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Mediterranean Europe All roads lead to Rome!.

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1 Mediterranean Europe All roads lead to Rome!

2 Mediterranean Europe Consists of Portugal, Spain, Italy, Monaco, Malta, Vatican City, Andorra, and Greece Mild climate Located along the Mediterranean sea

3 History Ancient Greece Roman Empire Birthplace of Democracy
City-state: political unit made up of a city and its surrounding lands Athenian democracy inspired the U.S. system of Government Roman Empire Ruled most of the Italian Peninsula in 275 B.C.E Rome was a republic: government in which citizens elect representatives to rule in their name

4 History Crusades: (1096) Holy Wars between Islam and Christianity
Age of Exploration Spain and Portugal Renaissance: (16th century) Began in the Italian city-states Rebirth of learning and arts

5 Government Most have elected governments Vatican City- Theocracy
Republics Democracies Parliamentary Systems Vatican City- Theocracy

6 Economy Less industrial that Northern and Western Europe Fishing
Agriculture: olives, grapes, citrus, and wheat Manufacturing is increasing Textiles, automobiles, shoes, and clothing Low energy resources Rely on outside countries

7 Religion Greece is mostly Eastern Orthodox Christianity
Roman Catholicism is strong in Italy, Spain, and Portugal Muslim presence in Spain

8 Culture Romance languages Classical architecture
Renaissance art and music Mass urbanization causing issues today

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