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Particle Physics II – CP violation (also known as “Physics of Anti-matter”) Lecture 4 N. Tuning Niels Tuning (1)

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1 Particle Physics II – CP violation (also known as “Physics of Anti-matter”) Lecture 4
N. Tuning Niels Tuning (1)

2 Plan Wed 9 Feb: Anti-matter + SM
Mon 13 Feb: CKM matrix + Unitarity Triangle Wed 15 Feb: Mixing + Master eqs. + B0J/ψKs Wed 15 Mar: CP violation in B(s) decays (I) Mon 20 Mar: CP violation in B(s) and K decays (II) Wed 22 Mar: Exam Final Mark: if (mark > 5.5) mark = max(exam, 0.8*exam + 0.2*homework) else mark = exam In parallel: Lectures on Flavour Physics by prof.dr. R. Fleischer Tuesday + Thrusday Niels Tuning (2)


4 Recap uI W dI u W d,s,b Diagonalize Yukawa matrix Yij Mass terms
Quarks rotate Off diagonal terms in charged current couplings u d,s,b W Replace the derivative with the covariant derivative introducing the force carriers: gluons, weak vector bosons and photon. The constants g_s, g and g’ are the corresponding coupling constants of the gauge particles. Niels Tuning (4) 4

5 CKM-matrix: where are the phases?
Possibility 1: simply 3 ‘rotations’, and put phase on smallest: Possibility 2: parameterize according to magnitude, in O(λ): u d,s,b W Niels Tuning (5)

6 This was theory, now comes experiment
We already saw how the moduli |Vij| are determined Now we will work towards the measurement of the imaginary part Parameter: η Equivalent: angles α, β, γ . To measure this, we need the formalism of neutral meson oscillations… Niels Tuning (6)

7 Neutral Meson Oscillations (1)
Start with Schrodinger equation: Find eigenvalue: Solve eigenstates: Eigenstates have diagonal Hamiltonian: mass eigenstates! (2-component state in P0 and P0 subspace) Niels Tuning (7)

8 Neutral Meson Oscillations (2)
Two mass eigenstates Time evolution: Probability for |P0>  |P0> ! Express in M=mH+mL and Δm=mH-mL  Δm dependence

9 Meson Decays Formalism of meson oscillations: Subsequent: decay P0 f
Interference P0 f P0P0 f Interference (‘direct’) Decay

10 Classification of CP Violating effects
CP violation in decay CP violation in mixing CP violation in interference Niels Tuning (10)

11 Now: Im( λf) CP violation in decay CP violation in mixing
CP violation in interference We will investigate λf for various final states f

12 CP violation: type 3 Niels Tuning (12)

13 Classification of CP Violating effects - Nr. 3:
Consider f=f : If one amplitude dominates the decay, then Af = Af CP violation in interference Niels Tuning (13)

14 |λf|=1 Final state f : J/ΨKs Interference between B0→fCP and B0→B0→fCP
For example: B0→J/ΨKs and B0→B0→ J/ΨKs Lets’ s simplify … For B0 we have: Since fCP =fCP we have: The amplitudes |A( B0→J/ψKs)| and |A(B0→J/ψKs)| are equal: |λf|=1 B0 d B0 Niels Tuning (14)

15 Relax: B0J/ΨKs simplifies…
ΔΓ=0 Niels Tuning (15)

16 λf for B0 ® J/yK0S c J/y K0 B0 b s d b d s d
|Vcs Vcd|^2 mc^2 = (1*lambda)^2 mc^2 vs. |Vts Vtd|^2 mt^2 = (lambda^2*lambda^3)^2 mt^2  suppressed by lambda^8, enhanced by (mt/mc)^2 << 1 s d Niels Tuning (16)

17 Time-dependent CP asymmetry
λf for B0 ® J/yK0S Time-dependent CP asymmetry Theoretically clean way to measure b Clean experimental signature Branching fraction: O(10-4) “Large” compared to other CP modes! |Vcs Vcd|^2 mc^2 = (1*lambda)^2 mc^2 vs. |Vts Vtd|^2 mt^2 = (lambda^2*lambda^3)^2 mt^2  suppressed by lambda^8, enhanced by (mt/mc)^2 << 1 Niels Tuning (17)

