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Presentation on theme: "Lighting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lighting

2 Lighting

3 Lighting Main light Fill light Rim light Hair light Background light

4 Lighting Main light It is essentially that ! It’s the most important light because it illuminates a major portion of the image. All the other lights are constructed around this light. So if shooting a still life or a person, the first light to be put in position is your main light.

5 Lighting Fill light The fill lights function is to basically relieve the shadow areas created by the main light, thereby reducing the contrast. This light produces detail in the shadow area. Sometimes a fill light can just be a reflector bouncing off the main light (feeding off) In the case of a still life there can be many tiny fills positioned around the still life to illuminate or relieve shadows.

6 Lighting Rim light This light gives form or structure around the object or subject being photographed. It creates a silhouette around the subject / object thereby revealing its shape. It most often acts as a highlight.

7 Lighting Hair light This is self explanatory, it basically illuminates and gives texture to the hair. Without this light the hair texture would essentially not be visible and the hair will look like one black mass.


9 Main Fill

10 B M F

11 B R R M



14 M F F



17 Strobe light Photography


19 Lighting Good & Bad

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