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AMCH PPS PAC Meeting January 26, 2016

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1 AMCH PPS PAC Meeting January 26, 2016
Lean Manufacturing /21/98 AMCH PPS PAC Meeting January 26, 2016 ©1998 NIST/MEP Version 1

2 Agenda Committee Updates Project Implementation - Status PMO Updates

3 Committee Updates Audit and Compliance Finance
Consumer and Community Affairs Workforce Coordinating Council Technology and Data Management Clinical & Quality Affairs CQAC Sub-committees

4 Audit and Compliance Committee
Actively developing Compliance Training. Finalizing a PPS Sanctions policy and a Dispute Resolution Policy Compliance Documents currently on the PPS website: Compliance Plan Code of Conduct Fraud Waste and Abuse Policy Anti-Trust Policy

5 Finance Committee Last Meeting 1/25/2016 Next Meeting 2/29/2016
Status of Contracts 21 Organizations have signed the POA and BAA March 2016 Deliverables Completed two milestones early Finalize funds flow Perform network financial health current state assessment Budget by Project – DY1 Subcommittee will reconvene in February Quarterly Report – Financial Impact Next Meeting 2/29/2016 Financially Distressed Provider Policy and Financial Sustainability Plan Value-Based Purchasing Assessment and Narrative

6 Status of Contracts

7 Quarterly Report Update – 9.30.2015 (DY1Q2)

8 Quarterly Report Update – 9.30.2015 (DY1Q2)

9 Quarterly Report Update – 9.30.2015 (DY1Q2)

10 Consumer & Community Affairs
Last Meeting: Tuesday, January 12 Thank you to the Alzheimer’s Association for hosting! Regional Meetings to start 2/9/16 in Hudson Will use this to pilot a 2 hour meeting which will include a “DSRIP 101” and discussion Looking to gain further insight into how the Regional Meetings are received CCAC to consider plan for consumer-facing meetings

11 Workforce Coordinating Council
The WCC is in the process of selecting a workforce vendor to conduct the compensation & benefits analysis survey. The next WCC meeting will be a combined meeting with the workforce committee from the Alliance for Better Healthcare PPS. Meeting date has yet to be determined.

12 Technology and Data Management
Current State Assessment finalized DY1Q3 Next round of SSP workbooks completed Tied to Milestone 5: Data Security and Confidentiality Plan Focus on IT Roadmap completion with Accenture and IT Change Mgmt. Strategy Speed and Scale report requests sent to organizations with a BAA in place Please submit data by COB Wednesday, 1/27 Contact Chrissy McIntyre with Questions

13 Clinical & Quality Affairs (CQA) Committee
Presentation Objectives: Committee Charter – Review and Approval Updates CQAC Membership Survey - Summary Project Implementation Update PHM System Acquisition “Bridge solution”

14 CQAC – Approval of Charters
As required by the Governance workstream, CQAC reviewed and approved charters for the following committee/subcommittees. Clinical & Quality Affairs Committee Subcommittees: ED Triage Health Home at Risk Integration of Primary Care & Behavioral Health BH Community Crisis Stabilization Asthma & Telemedicine Cardiovascular Disease

15 CQAC - Membership Survey
“What do you feel are your roles and responsibilities as a member of CQAC?” “Any additional ways your experience and expertise might be of benefit to the CQAC and its activities?” “CQAC meetings: A lot of helpful information has been presented during the monthly meetings. Has this information been helpful to you in understanding DSRIP and the goals of the projects?” “Do you have any specific feedback on how to improve the process of the CQAC?”

