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Sablatura Robotics.

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Presentation on theme: "Sablatura Robotics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sablatura Robotics

2 Qualities of Robotics Team Members:
Ability to learn new concepts. Commitment to attend every practice and competition. Patience when things don’t go as planned. Persistence to keep trying even when it gets difficult. Cooperative attitude. Must work well with others. Interest in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math GRIT! 




6 Challenge Preview

7 Competitions TCEA Area 4–January Seaperch Regional – February
Ecobot – April VEX - Spring

8 Opportunities to Support Sab Robotics!
International Festival Drink Sale Sablatura Robotics Exhibition Poinsettia Sale Parent Involvement

9 Important Reminders for Students:
Applications are due no later than September 14, 2017 Turn in applications to any of the sponsors: Mrs. Medley, Mrs. Burrow, Mr. Mitchell, or Mrs. Mueller Applications evaluated using a rubric. Criteria: Robotics Experience / Complete Application / Conduct / Grades TCEA teams will meet Mondays and Thursdays 3:50 – 5:00 Seaperch teams will meet Tuesdays and Wednesdays 3:50 – 5:00 Ecobot teams will meet Thursdays 3:50-5:30 VEX teams will meet Tuesdays 3:50-5:00 Students selected for the teams will be asked to pay a $20 fee to help with program expenses such as competition fees, replacement parts, tools, pool rental and new kits.

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