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From Villain to Hero to Villain to …

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1 From Villain to Hero to Villain to …
Napoleon Bonaparte From Villain to Hero to Villain to …

2 Aftermath to the Terror- Another New Constitution
A new government called the Directory emerged after the horrors of the terror A new constitution in 1795 created a bicameral legislative system The executive consisted of five directors, chosen from one of the houses (one of which was replaced each year)

3 The Directory The directory controlled local administrations but included a separation of powers The new constitution guaranteed freedom of religion, freedom of the press, and freedom of labour armed assemblies and public meetings of political societies (Jacobin Clubs) were forbidden

4 Divisions and Successes
The Directory merely replicated the divisions of the old National Assembly and Legislative Assembly (Jacobins and Moderates) Successes were in military affairs, Victory and or peace deals with the Italian states, Spain and even Austria

5 The End of the Directory
In 1799 Austria and Russia planned on invading France and once again attempted to restore the Bourbon monarchy Napoleon’s adventure in Egypt had weakened the French army It seemed likely that the Jacobins would return to power

6 Coup of 18 Brumaire 9 November 1799
Began as a strategy to prevent the Jacobins from taking power General Napoleon Bonaparte returns from France a Hero Napoleon plotted to take power once the coup d'état was complete Three of the 5 directors resign (the 2 Jacobins refuse and are arrested)

7 19 Brumaire Escorted by a small army Napoleon stormed the council chambers of the council of 500 Napoleon was assaulted and barely escaped The guards of the deputies then came to Napoleon's aid and the assembly was disbanded

8 Aftermath The Final Act of the council of Ancients was to appoint Napoleon and his followers (Sieyès and Ducos as provisional consuls) for three months Resistance by the Jacobins was quickly crushed Napoleon drew up the Constitution of the Year VIII which omitted the Declaration of Rights

9 First Consul As First Consul Napoleon appointed the Senate which ultimately gave him total power

10 Background Born in Corsica Born 15 August 1769 Dies 5 May 1821
Married Joséphine de Beauharnais in 1796

11 Background Joséphine was unable to produce an heir
Napoleon divorced her and remarried in March 1810 Marie Louise, Archduchess of Austria, and a great niece of Marie Antoinette This marriage did produce an heir when on 20 March, 1811, Marie Louise gave birth to a son, Napoléon François Joseph Charles Bonaparte,

12 Reforms Napoleon undertook many reforms Lycée School System
A new tax system The Bank of France (Central Bank) Civil laws (the Napoleonic Code) Road and sewer systems National French

13 Empire Napoleon’s reforms made him very popular
In a vote held in 1804 Napoleon was declared First Consul for life In Referendum Napoleon received more than 98% support 1804 A new Constitution for France designed as an empire with Napoleon first Emperor

14 Napoleonic Wars Napoleon began to expand France
His Brothers were appointed Kings of Italy and Spain and his sisters were married off into other royal families In an attempt to control French expansion wars throughout Napoleon’s reign included Austria, Prussia, Russia, and Great Britain


16 Continental System A trade embargo to prevent French controlled territories from trading with Great Britain Had limited success and for the most part punished France and her colonies more then Britain

17 The End In 1812 Napoleon invaded Russia
Unprepared for Russian winters Napoleon’s forces eventually withdraws Many die on the return to France Casualties are more then 500,000 men

18 Defeat Napoleon is defeated in 1814 and exiled to Elba

19 Return Napoleon returns to France in 1815 after escaping Elba and seizes power from Louis XVIII Louis XVIII had been restored to the throne after the defeat of Napoleon in 1814


21 The Hundred Days Napoleon ruled for a few months
A new coalition of forces defeated Napoleon’s troops for a second time at the battle of Waterloo Napoleon is again exiled, this time on the Island of St Helena until his death in 1821 probably from cancer


23 After Death and Legacy On 15 December 1840 Louis Philippe who had asked Great Britain for Napoleon’s body held a state funeral Napoleon’s legacy includes: Metric System Jewish emancipation (Freeing the Jewish people of Europe) Napoleonic Code National French Paper Money

24 Post 1815 to 1914 The European monarchs Austria, France, Great Britain, Russia, met and agreed to the congress of Vienna in 1815 The monarchs agreed to a international system that would prevent major wars and revolutions until World War One (the Great war) in 1914



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