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Audience Chat Question 1

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1 Audience Chat Question 1
What would you like to get out of this Webinar? Please respond in the chat window This chat window is on the opening layout, along with the file download pod.

2 Opportunities for WIRED Regions to Serve Disadvantaged Populations
WIRED TAT Webinar Series Tuesday July 21, 2009 at 2PM ET

3 Webinar Platform: Participant View
Presentation Slide Area Attendee List Chat Room WELCOME SLIDE FACILITATOR: There are 5 areas that I would like to call to your attention: The first is the Presentation Slide area; it’s where the main visual content for the webinar will appear and it will be the main focus of your attention throughout the webinar. The second is the Attendee List; it’s located on the top left of your screen and it displays a list of all attendees of this webinar. The third area is the Chat Room, also at the left of the screen, directly below the attendee list, it allows you to ask questions, or make comments during the webinar. We are using a ONE-WAY conference call for the audio portion of this webinar—you can hear the presenters, but they cannot hear you. Due to the large number of attendees, and to control background noise and interruptions, we’re going to rely on this CHAT feature to solicit your questions throughout the session. Those of you attending with a group will want to designate a “scribe” to represent your group by entering questions as they occur ANY TIME throughout the session. Your questions are automatically transmitted to the presenters and will be answered during dedicated question and answer periods. The fourth area is the Status Options Toolbar located at the bottom left of your monitor. Once you click the drop-down arrow, you’ll be presented with a few options to choose from so that you can give the speakers real-time feedback in a shorthand way. The fifth area is the Full Screen option. If you select the Full Screen option, the PPT will enlarge. If any images or text appear too small, please select the Full Screen option, but please keep in mind that you won’t be able to use the Chat to submit any questions unless you deselect the Full Screen option when you are in Full Screen mode. IF POLLING WILL BE CONDUCTED, INFORM USERS THE POLLING WINDOWS WILL NOT APPEAR IF THE USER IS IN FULL SCREEN MODE. IF SCREEN SHARING WILL BE CONDUCTED, INFORM USERS THAT WHAT IS BEING BROADCAST WILL NOT APPEAR IF THE USER IS IN FULL SCREEN MODE. (Click to next slide) Full Screen Status Options

4 Submitting Questions To submit a question or comment, type the question in the text field and click the arrow button. Please enter the name to whom the question is directed. Your name, the text “Submitted Question,” and your question will appear in red on your screen, indicating successful submission. Questions are directly transmitted to presenters—no other participants will see your questions. Text Field CLOSED CHAT SLIDE FACILITATOR: To submit a question using the Chat feature, type the question in the text box and click the arrow button to submit. When you submit a question, your name, the text “Submitted Question,” and your question will appear in red on your screen, indicating successful submission. Note that questions are directly transmitted to presenters—no other participants will see your questions. Again, please be sure to enter your questions at ANY TIME throughout our session. We’ll make time to answer as many of them as possible during the session. (Click to next slide) Gary, where can I find today’s PPT? Arrow Button

5 Practice In the Chat Room, please type the name of your organization, your location, and how many people are attending with you today. PRACTICE SLIDE FACILITATOR: In order to get an idea of who is attending this webinar with us today, and to give you a chance to practice using the Chat feature, please type the name of your organization, your location, and how many people are attending with you today in the Chat Room, and then click the arrow button to submit your entry. (NOTE: WAIT FOR RESPONSES TO BEGIN APPEARING IN PRESENTER CHAT, ACKNOWLEDGE SOME OF THOSE RESPONSES, AND CLICK TO NEXT SLIDE)

6 How to Participate in Polls
POLLING INSTRUCTIONS SLIDE FACILITATOR: If you’d like to participate in today’s poll(s): Wait for the polling window to appear on your screen. Once the polling window appears, read the question/polling topic or wait for the polling question/topic to be read to you. Select the option beneath the question/polling topic that best suits your answer by “mousing” over and left-clicking the radio button located to the left of your selection options. Some polls may allow you to choose more than one selection. If so, you will be informed that you may select as many choices as are available. If the selection you’d like to make isn’t represented as an option in the polling window, please use the Chat window to type in your response to the poll. (Click to next slide)

