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Coral Reefs
8:29A REEF HABITATS Coral reefs are only found on western boundary currents where water is warm, shallow, and clear with good light. The coral reef is able to exist in these POOR conditions because of complex symbiotic relationships. It is an "oasis" in the biological desert of tropical waters. The explosion of life in reefs are an exception not the rule. [[MY:COMPANY]]
There are different types of coral reefs:
1. Fringing reef - borders the coastlines ex: Florida Keys 2. Barrier reef - steep, sloped reef separated from the shore or island by a lagoon or channel ex: Great Barrier Reef 1000 miles long 3. Atoll - circular ring of reef surrounding a lagoon ex: many in Pacific and Caribbean [[MY:COMPANY]]
atolls barrier fringing [[MY:COMPANY]]
Fringing reef barrier [[MY:COMPANY]]
Darwin proposed that the 3 types of reefs are simply stages in the aging or evolution of reefs. Recent core samples show that reefs do not always form in this pattern. Daly's theory explains the formation of reefs as the result of changes in sea level during the ice age. [[MY:COMPANY]]
8:29 B Reef Zone 1. outer slope – good coral growth
2. buttress zone - heavy pounding of waves smashes all but the densest coral 3. algae ridge - coralline algae withstands wave pounding 4. reef flat - often exposed at low tide, good coral variety 5. leeward islands - dense coral due to lack of waves [[MY:COMPANY]]
Adaptations: Versatility, symbiosis and a variety of niches help reef organisms respond to an unproductive environment. [[MY:COMPANY]]
Reefs have no plants. Primary productivity is provided by the zooxanthellae, a dinoflagellate algae that has developed a mutualistic symbiosis within the coral animal. Corals provide protection for the algae. Coral waste products -carbon dioxide, nitrates and phosphate, - supply materials for photosynthesis. [[MY:COMPANY]]
8:29C .. return, the algae supplies the food and aids in calcium carbonate secretion of the coral skeleton. Competition is intense for space, light and nutrients. Habitat stratification around the fore reef, flats, forward wall and back reef provide for a variety of populations. [[MY:COMPANY]]
Reef fish are brightly colored to identify and attract mates.
.. return, the algae supplies the food and aids in calcium carbonate secretion of the coral skeleton. Competition is intense for space, light and nutrients. Habitat stratification around the fore reef, flats, forward wall and back reef provide for a variety of populations. Reef fish are brightly colored to identify and attract mates. . [[MY:COMPANY]]
Sex-changes are common among reef fish to provide enough mating couples.
Many are camouflaged to blend in with sponges and sea fans. Some are poisonous and are very aggressive [[MY:COMPANY]]
The process is called bioerosion - erosion is caused by living
The nocturnal - diurnal patterns, and natural disasters such as hurricanes also help reduce overcrowding. Some animals, like the crownof-thorn starfish, parrotfish, cowries and bristleworms, eat coral and pass it through their bodies to form sand. The process is called bioerosion - erosion is caused by living organisms. [[MY:COMPANY]]
Crown of thorns sea star
bristleworm parrotfish cowrie [[MY:COMPANY]]
8:30A PHYLUM PORIFERA Sponges are simplest invertebrate animal
- more than 5,000 species - mostly marine ,some fresh Their bodies contain pores thus the name "Porifera". [[MY:COMPANY]]
They are multicellular but organized at the cellular level only - without tissues or organs.
Yellow sponge [[MY:COMPANY]]
Beating flagella pump water through the pores bringing food and oxygen
Beating flagella pump water through the pores bringing food and oxygen. Sponges can pump volumes of water up to 20,000 times their own volume. This cleans the oceans as the sponges feed on bacteria and plankton. Digestion occurs in the amebocytes. Reproduction may be sexual or asexual. Asexual is by external buds or internal gemmules. Sexual is by broadcasting gametes into the water. [[MY:COMPANY]]
'The meroplanktonic larvae settle into sessile adults.
8:30B Three kinds of sponges have supporting
structures called spicules composed of: 1. calcium carbonate spines 2. silica spines 3. elastic fibers called spongin - only this type is used for commercial sponges [[MY:COMPANY]]
ex: (jellyfish, anemones, corals) - two tissue layers - an outer epidermis and inner gastroderm - nerve net with stinging capsules called nematocysts [[MY:COMPANY]]
Mushroom jelly [[MY:COMPANY]]
Moon jelly Stinging nettle Cannonball Jelly Comb jelly
Australian spotted [[MY:COMPANY]]
- two tissue layers - an outer epidermis and inner gastroderm - nerve net with stinging capsules called nematocysts meduasa Sea Anemone polyp Portuguese man-of-war a colonial Cnidarian [[MY:COMPANY]]
The Man-of-War has a gas filled float and individuals that function like specialized organs. Some are carnivores with digestion in food vacuoles. Portuguese man o war [[MY:COMPANY]]
8:30C The coral animal may live as a free-floating polyp or build colonies into reefs, but not all corals build reefs. [[MY:COMPANY]]
ex: brain, staghorn, golf ball
1. stony coral - hermatypic or reef builders. The polyp grows in 6 parts to form a body of calcium carbonate ex: brain, staghorn, golf ball [[MY:COMPANY]]
2. soft coral - polyps with 8 tentacles
While part of the reef, they do not build reefs because their bodies are a soft keratin. ex. sea fans, gorgonians 3. hydrocoral - false corals resemble the anemone and contain powerful neumatocysts that cause skin irritation ex: fire coral [[MY:COMPANY]]
As Chordates, fish have an incredible variety of characteristics. Most are covered with flat scales that fit into pockets in the skin and have a mucus coating. [[MY:COMPANY]]
Some lack scales or have tiny scales
Some lack scales or have tiny scales. Scales may be cycloid, ganoid or ctenoid types. Some can be reabsorbed if food is scarce. cycloid ganoid ctentoid [[MY:COMPANY]]
Scales contain chromatophores that cause color changes for _ camouflage, mating - species recognition or when stressed. Iridocytes contain reflecting granules. Cryptic colorafurn: false eye on butterfly fish, kelp fish; counter-shading, (dark on dorsal surface and light on ventral); camouflage; aid in survival [[MY:COMPANY]]
8:31B Circulation: 2 chambered heart,
most ectothermic; Tuna, barracuda and a few others maintain temperature higher (--10°) than environment so technically they are endothermic. [[MY:COMPANY]]
Gills help regulate the salt/water balance called osmoregulation.
