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2017-2018 School Year.

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1 School Year

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3 K-4 Math Curriculum: Singapore Math
Learning Objectives: NC Math standards Philosophy: Why Before How Concrete, pictorial, and abstract mastery Number sense fluency, mental math fluency, multiple ways of representation

4 Examples of CPA

5 Modeling drawing example

6 Assistant Reallocation
We analyzed our use of our K-2 assistant teachers and discovered that on average, they were being utilized for 70% of the instructional day in our previous model. K-1 one full time assistant in each class K-1 one full time assistant dedicated to each grade and additional instructional support for language arts and math differentiation from a support staff member 2nd one part time assistant in each class 2nd one part time assistant in each class (same model) 3rd-4th a part time assistant working in the math classes to support instructional differentiation 5th-8th will receive administrative support from assistants weekly K-4 an assistant in every PE class Technology-assistants help in K-1 classes each week

7 Assistant Reallocation
Allows us to be good stewards of our budget with no increase cost to the budget Allows us to better meet our mission of stronger differentiated instruction in more classes Reduces student teacher ratios across K-4

8 Foreign Language K-1 Why Chinese:
We made a decision to change the layout of our K-1 foreign language program for several reasons: Strategic plan and curriculum analysis including enrichments-determined that two languages in the early grades is not effective-our students were not exhibiting proficiency in either Chinese or Spanish through this model young children are still mastering the English language and need a large focus on English language instruction-this allows us to add an additional 40 minutes per week for ELA instruction With the recommendations of “Foreign Language in the Elementary Schools” programming, we can focus over 90 minutes a week on the foreign language program we will have this year, which is the minimum time requirements for effective programming. 3x a week for 35 minute class periods versus 2x a week for 50 minute class periods (not effective due to limited attention spans) Why Chinese: Logographic language proficiency versus alphabetic language proficiency Survey results from parent community last spring in relation to options of Chinese, Spanish, or both were divided equally among choosing just Chinese, just Spanish, or keeping both. This resulted in administration making the decision for Chinese based on research and what will be viewed as the most effective for our students in K-1.

9 Technology Instruction
With the change in foreign language, this allowed for technology instruction in K-1as an additional enrichment 1 day a week for 40 minutes Mrs. Chapman is the lead teacher with the help of an assistant Introduction to hardware, software and applications for research and project based learning 1 Ipad cart for both kindergartens and 1 for first grades so that our technology is 2:1 this year; also includes new Smart Panels in classrooms and 3 desk top computers each in classroom

10 PE 3 x a week for 40 minutes with assistant
The change in foreign language instruction also allowed for additional PE instruction in K-1 each week 3 x a week for 40 minutes with assistant Focus on gross motor skills, cooperation, skill development, healthy living objectives

11 SEL (social/emotional learning)
whole school announcements structure Buddy classes Curriculum: Second Step 20 minutes daily Major goal is to develop a K-8 scope and sequence for Scholars Academy Learn more at the Coffee with the Counselor in October

12 Differentiation in math K-4
What that looks like in the classroom K-2: differentiated, flexible small group instruction with additional support brought into the classroom What that looks like in the 3-4 classroom is placing students in classes based on their learning style, pace of instruction, and instructional delivery needs and providing flexible differentiation within these two classes with additional support brought into the classroom Flexible math class placements over the 3-6th grades-year over year Both classes are learning above traditional grade level standards

13 Expansion meeting reminder
7:00 pm this evening Same place

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