18 Remember: C and P eigenvalue
C and P are good symmetries (not involving the weak interaction) Can associate a conserved value with them (Noether Theorem) Each hadron has a conserved P and C quantum number What are the values of the quantum numbers Evaluate the eigenvalue of the P and C operators on each hadron P|y> = p|y> What values of C and P are possible for hadrons? Symmetry operation squared gives unity so eigenvalue squared must be 1 Possible C and P values are +1 and -1. Meaning of P quantum number If P=1 then P|y> = +1|y> (wave function symmetric in space) if P=-1 then P|y> = -1 |y> (wave function anti-symmetric in space) Niels Tuning (18)

19 Remember: P eigenvalues for hadrons
The p+ meson Quark and anti-quark composite: intrinsic P = (1)*(-1) = -1 Orbital ground state  no extra term P(p+)=-1 The neutron Three quark composite: intrinsic P = (1)*(1)*(1) = 1 P(n) = +1 The K1(1270) Quark anti-quark composite: intrinsic P = (1)*(-1) = -1 Orbital excitation with L=1  extra term (-1)1 P(K1) = +1 Meaning: P|p+> = -1|p+> Niels Tuning (19)

20 Intermezzo: CP eigenvalue
Remember: P2 = 1 (x  -x  x) C2 = 1 (ψ  ψ  ψ )  CP2 =1 CP | f > =  | f > Knowing this we can evaluate the effect of CP on the K0 CP|K0> = -1|K0> CP| K0> = -1|K0 > K0 is not CP eigenstate, but flavour eigenstate (sd) ! Mass eigenstates: |KS> = p| K0> +q|K0> |KL> = p| K0> - q|K0> |Ks> (CP=+1) → p p (CP= (-1)(-1)(-1)l= =+1) |KL> (CP=-1) → p p p (CP = (-1)(-1)(-1)(-1)l=0 = -1) ( S(K)=0  L(ππ)=0 ) Niels Tuning (20)

21 CP eigenvalue of final state J/yK0S
CP |J/y> = +1 |J/y> CP |K0S> = +1 |K0S> CP |J/yK0S> = (-1)l |J/yK0S> ( S(J/y)=1 ) ( S(B)=0  L(J/yK0S)=1 ) Relative minus-sign between state and CP-conjugated state: |Vcs Vcd|^2 mc^2 = (1*lambda)^2 mc^2 vs. |Vts Vtd|^2 mt^2 = (lambda^2*lambda^3)^2 mt^2  suppressed by lambda^8, enhanced by (mt/mc)^2 << 1 Niels Tuning (21)

22 Time dependent CP violation
If final state is CP eigenstate then 2 amplitudes (w/o mixing): B0f and B0B0f B0 - B0 oscillation is periodic in time  CP violation time dependent Amplitude 1 Amplitude 2 + e-iφ (i=eiπ/2 δ=90o) (φ=2β) Niels Tuning (22)

23 Time dependent CP violation
If final state is CP eigenstate then 2 amplitudes (w/o mixing): B0f and B0B0f B0 -B0 oscillation is periodic in time  CP violation time dependent 1 + e-iφ (i=eiπ/2 δ=90o) (φ=2β) Niels Tuning (23)

24 Sum of 2 amplitudes: sensitivity to phase
What do we know about the relative phases of the diagrams? B0  f B0  B0  f f(strong)=f Decays are identical f(strong)=f K0 mixing exactly cancels Vcs f(weak)=0 f(weak)=2b f(mixing)=p/2 There is a phase difference of i between the B0 andB0 Niels Tuning (24)