Respiration: Water containing O2 flows over the gills in a different direction than blood so diffusion is maximized; muscles pump water through gills Gases from the blood and! 0 r gulped air are used to adjust buoyancy in the swim bladder. Several gill arches supporting gill rakers and gill filaments are covered by a flap called the operculum. Gills help regulate the salt/water balance called osmoregulation. [[MY:COMPANY]]
Gill arches Gill rakers Gill filaments [[MY:COMPANY]]
Vision: Poor to medium and usually only lateral.
The iris is not adjustable and lens protrudes through the pupil. [[MY:COMPANY]]
Some fish can detect and generate weak _ electrical currents.
This electro-perception is used to communicate in schooling, aids in migration, detecting and stunning prey. [[MY:COMPANY]]
detect movements and affect balance.
Hearing: Aided by the lateral line, the swim bladder and the otoliths (located in the inner ear) detect movements and affect balance. [[MY:COMPANY]]
Most of brain is olfactory lobes use for smell to find food.
Smell: Yes, especially if not fresh! Chemoreceptors are found on the mouth, lips, skin and fins. Most of brain is olfactory lobes use for smell to find food. [[MY:COMPANY]]
Reproduction: sexual, mostly external fertilization called spawning
Gonads - sac contains either sperm or eggs (roe). Sex reversal is common in reef fish [[MY:COMPANY]]
8:31D Tuna are exquisitely designed for speed and can swim at 45 mph for long periods. They have a foldable dorsal fin that fits into a groove making it flush with body to reduce drag when maneuvering. - must swim 65 cm/see with mouth open for ram ventilation [[MY:COMPANY]]
highest oxygen consumption rate in
ocean due to 30 times larger gills and l0 times larger heart than other fish - red blood cell count is equal to mammals - fastest recorded 1 minute dive to 85 ft. is possible because they lack swim bladder [[MY:COMPANY]]
_The fastest fish is generally thought to be sail fish clocked at 68 mph. Although some argue that a Bluefin tune is faster at 71 mph. [[MY:COMPANY]]
8:32 A MANGROVES John Steinbeck once called them "the tree nobody liked". But these smelly trees are critical biomass for 2 important coastal ecosystems. [[MY:COMPANY]]
Adaptations to their environment include:
Mangroves are salt-tolerant, woody trees with special roots for anchoring in anaerobic mud. Adaptations to their environment include: special salt extruding pores on the leaves; key deer lick the salt collected on the leaves [[MY:COMPANY]]
- waxy leaves to minimize evaporation; can be boiled for tea
- prop roots, pneumatophores, and woody stems. Few trees can remain in water without rotting - were used for ships, fence posts, etc. Tannic acid from the bark was used to tan hides. [[MY:COMPANY]]
- seeds that germinate on the trees, land in water and stay put
This builds new and larger islands. The beans could also be cooked and eaten like green beans. [[MY:COMPANY]]
8:32B It is easy to see why mangrove islands provided a self-sufficient _- home for Indians, ship-wrecked sailors and natives. There are 3 kinds of mangrove trees, who succession is often followed by a related tree called the buttonwood. [[MY:COMPANY]]
red mangrove - pioneer community
2. black mangrove - juvenile community 3. white mangrove - mature community white red black [[MY:COMPANY]]
As leaves fall from the tree, bacteria
turn the detritus into nutrients. The prop roots of the red mangrove trap the detritus. The prop root area creates a habitat for plankton, shrimp, lobsters and build a food chain for marine fish and birds. [[MY:COMPANY]]
The islands grow as more sediments are added to the coastline.
Red mangroves' seedlings drop around the perimeter of the trees and gradually build islands. The islands grow as more sediments are added to the coastline. [[MY:COMPANY]]
Black mangroves move into the drier centers of these islands
Black mangroves move into the drier centers of these islands. They stabilize mud into soil for the white mangrove trees, who only tolerate limited salt water. Since 1940's, Florida has lost 86% of mangrove areas. When these trees were removed, coastal areas experienced heavy erosion and some islands disappeared completely. [[MY:COMPANY]]
Perhaps, their greatest value is in trapping sediment runoff into the sea that would suffocate coral and destroy the reefs. These valuable trees are now protected from cutting, pruning or removal. [[MY:COMPANY]]
Bye, bye til next time [[MY:COMPANY]]
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