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Science Planner 2/1/17 WALT: categorize the Planets.

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Presentation on theme: "Science Planner 2/1/17 WALT: categorize the Planets."— Presentation transcript:

1 Science Planner 2/1/17 WALT: categorize the Planets.
WU: A 65kg woman is sent to Saturn which has a surface gravity of What is her weight in this location. The same woman is sent to Neptune which has a surface gravity of What is her weight at Neptune. CW: Finish worksheet, staple them together with your warmup ticket for the last two days.

2 Gravitational Assist Voyager Missions


4 Keck image of HR 8799 (130 light years away) 780 trillion miles away.

5 Book Link: +Space/

6 Science. Planner. 2/1/17 WALT: categorize the Planets. WU:
Science Planner 2/1/17 WALT: categorize the Planets. WU: A 65kg woman is sent to Saturn which has a surface gravity of What is her weight in this location. The same woman is sent to Neptune which has a surface gravity of What is her weight at Neptune. CW: Finish worksheet, staple them together with your warmup ticket for the last two days.

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