7 Access to Webinar Resources
Recordings and transcripts are available within 2 business days after the event. & Password WEBINAR RESOURCES SLIDE FACILITATOR: To access today’s recording once it’s posted, log in to your Workforce3 One account. Once you log into your account, you’ll automatically be taken to your Dashboard page. Under the Attended Events section of your Dashboard page, you’ll see the titles of the webinar sessions you’ve registered to attend. To access a specific session’s recording, transcript, PPT, and any handouts that were made available before the webinar or any new resources made available after the webinar, “mouse” over and left-click the session title. Please note: The recording and transcript of today’s webinar will be posted within two business days, and other resources for download will be posted as they become available. (Click to next slide)

8 Presenters Moderator:
Gina King Wells, Office of Workforce Investment, Employment and Training Administration Presenters: Vinz Koller Social Policy Research Associates Michelle Derr, Mathematica, MPR Elizabeth Lower-Basch, CLASP

9 Today’s Agenda HHS Funding Opportunities under ARRA ETA Funding Opportunities under the ARRA Questions & Answers Next Steps and Dialog: How to Build Opportunities for Disadvantaged Populations

10 WIRED TAT Project to Reach Hard-to-Serve Populations
Project Overview WIRED TAT Project to Reach Hard-to-Serve Populations Vinz Koller, Director of Training and Technical Assistance Social Policy Research Associates 10

11 WIRED TAT Grantees

12 How will Technical Assistance be provided?
Phone Check-ins Site Visits Webinars Issue Papers and Updates

13 Examples of Technical Assistance
For Example: Content expertise in the areas of your target population. Analysis and referral of information on promising practices. Peer-to-peer matching. Training for partners staff in reaching new populations and in adapting services for those populations. Assistance in developing strategic plans to help reach new populations.

14 Audience Polling Question 1
We are interested in knowing what your role is in WIRED (Select All That Apply): WIRED Region Lead/ Director. WIRED Partner/ Workforce Development. WIRED Partner/ Human Services/ TANF WIRED Partner/ Economic Development WIRED Partner/ Business Other: Please indicate in the chat window your specific role

15 DOL Related Funding Sources
What For Whom Workforce Investment Act Adult, Youth, Dislocated Workers Youth Build Green Jobs Pathways out of Poverty Community Service Employment Older Americans Trade Adjustment Act Dislocated workers Unemployment Insurance Unemployed Earned Income Tax Credit American Opportunity Tax Credit Work Opportunity Tax Credit Making Work Pay Tax Credit National Emergency Grants Dislocated Workers

16 Opportunities in ARRA for Disadvantaged Populations
ETA Perspective Gina King Wells, Workforce Analyst Office of Workforce Investment, ETA 16

17 New emphasis on dual-customer approach in One Stop Career Centers
Connect to ARRA Employment and Training Resources New emphasis on dual-customer approach in One Stop Career Centers Priority of Service for low-income populations for WIA Adult programs Emphasis on training and use of supportive services and needs-related payments Youth programs extended to youth up to age 24 Summer Youth Employment

18 Opportunities in ARRA for Disadvantaged Populations
TANF Perspective Michelle Derr, Senior Researcher Mathematica Policy Research (MPR) 18

19 HHS Related Funding Sources
What For Whom TANF Emergency Contingency Fund TANF Recipients and Low-Income Families Childcare Development Block Grant Low-Income Families Medicaid Transitional Medical Assistance Community Services Block Grant Low-Income Individuals or Families

20 Audience Polling Question
How aware are you of TANF Emergency Funding available through the Recovery Act? We are experts. We have some knowledge. Never heard of it, tell me more.

