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Video composition Using different composition rules to put your subjects in the best light.

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Presentation on theme: "Video composition Using different composition rules to put your subjects in the best light."— Presentation transcript:

1 video composition Using different composition rules to put your subjects in the best light

2 Video, like a photograph, is a story, a series of connected sentences
Why Compose A video? Video, like a photograph, is a story, a series of connected sentences Compose your video to increase its expressiveness


4 Dominant Subject One main subject
Composition helps viewer know where to look Susanna jakubik

5 Dominant Subject Susanna jakubik

6 Dominant Subject Susanna jakubik

7 Dominant subject Lillie edwards

8 Dominant subject Jordan chappelear

9 Dominant subject Maxx keener

10 Dominant Subject Susanna jakubik

11 Dominant subject Maxx keener

12 Rule of Thirds The subject is placed off-center
Divide the frame into thirds horizontally and vertically, and place the subject at an intersection Gia robert

13 Rule of Thirds

14 Rule of Thirds Taylor mckeown

15 Rule of Thirds Ryan do

16 Rule of thirds Gabrielle metoyer

17 Rule of Thirds Camrie mcwilliams

18 Rule of Thirds Caroline petrie

19 Rule of Thirds Lillie edwards

20 Rule of Thirds Susanna jakubik

21 Rule of Thirds Maxx keener

22 Rule of Thirds Callie grove


24 Emotion Catches strong facial expression or body language
Timing is vital Susanna jakubik

25 emotion Gia robert

26 emotion Callie grove

27 emotion Lillie edwards

28 emotion Daric miller

29 Emotion Susanna jakubik

30 emotion Susanna jakubik

31 Emotion Susanna jakubik

32 emotion Jody herring

33 emotion Susanna jakubik

34 emotion Susanna jakubik

35 emotion Autumn soliman

36 emotion Susanna jakubik

37 emotion Susanna jakubik

38 emotion Jody herring

39 Worm’s Eye View Taken from below Makes small things look huge
Adds interest to the subject Arva bharmal

40 Worm’s Eye View Susanna jakubik

41 Worm’s Eye View Aiyana baptiste

42 Worm’s Eye View Brandon smith

43 Worm’s Eye View Taylor mckeown

44 Worm’s Eye View Susanna jakubik

45 Worm’s Eye View Jordan chappelear

46 Worm’s Eye View Jordan chappelear

47 Worm’s Eye View Riley labus

48 Worm’s Eye View Felton blaylock

49 Worm’s eye view When shooting women, try to avoid worm’s eye
Men LOVE it, though! Susanna jakubik

50 Bird’s Eye View Taken from above Can make big things appear smaller
Susanna jakubik

51 Bird’s Eye View Jessica roach

52 Bird’s Eye View Gia robert

53 Bird’s Eye View Dominic guerra

54 Bird’s Eye View Daric miller

55 Framing Subject is framed by an element within the picture
Draws interest to the dominant subject

56 framing Courtney miller

57 framing Caroline petrie

58 framing Susanna jakubik

59 Framing

60 Framing Riley labus


62 Composition principles recap
Dominant subject Rule of thirds Emotion Worm’s Eye Bird’s Eye Framing

63 Assignment –composition rule identification
Locate one photo representing each of the previously discussed six photo composition rules Can be from the web or one you’ve taken Label each photo (they should be JPG files) with your last name, composition rule and class period Smith dominant subject Smith freezing action Create a “[last name] video composition” subfolder in your “broadcast journalism” Google Drive folder for storage Share folder with Mrs. J via Google by end of class on Tuesday, October 10, 2017

64 Assignment – video composition shoot
In groups of 1, 2 or 3, shoot footage of ten seconds or less utilizing each of the six composition rules we discussed earlier this week Use your personal digital devices If one person is filming, two are on camera Label each clip with your last name(s) and composition rule Smith Jones Streeter dominant Smith Jones Streeter ROT Create a “[last names] video composition” subfolder in your “broadcast journalism” Google Drive folder for storage Share the folder with Mrs. J via Google Drive by midnight on Monday, October 16, 2017

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