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8-5 Exponential and Logarithmic Equations

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1 8-5 Exponential and Logarithmic Equations
Obj: To be able to solve exponential and logarithmic equations.

2 Solving an Exponential Equation
Example 1 Solve. 62x = 21 log 62x = log 21 x∙2 log 6 = log 21 2x log 6 = log 21 x = log 21 2 log 6

3 logbM = logcM logcb Change of Base Formula
For any positive numbers, M, N, and c, with b≠1 and c≠1. logbM = logcM logcb This is used to get any logarithm back to base 10 to evaluate!

4 Evaluate using Change of Base Formula
Example 2 Evaluate. log48 = log 8 = 1.5 log 4 Use the change of base formula to get to base 10!

5 Solving an Exponential Equation by Changing Bases
Example 3 Solve. 75x = 3000 Use the change of base formula to get back to base 10! log775x = log73000 5x = log73000 5x = log 3000 log 7

6 Solving an Exponential Equation by Graphing
Example 4 Solve. 116x = 786 Step 1: Graph TWO equations. y = 116x y = 786 Step 2: Find the point of intersection. x ≈

7 Solving a Logarithmic Equation
Example 5 Solve. log(7 – 2x) = -1 Step 1: Write in exponential form. Base 10! 7 – 2x = 10-1 Step 2: Solve for x. 7 – 2x = .1 – 2x = -6.9 x = 3.45

8 Using Properties to Solve an Equation
Example 6 Solve. log 6 – log 3x = -2 Step 1: Write as a single logarithm. log (6/3x) = -2 Step 2: Write in exponential form. 6/3x = 10-2

9 Using Properties to Solve an Equation
Example 6 Solve. log 6 – log 3x = -2 Step 3: Solve for x. 6/3x = 10-2 = 1/100 x = 200 3x/6 = 100 3x = 600 Take reciprocal of both sides!

10 Homework p. 456 #1 – 47 every other odd

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