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The Impact of Agriculture in US History

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Presentation on theme: "The Impact of Agriculture in US History"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Impact of Agriculture in US History
Food, Land & People The Impact of Agriculture in US History

2 What Does the World Eat for breakfast?

3 Understanding the columbian exchange through old world and new world foods
The Columbian Exchange is the period of cultural and biological exchanges between the New and Old Worlds following Columbus’ arrival in the Americas.

4 Understanding the Columbian Exchange Through Old World and New World Foods

5 Understanding the Columbian Exchange through Old World and New World foods
Old World Foods New World Foods Bananas – Indo-Malaysia Beef Cattle – Southwest Asia Black Pepper – India Broccoli – North European Coast Carrots – Afghanistan, Middle Asia Celery – Mediterranean Chickens – China, India Coffee – Ethiopia Cotton Seeds – South Asia Eggs – Southeast Asia Grapes – Turkey Hogs – Southwest Asia Horse – Ukraine Lentils – Mediterranean Lettuce – Asia Minor Olives – Mediterranean Onions – Pakistan, Central Asia Oranges – Pakistan Peas – Northwest India, Afghanistan Rice – India Radishes – China Soybeans – Northeast China Sheep – Middle East, Central Asia Sugar Cane – India Watermelons – Africa Wheat - Turkey Avocados – South Mexico Chocolate – South Mexico Corn (Maize) – Central America Peanuts – South America Peppers – South America Pineapple – South America (Brazil, Paraguay) Popcorn – North America Potatoes – South America Pumpkins – Mexico Quinoa – South America Sunflowers – North America Sweet Potatoes – Central America Tomatoes – South Mexico Turkeys – North America Vanilla – South Mexico

6 From Wool to wheel: Wool Production in colonial america

7 Farmer George: The Seeds of a Presidency

8 King Cotton

9 Food Systems Feed the world

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