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Systematic Review Summary: Human Trafficking

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1 Systematic Review Summary: Human Trafficking
Amanda West University of Utah

2 Systematic Review Van der Laan, P., Smit, M., Busschers, I., & Aarten, P. (2011) Cross-border Trafficking In Human Beings: Prevention and Intervention Strategies for Reducing Sexual Exploitation. Campbell Systematic Reviews, 2011(8). Retrieved January 25,2012 from

3 Funding This review was funded by: The Campbell Collaboration, Norway
Ministry of Justice, the Netherlands

4 Rationale Increased attention on trafficking in human beings has occurred in the last several years. Sexual exploitation in particular is focused on the most through intra and international interventions. There is a need for more information on the effectiveness on anti-trafficking strategies due to increased input of resources.

5 Objectives What types of anti-THB strategies and interventions can be identified that have been accompanied by some form of empirical analysis? Which of these studies incorporate (quasi-)experimental evaluations that are rigorous enough to determine the effect of these anti-THB strategies on preventing and suppressing THB? What are the outcomes of these (quasi-)experimental studies?

6 Risk of Bias Statement of no conflict of interest. Indicates that the funders, are not directly involved in policy development on human trafficking.

7 Eligibility Criteria Types of Studies Quantitative studies
Maryland Scientific Methods Scale level 3 or higher (pretest & posttest measures and comparable to experimental conditions) Best-practice and evidence-based practice Participants Research with initiatives targeting perpetrators and criminal groups or vulnerable populations and professionals in the field included Publication Year 2000 to June, 2009 Published, unpublished, electronic and print Country of Origin All countries accepted but reduced to Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Norwegian, Spanish and Swedish languages

8 Sources of Information

9 Search

10 Data Items

11 Study Selection First stage: Second stage: Third stage:
Individually searched by inclusion criteria Abstracts were reviewed for relevance Any reference to evaluation was included 144 studies were found with relevance to the key words Second stage: Examination of full text with coding sheet Third stage: Only studies using an evaluation design of level 3 or higher of the SMS

12 Data Collection Process
Coding sheet was developed and utilized: Research design Methodological quality Outcome measures Type of intervention Population targeted Procedures used All initial screenings were coded independently by two authors

13 Results Study selection Characteristics of studies examined
144 articles potentially eligible No studies applicable Characteristics of studies examined prevention interventions suppressive interventions preventative/suppressive nothing specific

14 Summary of Evidence 20 studies that contained a combination of the relevant key words in their title, subtitle or abstract were examined and coded. None of the studies were controlled and most did not use pre and posttest measures.

15 Author Observations The number of evaluations studies has increased over time. Outcomes are not always presented comprehensively in the articles. Inconsistencies arise in the evaluation of programs. The goals of evaluation and monitoring activities are diverse. Many reports did not differentiate between prostitution and trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation. Many interventions were surrounding the increase of awareness. This review only looked at sexual exploitation. Other forms of human trafficking such as labor trafficking were not explored.

16 Conclusion Policies or interventions to prevent or suppress cross border trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation have not been evaluated rigorously enough to determine their effect.

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