25 Sum of 2 amplitudes: sensitivity to phase
Now also look at CP-conjugate process Investigate situation at time t, such that |A1| = |A2| : Directly observable result (essentially just from counting) measure CKM phase b directly! N(B0  f)  |A|2  (1-cosf)2+sin2f = 1 -2cosf+cos2f+sin2f = 2-2cos(p/2-2b)  1-sin(2b) + = Γ(Bf)= sin(f) p/2+2b CP 1-cos(f) + = sin(f) Γ(Bf)= p/2-2b N(B0  f)  (1+cosf)2+sin2f = 2+2cos(p/2-2b)  1+sin(2b) 1+cos(f) Niels Tuning (25)

26 2 amplitudes 2 phases Remember!
Necessary ingredients for CP violation: Two (interfering) amplitudes Phase difference between amplitudes one CP conserving phase (‘strong’ phase) one CP violating phase (‘weak’ phase) 2 amplitudes 2 phases Niels Tuning (26)

27 Remember! 2 amplitudes 2 phases Niels Tuning (27)

28 eiφ e-iφ What do we measure? Γ( B f) = |A1+A2ei(φ+δ)|2
We measure quark couplings There is a complex phase in couplings! Visible when there are 2 amplitudes: matter anti-matter Γ( B f) = |A1+A2ei(φ+δ)|2 Γ( B f) = |A1+A2ei(-φ+δ)|2 Proof of existence of complex numbers… Niels Tuning (28)

29 B0→J/ψKs B-system - Time-dependent CP asymmetry BaBar (2002)
Niels Tuning (29) BaBar (2002)

30 Consistency with other measurements in (r,h) plane
4-fold ambiguity because we measure sin(2b), not b Prices measurement of sin(2β) agrees perfectly with other measurements and CKM model assumptions The CKM model of CP violation experimentally confirmed with high precision! 2 1 without sin(2b) h 3 4 r Method as in Höcker et al, Eur.Phys.J.C21: ,2001 Niels Tuning (30)

31 βs: Bs0 ® J/yφ : Bs0 analogue of B0 ® J/yK0S
Replace spectator quark d  s Niels Tuning (31)

32 βs: Bs0 ® J/yφ : Bs0 analogue of B0 ® J/yK0S
Niels Tuning (32)

33 Remember: The “Bs-triangle”: βs
Replace d by s: Niels Tuning (33)

34 βs: Bs0 ® J/yφ : Bs0 analogue of B0 ® J/yK0S
Differences: B0 B0s CKM Vtd Vts ΔΓ ~0 ~0.1 Final state (spin) K0 : s=0 φ: s=1 Final state (K) K0 mixing - Niels Tuning (34)

35 βs: Bs0 ® J/yφ A║ A┴ A0 B0 B0s CKM Vtd Vts ΔΓ ~0 ~0.1
Vts large, oscilations fast, need good vertex detector A║ A0 A┴ l=2 l=1 l=0 3 amplitudes B0 B0s CKM Vtd Vts ΔΓ ~0 ~0.1 Final state (spin) K0 : s=0 φ: s=1 Final state (K) K0 mixing - Niels Tuning (35)

36 “Recent” excitement (5 March 2008)
Niels Tuning (36)

37 Bs  J/ψФ : Bs equivalent of B J/ψKs !
The mixing phase (Vtd): φd=2β B0  f B0  B0  f Wolfenstein parametrization to O(λ5): Niels Tuning (37)

38 Bs  J/ψФ : Bs equivalent of B J/ψKs !
The mixing phase (Vts): φs=-2βs B0  f B0  B0  f Vts - s Ф Bs Bs Ф s s s Vts Wolfenstein parametrization to O(λ5): Niels Tuning (38)

39 Bs  J/ψФ : Bs equivalent of B J/ψKs !
The mixing phase (Vts): φs=-2βs B0  f B0  B0  f Vts - s Ф Bs Bs Ф s s s Vts Niels Tuning (39)

40 Measure γ: B0s  DsK-/+ : both λf and λf
2 + Γ(Bf)= 2 + Γ(B f )= NB: In addition B s  DsK-/+ : both λ f and λf Niels Tuning (40)

41 Measure γ: Bs  DsK-/+ --- first one f: Ds+K-
This time | Af||Af|, so |λ|1 ! In fact, not only magnitude, but also phase difference: Niels Tuning (41)

42 Measure γ: Bs  DsK-/+ B0s  Ds-K+ has phase difference ( - ):
Need B0s  Ds+K- to disentangle  and : Niels Tuning (42)

43 Next CP violation in decay CP violation in mixing
CP violation in interference

44 γ B - → D0 K- (Time integrated) Bs0 → DsK+- (Time dependent)
( ) B - → D0 K- (Time integrated) Bs0 → DsK+- (Time dependent) Necessary ingredients for CP violation: Two (interfering) amplitudes Phase difference between amplitudes one CP conserving phase (‘strong’ phase) one CP violating phase (‘weak’ phase)

45 γ (GLW) D0K+ fCPK+ B+ GLW: CP eigenstate: D0→ K+K-(ππ) bc favoured
Vub* Vcb* ( ) B- →D0K- Relative phase: γ B+ D0K+ fCPK+ bc favoured bu suppressed GLW: CP eigenstate: D0→ K+K-(ππ)

46 γ (GLW) D0K+ fCPK+ B+ GLW: CP eigenstate: D0→ K+K-(ππ) bc favoured
Vub* Vcb* ( ) B- →D0K- Relative phase: γ B+ D0K+ fCPK+ bc favoured bu suppressed GLW: CP eigenstate: D0→ K+K-(ππ)

47 γ (GLW) D0K+ fCPK+ B+ GLW: CP eigenstate: D0→ K+K-(ππ) bc favoured
bu suppressed GLW: CP eigenstate: D0→ K+K-(ππ)

48 γ (ADS) D0K+ B+ ADS: K-π+K+ B or D Cabibbo favoured: D0→ K+π-
Vub* Vcb* ( ) B- →D0K- Relative phase: γ B+ D0K+ bc favoured bu suppressed K-π+K+ Cabibbo supp. Cabibbo allowed. ADS: B or D Cabibbo favoured: D0→ K+π-

49 γ (ADS) D0K+ B+ ADS: K-π+K+ B or D Cabibbo favoured: D0→ K+π-
Vub* Vcb* ( ) B- →D0K- Relative phase: γ B+ D0K+ bc favoured bu suppressed K-π+K+ Cabibbo supp. Cabibbo allowed. ADS: B or D Cabibbo favoured: D0→ K+π- “Difference in suppression” “Average suppression”

50 γ (ADS) D0K+ B+ ADS: K-π+K+ B or D Cabibbo favoured: D0→ K+π-
Suppressed mode for the B- is relatively more suppressed than for the B+… B+ D0K+ bc favoured K-π+K+ Cabibbo supp. Cabibbo allowed. bu suppressed ADS: B or D Cabibbo favoured: D0→ K+π- BR~ 2 x 10-7

51 CP violation in Decay? (also known as: “direct CPV”)
First observation of Direct CPV in B decays (2004): BABAR hep-ex/ Phys.Rev.Lett.93:131801,2004 4.2s BABAR HFAG: ACP = ± 0.012 Niels Tuning (51)

52 CP violation in Decay? (also known as: “direct CPV”)
First observation of Direct CPV in B decays at LHC (2011): LHCb LHCb-CONF LHCb Niels Tuning (52)

53 2 amplitudes 2 phases Remember!
Necessary ingredients for CP violation: Two (interfering) amplitudes Phase difference between amplitudes one CP conserving phase (‘strong’ phase) one CP violating phase (‘weak’ phase) 2 amplitudes 2 phases Niels Tuning (53)

54 Direct CP violation: Γ( B0 f) ≠ Γ(B0f )
CP violation if Γ( B0 f) ≠ Γ(B0f ) But: need 2 amplitudes  interference Amplitude 1 Amplitude 2 + Only different if both δ and γ are ≠0 !  Γ( B0 f) ≠ Γ( B0f ) Niels Tuning (54)

55 Hint for new physics? B0Kπ and BKπ0
Redo the experiment with B instead of B0… d or u spectator quark: what’s the difference ?? B0Kπ Average 3.6s ? B+Kπ Average Niels Tuning (55)

