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Profiling and Reemployment Services

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1 Profiling and Reemployment Services
Statistical Targeting to Identify and Schedule UC claimants for Reemployment Services

Introduction - Purpose Benefit to One Stop Service Centers Customer Identification Profiling Process Service Plan Outcomes Quick and effective means of customer identification I. Introduction A. Purpose- Four Components of the profiling and re- employment services system include: 1. Identification - Identify dislocated workers early in claim series who would most likely exhaust UC benefits 2. Profiling, Selection and Referral - Provide timely re-employment services designed to shorten claimant unemployment spells and return the individual to productive, stable employment. 3. Re-employment Services 4. Customer or claimant feedback

3 Purpose Identification of dislocated workers most likely to exhaust UC benefits Provide timely reemployment services to shorten duration of UC Return claimants to productive, stable employment Receive Positive customer feedback

4 One-Stop Career Center Benefits
Provides a steady, scheduled source of job applicants Increases placement rates Invaluable resource of dislocated workers Customer appreciation for knowledge of services available B. Benefit to One-Stop Career Centers 1. Provides a steady source of applicants who will report for re-employment services and other programs available through their local one stop center Increase placement rates 2. Increases placement rates Reduce the UC payment duration. The current average duration rate in Florida is???? 13 weeks 4. Invaluable resource of dislocated workers who would benefit from services under WIA 5. Customer appreciation for knowledge of services available

5 . Reason for Program Federal Law - U.C. Amendments of 1993, Public Law (PL) Florida U.C. Law, Section (1)(d) Florida Admin. Rules- 60BB-3.028 Opportunity for UC claimants who file Internet, telephone or mail claims to receive reemployment services A. Reason for Program 1. Federal Law – Unemployment Compensation Amendments of 1993, Public Law (PL) 2. Florida UC Law – Florida Statutes (FS)– Section (1) (d) 3. Provide an opportunity for UC claimants who file by Internet, telephone or mail to report to One Stop Career Centers and receive re-employment services

6 UC Law FL Statutes Section 443.091 4 (d)
An unemployed individual shall be eligible to receive benefits with respect to any week only if the agency finds that she or he participates in reemployment services, such as job search assistance services, pursuant to a profiling system established by rule of the agency to be likely to exhaust regular benefits and to be in need of reemployment services.

7 Customer Identification
Data elements are collected from initial claims Labor Market Statistics (L M S): include industry/occupation codes and unemployment rates Monetarily eligible UC, Combined Wage (CWC), Federal (UCFE), and Military (UCX) claimants who have received a first payment I.Customer Identification, UC Claims Manual (UCCM V-28) A. Data elements are collected from claimants through the initial claims filing process B. Labor Market Information (LMI) such as industry and occupation codes, and unemployment rates are entered into the database C. Monetarily eligible claimants who were issued a first UC benefit payment D. Claimants who have received a first payment are then profiled using a two step process:

8 Excluded Claimants Interstate Claimants Special programs
TIP, TRA, DUA, and STC Transitional Claimants Claimants on Recall Status Seasonally / Partially unemployed First pay > than 42 days after the BYB 1. Excluded claimants .Combined Wage Claimants (CWC), Federal (UCFE) and Military (UCX) .Interstate Claimants .Transitional Claimants .Claimants on Recall Status .Seasonally unemployed . Partially unemployed .Claimants with a first payment more than 42 days after the Benefit Year Beginning date (BYB)

9 Probability of Exhaustion Score
Tenure on the most recent employment Educational Level Total Unemployment Rate (TUR) Occupation Code (DOT) Standard Industry Code (SIC) 1.Those claimants remaining are assigned a probability of exhaustion score using a statistical model and five factors .Tenure on the most recent employment .Educational Level .Total Unemployment Rate (TUR) in the local labor market .First digit of the Dictionary of Occupational Title (DOT) code .First digit of the Standard Industry Code (SIC) (Check on status of new SOC codes)

10 Profiling Process Selection - BL75 identifies pool
Scheduling - Before 5:00PM Thursday Notices mailed to claimants Identified in ODDS M Services provided Entered as completed in ODDS H I. Profiling Process A. Selection 1. Each week One Stop Service Centers will be advised via transaction BL75 of the identified claimants with a probability of exhaustion score of 50% or higher B. Scheduling .Scheduling must be completed by 5:00 PM on Thursday of each week and Re-employment Services Notices (UCB-220) are mailed on Fridays. .Permits schedules for Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM until 2:00 PM. Two weeks in advance A. Referral to Service Providers 1. Claimants are directed to predetermined One Stops based on the office address in the ODDS system online directory, J630 directory. Check on this 2. Claimants scheduled and mailed a notice are identified on the ODDSM screen the following Monday morning and a 19 Profiling flag is added to the claim to reject if the individual does not report for the service. Explain override “8” on BP60 3. Claimants not selected automatically remain in the selection pool one more week and are ranked the following week. If not selected after two weeks, the claimant is dropped from the selection pool and excluded from reemployment services (see JT36 & JT37 Since there is no Training Candidate Program (TCP) Do the One Stops need this list?)

11 BL75 PROFILE SCHEDULING FOR 06/11/01 THRU 06/15/01

12 Orientation Record Attendance & explain benefits
Group completes Assessment Questionnaire and Work Readiness Checklist Identify exempted individuals and excuse Schedule claimants for interview/services based on the Readiness Checklist and Self Evaluation Provide services Enter as completed in ODDS I. Orientation A. Orientation Process 1. Recording Attendance 2. Explaining the program and benefits of Re- employment Services 3. Issuing LES Form UCB-221 – Assessment Questionnaire (Appendix D) 4. Identifying those claimants who appear to have been erroneously selected and referred 5. Scheduling appropriately referred claimants for an assessment interview; and 6. