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School to School Support Partnership

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1 School to School Support Partnership
The website so far…


3 The website provides open access to the schools that have willingly offered to share details of the ways in which they have impacted on outcomes for children and young people It contains details of the Raising the Bar programme and the partnership working behind it. Not only does it share the practice, but also operates as a directory of schools in Suffolk….

4 …with details of the schools, their contact points, websites and head teachers, across the county, which can be filtered by locality, partnership and teaching school.

5 Connecting schools across Suffolk…
It’s main purpose – a facilitator for School to School support and partnership. The website can be filtered by key stage, locality and keyword

6 So far… Most of our initiatives have come from approaching good and outstanding schools; Introductions from SEOs; We have approached schools that have improved their Ofsted rating; We have engaged with schools where there has been an improvement in outcomes for children, even where the headline data may be under national measures, but real improvement is evident. On behalf of our partners, we have approached good and outstanding schools with secure records of progress Our local SEOs have also engaged schools where they have witnessed strong practice, which have then been explored. We are now starting to get some initiatives submitted via the website, which, in the long term, is the aim of the website, to operate as a tool for cascading best practice and building capacity within Suffolk.

7 Over 100 contributions, involving over 75 schools
Over 100 contributions, involving over 75 schools So far… 100 contributions in various stages of publication. Involves over 75 schools. Now followed on twitter and there have been nearly 1000 engagements with the website. All schools involved have been visited and data verified. Launched end of Nov 2016

8 Current spread of published initiatives…
63 Primary phase 14 Secondary phase We are developing links with Alternative Provision, special schools and both the Challenge and Community fund projects All initatives offer a brief explanation of what prompted a focus, be it data, pupil voice, or observations by the school…

9 The website connects schools together and provides a directory of all the schools in Suffolk Initiatives are tagged so that you can search from a wide range, and across localities The teaching schools, family of schools and other partnerships can all be identified The page will load on mobiles and tablets, and is not password controlled Website is free to access Includes contacts of the head teachers involved, who can then direct enquiries Can be used in any format Tagged initiatives with titles and content

10 So if we just briefly look at this Secondary initiative around transition

11 As we scroll down…

12 All contributions start with both a need that was identified, and a soft skill, which was discovered, or a spin-off to the process. The actions taken are briefly identified,

13 And finally there is an impact statement which highlights the benefit to the young people/children involved. Also, the headteacher contact point, which is interactive.

14 Another one from actually the head of English in this case..

15 But the contact point is still the head, so that any contact can be tracked and the member of staff’s workload and commitment managed.

16 What are we looking for? We are looking for best practice in a range of areas, which can show sustained and/or rapid impact on outcomes for children and young people We need contributions from head teachers, and their staff, who would be willing to share their successes within the wider school community of Suffolk, with the aim of improving outcomes for children and young people in other settings Ideas can be big or small, both in scale and outcome. However, we do need to be able to measure the impact Desirable to be transferable to different contexts. To develop this – spread the word that it exists! Every day we tweet an initiative and we retweet good news stories – recruitment is an issue and this website is celebrating and sharing the good news stories Seeking to establish the links between schools to collaborate Figures so far… 57 Followers on twitter; mostly primary and secondary school accounts. Initiatives tweeted weekdays, with extra photographs popped in as and when; The website has had 989 new visitors, 58 new users in the last week alone. Biggest impression over 300 views on twitter (it was chickens!)

17 Areas of focus: Most popular Raising attainment at KS4 Literacy
Marking & feedback Closing the gap Whole School Ethos Strategies Behaviour These are the areas we have the most interest in from schools currently.


19 Areas of focus: Needed Best practice in foundation subjects
EAL strategies English and Maths in Key Stage Three British values/SMSC Challenging the more able Barriers to Outstanding Transition Supporting strategies for assessment If these are strengths of yours, I need to know about it, please!

20 @StsspSuffolk
Contact me on this address. @StsspSuffolk

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