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The cerebrum. A. Lobes of the cerebral cortex, named according to the skull bones under which they are located. B. Functional classification of regions.

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Presentation on theme: "The cerebrum. A. Lobes of the cerebral cortex, named according to the skull bones under which they are located. B. Functional classification of regions."— Presentation transcript:

1 The cerebrum. A. Lobes of the cerebral cortex, named according to the skull bones under which they are located. B. Functional classification of regions of the cerebral cortex showing the location of major functional areas. Selected examples of Brodmann's brain areas are indicated (e.g., areas 1, 2, and 3 are in the primary somatosensory cortex, area 4 is the primary motor cortex, area 6 is the premotor cortex, area 8 is the frontal eye field, area 17 is the primary visual cortex, areas 41 and 42 are the auditory cortex, areas 22 and 39 encompass Wernicke's language area, and area 45 is part of Broca's speech area). Source: Neurophysiology, Medical Physiology: The Big Picture Citation: Kibble JD, Halsey CR. Medical Physiology: The Big Picture; 2015 Available at: Accessed: November 07, 2017 Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved

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