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Chapter 7: Memory Key Terms

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1 Chapter 7: Memory Key Terms

2 1. Memory: the process by which we recollect prior experiences and information and skills learned in the past.

3 2. Episodic memory: memory of a specific event.

4 3. Flashbulb memories: events that are photographed in every detail.

5 4. Semantic memory: general knowledge that people remember
There are 50 states in the USA

6 5. Explicit memory: memory of specific information.
6. Implicit memory: implied or not clearly stated; consist of the skills or procedures you have learned.

7 7. Encoding: the translation of information into a form in which it can be stored.
8. Storage: the second process of memory, maintenance of encoded information over a period of time.

8 9. Maintenance rehearsal: repeating information over and over again in order to abstain from forgetting. 10. Elaborative rehearsal: making new information meaningful by relating it to information already known. The Spanish anciano means older person/ elder.

9 11. Retrieval: the third process of memory which consists of locating information and returning it to conscious thought.

10 12. Context-dependent memories: memory which is sparked by the original place it was encoded and stored.

11 13. State-dependent memories: memories that are retrieved because the mood in which they were originally encoded is re-created.

12 14.Tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon: a feeling of knowing something but unable to verbalize it.

13 15. Sensory memory: the first stage of memory that consists of the immediate, initial recording of information that enters through our senses. Sight Hearing Feeling

14 16. Iconic memory: like snapshots which are accurate photographic memories.
17. Eidetic imagery: the ability to remember visual stimuli over long periods of time.

15 18. Echoic memory: where mental traces of sounds, echoes, are held.

16 19. Short-term memory: information which remains after the sensory memory trace fades away.

17 21. Recency effect: the tendency to recall the last items in a series.
20. Primacy effect: the tendency to recall the initial items in a series. What did you eat for dinner? What did you have for breakfast?

18 22. Chunking: the organization of items into familiar or manageable units.

19 23. Interference: occurs when new information appears in short-term memory and take the place of what is already there.

20 24. Long-term memory: the third and final stage of memory information where relatively old information can be recalled. Who was your second grade teacher?

21 25. Schemas: the mental representations that we form of the world by organizing bits of information into knowledge.

22 27. Recall: bringing things back to the mind.
26. Recognition: identifying objects or event that have been encountered before. 27. Recall: bringing things back to the mind. I remember that.

23 28. Relearning: to learn something over for comprehension.

24 29. Decay: the fading of memory.

25 30. Infantile amnesia: forgetting of early events (events before 3 years old).

26 31. Anterograde amnesia: memory loss from trauma that prevents a person from forming new memories.
32. Retrograde amnesia: when people forget the period leading up to a traumatic event. What is my name? What is your name again?

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