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Global Nuclear Energy Partnership [GNEP]

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Presentation on theme: "Global Nuclear Energy Partnership [GNEP]"— Presentation transcript:

1 Global Nuclear Energy Partnership [GNEP]
Brief history of nuclear power GEN IV reactors Nuclear fuel cycles GNEP concept Activities at UIUC

2 History of Nuclear Power
1932—Chadwick discovers neutron in England. 1938—Hahn and Strassman discover fission in Germany. 1942—Fermi and colleagues construct 1st critical assembly in Chicago (CP-1). 1946—Creation of the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) after WWII. 1951—Experimental Breeder Reactor I (EBR-1) in Idaho generates first electricity from nuclear energy. 1957—First commercial light water nuclear reactor reaches full power in Shippingport, PA. 1960s—Rapid growth of the nuclear power industry in U.S. 1977—Creation of U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). 1979—TMI accident. 1992—NRC licensing process streamlined. 2000—Generation IV (GEN IV) concepts formalized. 2002—Nuclear Power 2010 Program announced by DOE to stimulate nuclear industry in US; Advanced Fuel Cycle Initiative established by DOE. 2006—Global Nuclear Energy Partnership announced in U.S. 2007—First applications received by NRC for new nuclear plant construction.

3 GEN III GEN III+ From the NRC Nuclear Power 2010 Program
Joint government/industry cost-shared effort. Identify sites for new nuclear power plants. Develop and bring to market advanced nuclear plant technologies. Evaluate the business case for building new nuclear power plants. Demonstrate untested regulatory and licensing processes. GEN III GEN III+ From the NRC

4 GEN IV Roadmap From DOE via Wikipedia FBR GE Westinghouse Framatome
Russian From DOE via Wikipedia

5 GEN IV Reactor Concepts
From DOE via Wikipedia FAST THERMAL

6 Nuclear Fuel Cycle The Future of Nuclear Power, MIT U3O8 UF6 LEU UOX
MOX The Future of Nuclear Power, MIT

7 Open: Once-through cycle
U ore Major actinides: U, Pu Minor actinides: Np, Am, Cm, Bk, Cf The Future of Nuclear Power, MIT

8 Closed: One recycle of Pu w/thermal only
Proliferation Concerns The Future of Nuclear Power, MIT

9 Closed: Recycling with thermal and fast reactors
The Future of Nuclear Power, MIT

10 Closed: recycle with breeder reactor
Duderstadt and Hamilton

11 Effect of closing the fuel cycle Compare NEA News 2002, no. 20.2

12 Integrated Approach Global Partners US Industry DOE GNEP 2010 Program

13 The GNEP Concept GP NE Non-proliferation Advanced Burner Reactor
GNEP Technical Development Plan, 2007

14 Original: China, France, Japan, Russia, United States.
New: Australia, Bulgaria, Ghana, Hungary, Jordan, ROK Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, Ukraine Global Partnership P. Lisowski, 2007

15 Closing the fuel cycle with fast reactors
P. Lisowski, 2007

16 Effect of closing the fuel cycle—resource conservation
DOE Nuclear Energy Research Advisory Committee, 2002

17 Effect of closing the fuel cycle NEA News 2002, no. 20.2

18 Effect of closing the fuel cycle—actinide burning
DOE Nuclear Energy Research Advisory Committee, 2002 Sasahara et al., 2004 Cm-245 long-lived

19 Reduction in repository holding times
P. Lisowski, 2007

20 Activities at UIUC DOE-funded study of UO2 thin-film matrix w/actinide surrogates. DOE-funded study of CeO2, UO2, and CeUO2 fuel types. DOE-funded materials testing for very high temperature gas-cooled reactors. DOE-funded fast converter reactor analysis laboratory. DOE-funded project to determine worldwide spent fuel estimates. DOE-funded project to couple CINDER (burn-up) to CHAD (fluid dynamics).

21 Radioisotope contribution to spent fuel radiotoxicity
The Future of Nuclear Power, MIT


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