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All Quiet on the Western Front

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1 All Quiet on the Western Front


3 go off and once or twice. I would recognize them at any distance
go off and once or twice. I would recognize them at any distance. Then disappear. sit down on my and wait. They wave they I pack

4 Suddenly I become filled with a to be
consuming impatience gone.

5 The names of the stations begin to take on meaning and my trembles
The names of the stations begin to take on meaning and my trembles. The stamps and stamps onward. heart train

6 A by the , I myself away. street cros sing I stand window cannot drag

7 I repeat to myself the name of the street that we cross over-Bremerstrasse- -

8 It is a grey and a grey ;-it affects me as though it were my mother.
street subway Mother

9 Then the train stops, and t is the station with and and signboards
Then the train stops, and t is the station with and and signboards. I pick up my pack and fasten the s I take my in my hand and the steps. here noise cries traps rifle stumble down

10 A offers me something to drink
A offers me something to drink. I turn away, she smiles at me too foolishly, so obsessed with her own importance: “Just look, I am giving a soldier !”-She calls me “ ,” but I will have none of it. red-cross sister coffee Comrade

11 Then at last before the with its and my grows heavy
Then at last before the with its and my grows heavy. I open the door and a strange comes out to meet me. I stand brown door worn latch hand Coolness

12 “Paul,” she cries, “Paul-” I nod my pack bumps agai nst the bani sters; my rifle is so heavy.

13 She pulls a door open and calls:
mother, mother, Paul is here. I can go no further “Mother, mother, Paul is here.”

14 I lean against the wall and grip and
I lean against the wall and grip and I hold them as tight as I can, but I cannot take another step, the staircase fades before my eyes. my helmet rifle

15 support self with the butt of rifle against feet and clench teeth fiercely, but cannot speak a word, sister’s call has made I my my my my I my me powerless

16 I stand on the steps, , , , and against my will the tears run down my cheeks.
miserable helpless paralysed


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