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Geert Bruinooge Deputy Director-General Statistics Netherlands

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Presentation on theme: "Geert Bruinooge Deputy Director-General Statistics Netherlands"— Presentation transcript:

1 Geert Bruinooge Deputy Director-General Statistics Netherlands
International Seminar on Timeliness, Methodology and Comparability of Rapid Estimates of Economic Trends Ottawa, May 2009 Geert Bruinooge Deputy Director-General Statistics Netherlands

2 SESSION 4; Extrapolation, modelling, econometric and sampling techniques used in the preparations of rapid estimates

3 The professionalism of statisticians is judged by their capacity to combine a high degree of reliability with satisfactory rapidity free quote from: “Understanding NATIONAL ACCOUNTS”, OECD

4 Quote: “I want to know today, what happened yesterday” Central banker, February 2009

5 Different approaches Rapid indicators of monthly GDP
Economic models forecasting main economic variables Surveys Composite indicators Separate indicators for parts of economy

6 Monthly estimates of GDP
Use of well established statistical methods New rapid estimates for white spots International effort to provide common methodology and framework

7 Economic models forecasting main economic variables
Forecasts may prove wrong Exogenous data may contain errors Model may be subject to error Model may fail due to structural break in economic development Forecasts may jeopardize public trust in NSI’s NSI’s shouldn’t forecast but stop at now casts

8 Surveys Surveys are useful for information on the present and near future state of the economy Representative surveys with low sampling variability are costly and lack timeliness Many NSI’s have to use data registers and administrations (VAT, wage tax)

9 Composite indicators Composite indicators present already available data in consistent and coherent way Composite indicators consist of coincident, leading and lagging indicators Careful selection of variables

10 Separate indicators Separate indicators linked to specific characteristics of countries Examples: Freight (by container, by air, by road) Mobile call minutes Visitor arrivals New cars registration Floor area under construction Production of cement ATM cash withdrawals, electronic payments Careful selection of indicators based on sharp criteria

11 Concluding remarks Different approaches Promising results
Much work to be done “Proof of the pudding is in the eating” International comparability

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