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Astroparticle Physics

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1 Astroparticle Physics
Computing for Astroparticle Physics S. Katsanevas ApPEC/ASPERA 7 October 2010 Lyon

2 Astroparticle European Coordination (ApPEC)
ApPEC is a consortium of 12 European agencies, created in 2001 ApPEC aims to Promote co-operation within the European Astroparticle Physics community Develop long term strategies Improving links and co-ordination between European PA and CERN, ESA, and ESO Express collective views on in international for a (e.g. OECD) ApPEC operates (MoU) Strategically through its Steering Committee (chair M. Bourquin) Operationally through its Science Advisory Committee (chair C. Spiering) Discussion for a sustainable form of European coordination A structure able to contract with European organisations (CERN, ESO, ESA,…) ?

3 “per aspera ad astra” ASPERA 16 countries + CERN
ASPERA-I EU program FP6 ( ) coordinator S. Katsanevas (CNRS) Study APP personnel and funding in Europe 2300 researchers and 70 M€/year Priority Roadmap for Infrastructures and R&D Linking of existing infrastructures Underground laboratories C ommon call for CTA and Dark Matter Common outreach, databases, portal, … ASPERA-II EU program FP7 ( ) Coordinator T. Berghoefer (BMBF) Update the roadmap (spring 2011) Coordinate with other continents (OECD) Accompany the realization of the roadmap e.g. setting up agency oversight committees Issues of Computing, Theory, Schools Knowledge transfer : industry, neighboring fields More common calls (one running on HECR and Neutrio mass) Include the remaining European countries Prepare a sustainable coordination scheme

4 Main themes of Astroparticle Physics
(OECD/GSF “global” definition) What is the role of high energy phenomena in the formation of cosmic structures? Multi-messenger studies (g, CR, n, GW) Detect dark matter, Limits of fundamental laws, Cosmological markers CTA, KM3net, AUGER, ET and space projects What is the Universe made of? Nature of dark matter and energy Probe EW scale, Gravitation Ton-scale DM, Large DE surveys Ground/Space Can we probe matter and interactions at the smallest scales ? Rare decays: proton lifetime , neutrino properties Access GUT scales 1 ton neutrino mass, LAGUNA

5 Test of fundamental laws
Dark Universe Dark matter Dark energy High Energy Universe Impact on structures Test of fundamental laws New particles Primordial Universe Proton decay Neutrino properties Themes

6 Infrastructures Needs Large Scale Computation Underground Laboratories
Large Astronomical Surveys Large detector arrays Underwater laboratories Gravitational antennas Underground Laboratories Infrastructures Needs Large Scale Computation

7 The European Roadmap priorities
Megaton proton decay 1 ton dark matter Einstein telescope CTA 1 ton neutrino mass KM3NET AUGER -N Did not cover in depth dark energy or space programs, since it concentrated in programs where the agencies participating were the major stakeholders. This will change in the update. 7

8 Compare e.g. AUGER or ANTARES with US/Europe/Jaoan
SYNERGIES WITH GEOSCIENCES Astroparticle physics networks exhibit a natural synergy with climate and risk monitoring studies or geoscience observation networks. The atmosphere, the ocean and earth are both the target and detecting medium They need to deploy large variable geometry networks of autonomous “smart” sensors in sometimes hostile environments ASPERA WORKSHOP: 1/2 Dec 2010 Palais de la Découverte Paris Compare e.g. AUGER or ANTARES with US/Europe/Jaoan geoscience/environment networks EMSO, EPOS EARTHSCOPE, NEON, NEPTUNE…

9 Some issues Computing intensity Access intensity (image)
Signal processing methods (gravitational wave antennas) Fusion of heterogeneous data (multi-messenger) Data-quality/type for public access (noisy picture) Insertion in Virtual observatories Distributed data capture (smart grids) Remote monitoring and control Environmental/geoscience data availability Outreach Some issues

10 What would we like to obtain from this workshop:
Identify problems Assess opportunities Explore possibilities of European (global?) scale coordination On the practical side: We would like to aim a written document (1-2 pages per talk?) (sorry for not telling this to you earlier) and A 2-3 page executive summary to be submitted to the SAC of ASPERA and eventually be included in the updated roadmap (it will circulate among the attendees) :

11 Computing At Different Scales 10-30-33 cm n mass, proton decay
Event horizon cm Inflation, Dark energy/matter cm High Energy processes , SUSY, Higher Dim GZK horizon cm HE CR,g, n, GW 10-21 cm LHC physics Galaxy cm Supernova HE g, n, Origin of CR, Computing At Different Scales cm Nuclear physics Solar system cm Nucleosynthesis Solar n 10-5 cm Astroparticle infrastructures help study ocean floor biodiversity Astroparticle detectors use the geosphere as detecting medium cm Astroparticle helps us understand our origins

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