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Date of download: 11/7/2017 Copyright © ASME. All rights reserved.

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1 Date of download: 11/7/2017 Copyright © ASME. All rights reserved. From: Subject-Specific Finite Element Model of the Pelvis: Development, Validation and Sensitivity Studies J Biomech Eng. 2005;127(3): doi: / Figure Legend: Schematics illustrating the special cases considered in determination of cortical thickness. Both the distance between the surfaces and the angle of the dot product between the normal vector (n) with that of the vector created by subtracting the trabecular and cortical node coordinates were considered. Nodes on the cortical surface are represented as open circles, while nodes on the trabecular surface are shown as filled circles. Case A—the smallest angle of the dot product between the cortical node and nearest trabecular node neighbor yields the desired thickness measurement. Case B—the smallest distance between nodes provides the desired thickness measurement. Case C—the normal vector (n) from the cortical node does not intersect the trabecular surface. For cases B and C, a weighting scheme was applied such that the smallest distance between the nodes was taken as the cortical thickness when the originally reported thickness value exceeded 1.5 X the smallest distance between nodes on the two surfaces.

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