21 TANF Opportunities in the Recovery Act Elizabeth Lower-Basch,
Presenter TANF Opportunities in the Recovery Act Elizabeth Lower-Basch, Senior Policy Analyst CLASP 21

22 A Short History of TANF In 1996, TANF replaced AFDC – “welfare reform” Most states adopted “work-first” approaches that de-emphasized education and training Welfare caseloads dropped dramatically. Share of TANF block grant spent on cash assistance declined sharply, funds shifted to child care and other services for low-income families. 2005 reauthorization increased relevance of work participation rate requirements.

23 Less Spending on Basic Assistance
1997 Spending – TANF and MOE 2007 Spending –TANF and MOE

24 Range of different relationships
TANF and WIA Range of different relationships Same agencies Contractual relationship to provide services Minimal connections “Work-first” approach from TANF often carried over into WIA programs TANF agencies worry about participation rates: need to track hours WIA agencies worry about outcome measures

25 What TANF Agencies Bring
Participants who need work Experience at assessing and responding to barriers to employment. Flexible funding stream that can provide a range of supportive services to participants – child care, transportation, uniforms, substance abuse treatment, etc. Most states’ block grants are committed to existing programs, but ARRA Emergency Fund provides new resources.

26 TANF Emergency Fund States will receive 80 percent of increases in spending in one or more of three areas: Assistance Non-recurrent, short-term benefits Subsidized employment States can receive up to 50 percent of block grant over two years from Emergency Fund and Contingency Fund combined Total pool of $5 billion States can apply for funds for upcoming quarter based on projected spending

27 Can only qualify under assistance if caseload has risen vs. 07 or 08
Wall Street Journal, June 22, 2009

28 Non-recurrent short-term benefits
Car purchase or repair Uniforms or tools to start a job or training One time payment when starting job or leaving TANF for work Energy assistance – prevent utility shutoffs Homelessness prevention – first and last month’s rent, security deposit, moving costs Back to school clothing allowance

29 Subsidized Employment
Direct payments to employers Third party as employer of record Work-study jobs for college students Summer jobs for youth Transitional jobs combine real work, skill development, and supportive services, to transition participants into the labor market. Supported work for individuals with disabilities

30 Not Limited to TANF Recipients
TANF and MOE funds can be used to provide services to low-income families, including non-custodial parents, regardless of cash assistance receipt. Wage subsidy and short-term non-recurrent benefits are not “assistance” – do not trigger TANF time limits, work requirements, data reporting.

31 What Costs can be Claimed as Subsidized Employment?
Based on the ACF-196 category for “work subsidies.” “Payments to employers or third parties to help cover the cost of employee wages, benefits, supervision or training.” HHS specifically directs states to include “all expenditures related to operating a subsidized employment program, including the cost of overseeing the program, developing work sites, and providing training to participants.”

32 What Counts for Emergency Fund?
Combined MOE/TANF spending Must be an increase over comparable quarter in FY 07 or 08 Can be spending from Contingency Fund Can be redirected from other TANF categories Can be third-party spending claimed as MOE

33 What Can WIRED Grantees Do?
Most states are unlikely to exhaust their Emergency Fund allotments, so will be open to new proposals if you can provide the 20 percent non-federal share (can be in-kind). Help connect TANF agencies to employers who might use subsidized workers Act as employer of record for subsidized employment Add internships to existing programs Think big: layoff prevention?

34 Q and As on the TANF Emergency Contingency Fund:
Contact Information for CLASP CLASP th St, NW Suite 400 Washington, DC 20005 For more information: Elizabeth Lower-Basch Q and As on the TANF Emergency Contingency Fund: Making the Employment Connection: New Opportunities to Support Transitional Jobs Programs Using the TANF Emergency Fund

35 Possible Next Steps to Reach Disadvantaged Populations
1. Assess your current efforts and needs 2. Find partners (internal and external) 3. Convene Partners 4. Indentify opportunities jointly 5. Develop strategies for systemic transformation 6. Implement!