16 AMCH PPS: Project Updates Changes in Sequencing Status of roll-out Subcommittee Updates

17 AMCH PPS: Project Sequence - Update
Project name Project ID Start date 1. Integrated Delivery Systems 2.a.i Nov/Dec 2015 2. ED Care Triage 2.b.iii 3. Patient Engagement – PAM & CFA 2.d.i 4. Asthma Evidence-Based Guidelines 3.b.iii Dec 2015/Jan 2016 5. Health Home At-Risk 2.a.iii Dec 2015/Feb 2016 6. BH Community Crisis Stabilization 3.a.ii Jan 2016/Mar 2016 7. Cardiovascular - Hypertension 3.b.i Jan 2016/Feb 2016 8. Integration of PC & BH 3.a.i 9. Medical Village – SNF 2.a.v Apr 2016 10. Tobacco Cessation 4.b.i Jun 2016 11. Cancer Screening 4.b.ii

18 ED Care Triage Subcommittee Update
First Meeting on Dec 22nd, 2015 Subcommittee Chair: Dr. Denis Pauze Members: ED directors and representatives from case management at Albany Med, Saratoga, and Columbia Memorial Hospitals Agenda: Review of the Subcommittee roles and responsibilities Review of the project implementation steps Subcommittee membership Next Meeting on Feb 1st, 2016 at 10am via WebEx

19 ED Care Triage Subcommittee Update Cont’d
Stakeholder Engagement Meetings Saratoga Hospital: presentation to the Leadership and Department Managers on January 6th Albany Med: presentation to the ED attending on January 26th Columbia Memorial: presentation to the ED department in February (tentative) Please reach out to Mingie Kang if your team would like to learn more about this project.

20 Project 2.d.i Updates Implementation of Patient Activation Activities to Engage, Educate and Integrate the uninsured and low/ non-utilizing Medicaid populations into Community Based Care December 2015 roll out the PAM “Train the trainer” method. Initial PAM Trainings facilitated with our 3 major hospital partners (AMCH, Columbia Memorial & Saratoga Hospital). CBO partners & local government entities were also trained on PAM (Catholic Charities, Planned Parenthood, Healthcare Consortium, Columbia County Mental Health, Greene County Family Planning) Total PAM Trained Individuals as of 01/20/2016 is 70. Total number of PAM Surveys completed as of 01/20/2016 is 20. The PMO Project Team continues to roll out the “train the trainer” method across our PPS network.

21 5 County Service Area (targeting hotspots)
“Train the trainer” trainings Columbia Memorial Hospital AMCH Practice Administrators Saratoga Hospital Various CBOs Future Trainings Community Caregivers (01/21/16) The PMO Project Team continues to roll out the “train the trainer” method across our PPS network.

22 Asthma Project: Implementation of Evidence Based Medicine Guidelines for Asthma Management (3.d.iii)
Pilot of project-specific WebEx meetings: Communicating project-specific information Creating a mechanism for feedback Identifying what our partners understand their roles to be, and further insight to their level of interest If successful in accomplishing the above goals via the webinar approach, then spread to additional projects WebEx presentation on January 21, 2016 at 1 PM DSRIP & PPS Overview Burden of Asthma Project Details

23 Behavioral Health Projects Update
3.a.i Integration of Primary Care and Behavioral Health Services Status: Finalizing project-specific summaries for participating providers. Continuing to populate project sub-committee. Next Steps: PAC Webinar on Models 1 and 3 in mid-February. Projected project roll-out (i.e., sub-committee meeting) by mid-February.

24 Behavioral Health Projects Update Cont’d
3.a.ii Behavioral Health Community Crisis Stabilization Services Status: Finalizing project-specific summaries for participating providers. Continuing to populate project sub-committee. Next Steps: Projected project roll-out (i.e., sub-committee meeting) by mid-March.

25 Remaining Projects: Cardiovascular Disease Project
Project summary completed Webinar in 1-2 weeks Health Home at Risk Project Project summary finalized Webinar in 2-3 weeks Medical Village Currently scheduled for April 2016 start Population Health Domain Projects Tobacco cessation June 2016 Cancer screening June 2016

26 PMO Updates DY1Q3 quarterly report will be submitted no later than 2/1/16 We welcomed 10 new organizations into our PPS by year-end 2015 We have settled into our new space at 1275 Broadway in North Albany We expect to file Newco Incorporation paperwork this week – Better Health for Northeast New York Still no announcement on capital funding

27 Questions DSRIP Project Management Office Visit us at:

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