56 Hint for new physics? B0Kπ and BKπ0
Niels Tuning (56)

57 Hint for new physics? B0Kπ and BKπ0
T (tree) C (color suppressed) P (penguin) B0→K+π- B+→K+π0 Niels Tuning (57)

58 Next CP violation in decay CP violation in mixing
CP violation in interference

59 CP violation in Mixing? (also known as: “indirect CPV”: ε≠0 in K-system)
Look for like-sign lepton pairs: t=0 t Decay gVcb* gVcb Niels Tuning (59)

60 (limit on) CP violation in B0 mixing
Look for a like-sign asymmetry: As expected, no asymmetry is observed… Niels Tuning (60)

61 2 amplitudes 2 phases Remember!
Necessary ingredients for CP violation: Two (interfering) amplitudes Phase difference between amplitudes one CP conserving phase (‘strong’ phase) one CP violating phase (‘weak’ phase) 2 amplitudes 2 phases Niels Tuning (61)

62 CP violation in Bs0 Mixing??
D0 Coll., Phys.Rev.D82:032001,2010. arXiv: CP violation in Bs0 Mixing?? b s “Box” diagram: ΔB=2 φsSM ~ 0.004 φsSMM ~ 0.04 Niels Tuning (62)

63 CP violation from Semi-leptonic decays
SM: P(B0s→B0s) = P(B0s←B0s) DØ: P(B0s→B0s) ≠ P(B0s←B0s) ? b→Xμ-ν, b→Xμ+ν b→b → Xμ+ν, b→ b → Xμ-ν Compare events with like-sign μμ Two methods: Measure asymmetry of events with 1 muon Measure asymmetry of events with 2 muons Switching magnet polarity helps in reducing systematics But…: Decays in flight, e.g. K→μ K+/K- asymmetry

64 CP violation from Semi-leptonic decays
SM: P(B0s→B0s) = P(B0s←B0s) DØ: P(B0s→B0s) ≠ P(B0s←B0s) ? B0s→Ds±X0μν

65 More β… Niels Tuning (65)

66 Time? Niels Tuning (66)

67 Other ways of measuring sin2β
Need interference of bc transition and B0 –B0 mixing Let’s look at other bc decays to CP eigenstates: All these decay amplitudes have the same phase (in the Wolfenstein parameterization) so they (should) measure the same CP violation Niels Tuning (67)

68 CP in interference with BφKs
Same as B0J/ψKs : Interference between B0→fCP and B0→B0→fCP For example: B0→J/ΨKs and B0→B0→ J/ΨKs For example: B0→φKs and B0→B0→ φKs Amplitude 1 Amplitude 2 + e-iφ Niels Tuning (68)

69 CP in interference with BφKs: what is different??
Same as B0J/ψKs : Interference between B0→fCP and B0→B0→fCP For example: B0→J/ΨKs and B0→B0→ J/ΨKs For example: B0→φKs and B0→B0→ φKs Amplitude 1 Amplitude 2 + e-iφ Niels Tuning (69)

70 Penguin diagrams Nucl. Phys. B131: Niels Tuning (70)

71 Penguins?? The original penguin: A real penguin: Our penguin:
Niels Tuning (71)

72 Funny Flying Penguin Dead Penguin Penguin T-shirt: Super Penguin:
Niels Tuning (72)

73  The “b-s penguin” Asymmetry in SM B0J/ψKS B0φKS b s
μ “Penguin” diagram: ΔB=1 … unless there is new physics! New particles (also heavy) can show up in loops: Can affect the branching ratio And can introduce additional phase and affect the asymmetry Niels Tuning (73)

74 ? Hint for new physics?? B J/ψ Ks φ Ks B sin2β sin2βpeng g,b,…? ~~
d c s φ Ks B s b d t ? g,b,…? ~~ sin2βbccs = ± 0.03 sin2βpeng = ± 0.05 sin2β sin2βpeng Niels Tuning (74) S.T’Jampens, CKM fitter, Beauty2006


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