36 Audience Chat Question
Based on what you heard, what opportunities do you see to leverage ARRA funds to serve disadvantaged populations in your region? What resources or supports would you need to carry this out? What is one step that you will take after this Webinar? Switch to Open Chat Lay-Out Please respond in the chat window.

37 Project Contacts Gina King Wells Workforce Analyst
(202) Vinz Koller, Project Director, WIA Content Expert, SPR (831) Michelle Derr Senior Researcher, TANF Content Expert, MPR (202)

38 Please enter your questions into the Chat Room!
Question and Answer Period (ADVANCE SLIDE) Please enter your questions into the Chat Room!

39 Please respond in the chat window
Audience Chat Question 3 What kind of future webinar topics would you like to see? Please respond in the chat window Keep this chat question up through the end of the webinar and a bit beyond.

40 Share Your Ideas with Your Peers!
Simply log on to Workforce3 One and look for the “Share Content” link located on the Homepage. Share your demand-driven strategic plans, models, innovations, resources, and ideas! SHARE YOUR IDEAS SLIDE FACILITATOR: Workforce3 One is a tool built for you and BY you, encouraging peer-to-peer learning and engagement among our multiple communities. The success of Workforce3 One depends on your contributions! Share your ideas, innovations, and more with others. We welcome suggestions for documents to share, programs to feature, and any relevant news or information you’d like to exchange with your colleagues. To submit your content, visit the Suggest Content page on the Workforce3 One webspace, which is located at the URL featured on this slide. (Click to next slide) Submit your content to Workforce3 One at:

41 Access to Webinar Resources
Recordings and transcripts are available within 2 business days after the event. & Password WEBINAR RESOURCES SLIDE FACILITATOR: To access today’s recording once it’s posted, log in to your Workforce3 One account. Once you log into your account, you’ll automatically be taken to your Dashboard page Under the Attended Events section of your Dashboard page, you’ll see the titles of the webinar sessions you’ve registered to attend To access a specific session’s recording, transcript, PPT, and any handouts that were made available before the webinar or any new resources made available after the webinar, “mouse” over and left-click the session title. Please note: The recording and transcript of today’s webinar will be posted within two business days, and other resources for download will be posted as they become available. (Click to next slide)

42 Stay Informed, Get Connected!
Workforce3 One: Communities of Practice Recovery Clearinghouse Live and Archived Webinars Podcasts Monthly Newsletters Thousands of User-Generated Resources! For more information about the Workforce Investment System: Visit Call US2-JOBS STAY INFORMED/GET CONNECTED SLIDE FACILITATOR: As already noted, you can learn more and stay connected with trends and innovations by logging into Workforce3 One and our: Reemployment Works, Regional Innovation Grants, Registered Apprenticeship, and Driving Transformation Communities of Practice, but if you also want to get up to speed about what’s happening with the American Recovery & Reinvestment Act and how it might affect you, please visit the Recovery Clearinghouse section of Workforce3 One. You can also register to participate in live webinars or visit our archive of past webinars, which feature leaders and experts from industry and government. We also have podcasts for you to listen to from your computer, or you can even download them if you’re on the go! We encourage you to make note of Workforce3 One: It’s a powerful tool, funded by ETA and “powered” by YOU, so if you aren’t already registered, please register for our monthly newsletter so you can be updated about upcoming events and be informed about what’s happening in your field. Also, be sure to visit our database of resources, thousands of which were supplied by you, the Workforce3 One community! You can also learn more about the Workforce Investment System by visiting or by calling US2-JOBS. (Click to next slide)

FACILITATOR/MODERATOR NAME HERE: On behalf of Workforce3 One and today’s presenters, I’d like to conclude today’s session by thanking you all for your time, and we look forward to seeing you on future webinars! Thank you. (End)

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