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King Lear Cordelia.

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1 King Lear Cordelia

2 Questions about Cordelia:
Why does she refuse to take part in Lear’s love-test? Can she blamed for the cruelty of her sisters’ reign? Are her actions a rejection of Lear’s authority?

3 Critical reaction Dowden- ‘pure redeeming ardour’
Danby- ‘perfection of truth, justice, charity’ Foakes- ‘the agent of Lear’s regeneration…an embodiment of love’ Nineteenth- Century Cordelia’s drew praise for being ‘sweet, innocent and modest’- Bratton More modern interpretations present a young woman who refuses to play her part in a state ceremony between king and subjects. (Adrian Noble 1992)

4 Act One Scene One For a modern audience her refusal to participate in the love- test can be seen as a sign of her integrity. As the play progresses we learn to distrust characters who have an easy way with words. Cordelia’s ‘nothing’ appears honest and worthy. For a Jacobean audience it would be shocking. A letter from the newly-married Princess Elizabeth to her father King James I in which she described herself as, ‘(your) very humble, and very obedient daughter and servant’ There is no mention of her husband.

5 Act IV We are prepared for her reappearance in the play by Kent’s description of the ‘perfect’ daughter. She is presented as a perfect daughter who will act as redeemer. The Cordelia who dies at the end of the play is a selfless daughter, full of pity and love. When Lear carries on her corpse we are appalled.

6 Why does Cordelia die? Shakespeare needs a final cruel blow to bring about Lear’s death. It is the final example of man’s inhumanity to man in the world of King Lear. Shakespeare perhaps wants to show the full horror of the consequences of Lear’s folly. Cordelia’s death is the real tragedy of the play.

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