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【英语】Unit2《King Lear》课件ppt(新人教版选修10)

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1 【英语】Unit2《King Lear》课件ppt(新人教版选修10)

2 King Lear Unit2 King Lear 精品课件

3 C. Very little D. Not at all
Warming up Complete the following love test. 1. Do you love your father? Yes.__________ No. __________ 2. How much do you love him? A. Very much B. So-so C. Very little D. Not at all 精品课件

4 3.Which of the following best describes
your feeling towards your father? A.I loves him more than my life. B.I love him as much as I love my eyes. C.I love him as much as I should, no more and no less. D.I don’t know how much I love him. I have never thought about the question. E.I don’t love him, but I don’t hate him either. F.I hate him. G._________ (your own sentence) 精品课件

5 4. If you were married, whom would you love more, your wife/husband or
your father? 5. If your father gave you 1,000 yuan on condition that you tell him that you love him very much, would you say so? Yes._______ No. _________ 精品课件

6 6. If you could choose a father, which would you choose?
A. A father who was very rich but didn’t love you. B. A father who had no money but loved you very much. 精品课件

7 Some questions about ancient China.
What was the traditional attitude towards the emperor? Who succeeded him when the emperor died? Absolutely respectful and obedient to the emperor. His first-born son would normally succeed him. 精品课件

8 2 What did the emperor do to keep his servants loyal to him
2 What did the emperor do to keep his servants loyal to him? What happened to the servants who were not loyal? Severe laws, rules and traditional education made his servants loyal to him. They would be killed or get severe punishments for their betrayal or disrespect. 精品课件

9 3 Who decided who the emperor's children would marry
3 Who decided who the emperor's children would marry? For what reasons were marriages arranged? The emperor himself and his court officials. The emperor's children, especially the princesses, didn't have a say in their marriages. Their marriages were arranged for various political reasons. 精品课件

10 King Lear William Shakespeare 精品课件

11 What are the famous four tragedies of Shakespeare?
Hamlet( 哈姆雷特) Othello(奥瑟罗) King Lear(李尔王) Macbeth(麦克白) 精品课件

12 Which of the following is not said by William Shakespeare?
A. I cannot choose the best. The best chooses me. B. Just be myself. C. The empty vessels make the greatest sound D. A light heart lives long 精品课件

13 1. List the characters who appear in this part of the play.
Glance quickly through Part 1 of the play and answer the following questions. 1. List the characters who appear in this part of the play. King Lear, Goneril, Regan, Cordelia, the Dukes of Albany and Cornwall, the Duke of Kent 精品课件

14 2.Which of the characters do you think are shown in the picture.
King Lear and his three daughters---- Goneril, Regan, Cordelia 精品课件

15 Read the play and complete the plot diagram. A plot diagram
While-reading Read the play and complete the plot diagram. A plot diagram Description Setting Conflict Rising action Climax 精品课件

16 Setting Conflict King Lear has 3 daughters. He is old and wants to divide his kingdom among his daughters. He is going to do this through a “love test”. Flattery vs honesty; Words vs action 精品课件

17 A plot diagram Description Rising action
His first two daughters flatter him with nice words, but the youngest daughter insists on telling the truth. 精品课件

18 Climax Hearing the truth,the king gets very angry.he gives all his land to the first two daughters and leaves nothing to the youngest one. 精品课件

19 Read the play again, and complete the following main points.
MAIN POINTS: King Lear gave away his land to his daughters according to how much they ________him. 1 .King Lear wants to ______ and decides to ______ his land to three daughters. loved retire give 精品课件

20 2. He wants to know ____ ________ they love him.
3. Goneril and Regan make the king _________by saying they love him very much. They ______ the land. how much happy get 精品课件

21 4. Cordelia makes the king angry by being _________ and not _________ him. She gets ________.
5. Kent, the servant, makes the king _________ by defending Cordelia and begging the king to listen to the _______. honest flattering nothing angry truth 精品课件

22 Main plot of the play In Britain, King Lear, in old age, chooses
to ________ and divide up Britain among his three daughters. However, he declares that they must first be wed before __________ (give) the land. He asks his daughters the extent of their love for him. The two oldest, Goneril and Regan, both_________ him with praise and _____________ (reward) generously with land and marriage to the Duke of Albany and the Duke of Cornwall, _____________ (respect). 精品课件

23 Lear's youngest and most _________ (love)
daughter, Cordelia, _________ to flatter her father, going only so far as to say that she loves him as much as a daughter should. Lear, unjustly enraged(激怒), gives her _____ land. The Duke of Kent, a ______ friend of the king, tries to convince Lear to reconsider, but Lear refuses then banishes(驱逐,流放) Kent for acting traitorously(叛逆地, 不忠地) by supporting Cordelia. 精品课件

24 Main plot of the play In Britain, King Lear, in old age, chooses
to ________ and divide up Britain among his three daughters. However, he declares that they must first be wed before __________ (give) the land. He asks his daughters the extent of their love for him. The two oldest, Goneril and Regan, both_________ him with praise and _____________ (reward) generously with land and marriage to the Duke of Albany and the Duke of Cornwall, _____________ (respect). retire being given flatter are rewarded respectively 精品课件

25 Lear's youngest and most _________ (love)
beloved Lear's youngest and most _________ (love) daughter, Cordelia, _________ to flatter her father, going only so far as to say that she loves him as much as a daughter should. Lear, unjustly enraged(激怒), gives her _____ land. The Duke of Kent, a ______ friend of the king, tries to convince Lear to reconsider, but Lear refuses then banishes(驱逐,流放) Kent for acting traitorously(叛逆地, 不忠地) by supporting Cordelia. refuses no loyal 精品课件

26 Choose the proper words to describe the Characters’ Personality.
Honest loyal hot-headed truthful deceitful hard-hearted respectful corrupt greedy Innocent foolish cunning bad-tempered loving 精品课件

27 Homework Act the play out with your mates. 精品课件

28 THANK YOU! 精品课件


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