Study and internship abroad. 3. Work with foreign partners. 4. Participation in international conferences and trainings. 5. Business trips abroad. 6. Comfortable rest.

7 Statistics

8 Popularity of languages.

9 The results of sociological survey of teachers, parents and students 5-10 classes of school
Questionnaires, which were suggested to the students, their parents and teachers.

10 Questionnaire for a student:
1. A foreign language, which I study at school? 2. With what purpose I study it? 3. What foreign languages I would like to know? 4. What foreign languages do my parents know? 5. Does the possession of foreign languages help your parents in their career?

11 Questionnaire for parents: 1. Foreign language that You know
Questionnaire for parents: 1. Foreign language that You know. At what level? 2. Does the possession of foreign languages help in your career? 3. What foreign languages do Your adult children know? 4. Does the possession of foreign languages help them in their career? 5. What languages do Your children study at school? 6. With what purpose?

12 Questionnaire for a teacher:
1 . What foreign languages do you know? 2 . How are you helped by it with work? 3 . You would like to know other foreign languages? For what purpose? 4 . What foreign languages members of your family know? 5 . Whether it helps them with career?

13 Languages which are known by teachers and parents and studied by children (10 teachers and 58 pupils and their parents were interrogated).


15 Are foreign languages helpful in teaching?

16 Why do students learn foreign languages?

17 Popularity of foreign languages between parents.

18 Are foreign languages helpful in career?

19 Conclusion. -On the threshold of the new century has changed the context of the study of foreign languages in Russia. Significantly increased their educational and self-educational function of the school and the University, professional relevance in the labor market, which resulted in the strengthening of motivation in the learning of languages of international communication. -Knowledge of a foreign language is, in addition, as a means for the acquisition of the other subject areas in the field of Humanities, natural Sciences and other - thus, he, as well as the native language, is a basis for General special education. -Of course, we are far from the statement, that those who do not know any foreign language, destined to live on the margins of life. Any of You can give plenty of examples where people occupy very senior positions, not only not knowing any foreign, but are not very good and owning their own native language. But it, most likely, yesterday. The future all the same for the literate, in all respects, the professionals who can not only speak well in different languages, but also know how to and, more importantly, want to work. -The teachers and the majority of the students of our school understand the importance of foreign language in the modern world and modern life. Many, having known one foreign language, would like to learn one or two foreign languages more. The most popular foreign languages in our school are English, German, French.

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