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LHCb Software & Computing Status

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1 LHCb Software & Computing Status
Stefan Roiser LHCC WLCG Referees 12 September 2017

2 Stefan Roiser -- LHCC WLCG Referees
Production Status Very good usage of distributed computing resources Peak usage with HLT farm fully available Last two weeks running HLT & MC in parallel Dominated by Simulation (85 %), then User analysis (9 %) Data processing (5 %) NB: ”Turbo” at % (Run 3 main workflow) 2017 data processing following closely data exported from HLT HLT 12 Sep '17 Stefan Roiser -- LHCC WLCG Referees

3 Optimizing Resources While LHC performs less efficient:
Execute simulation workloads in the HLT farm in parallel to HLT processing Envisage to use “fast stop” to reduce simulation payloads when needed i.e. send signal to payload, tear down a job successfully in O(minute(s)) HLT1 HLT2 Simulation HLT Farm Running Jobs by Job Type

4 Job Success Rates & Efficiencies
Failed CPU time within Job Types Data Processing 2.3 % MC Processing 4.6 % User Analysis 24.1 % Working Group Prod 11.2 % Job Types accounting for 99,9 % of work spent 5.8 % CPU/Walltime efficiency continuously at high rate across all job types Overall job success rate > 94 % Production jobs (94 % of total CPU) at 95 – 97 % User analysis only at 75 % with high peaks of single users submitting failing jobs  more training needed 12 Sep '17 Stefan Roiser -- LHCC WLCG Referees

5 Monte Carlo Production Status
Many optimizations for storage done for MC Productions ”Filtered” productions  less events on disk mDST produces a factor 10 smaller event size Requests for Simulation are growing rapidly since EYETS, current estimates ~ 1 month to produce most urgent samples ~ 5 ½ months to produce all currently requested events Danger for negative impact on analysis Re-visit system for requesting MC samples for better prioritization and forecast Encourage requestors whenever possible to use new fast simulation options 12 Sep '17 Stefan Roiser -- LHCC WLCG Referees

6 Stefan Roiser -- LHCC WLCG Referees
2017 Pledges & 2018/19 Requests Because of reduced efficiency of LHC in 2017 forecasts for disk until end of data taking year were reduced as well Re-use now available disk for Un-parking of 2016 Charm Turbo data Re-stripping of 2016 data Requests for 2018/19 are slightly reduced b/c of lower 2017 baseline Disk 1.6% / 3.5 % lower than initially requested Tape 19 % / 18 % lower than initially requested B/c of suppression of “master DST” format used to eventually regenerate mDST NB: Importance for LHCb to have balanced T1 resource distributions 12 Sep '17 Stefan Roiser -- LHCC WLCG Referees

7 Analysis Reproducibility & Preservation
Concentrating together with physics working groups on an analysis preservation system Kickoff at hackathon April 2017 Document with strategy and best practices in preparation Backed by additional resources stated first time in CRSG 2018 requests Initially 50 cores & 10 TB disk / working group 12 Sep '17 Stefan Roiser -- LHCC WLCG Referees

8 Stefan Roiser -- LHCC WLCG Referees
Run 3 Upgrade Status Working on performance optimizations during summer Several big gains achieved with code optimization, algorithm re-design, etc. O(10s %) to factors in different algorithms. Final checks needed. Several optimizations already backported and available in 2017 data processing Working on TDR, due by the end of 2017 Skeleton is prepared, responsible people for chapters are identified Hot phase of writing the document is starting now!!  Dedicated talk in the LHCC/LHCb experiment session 12 Sep '17 Stefan Roiser -- LHCC WLCG Referees

9 Stefan Roiser -- LHCC WLCG Referees
Summary Very good usage of available resources High job success rate & CPU efficiency Simulation running in parallel with HLT processing Data processing productions following closely data export Simulation requests above what can be achieved with available resources Lower LHC efficiency allows disk usage for important tasks Un-parking of Turbo data, re-stripping of 2016 data Push towards analysis reproducibility and preservation Run 3 upgrade work ongoing with TDR at the end of 2017 12 Sep '17 Stefan Roiser -- LHCC WLCG Referees

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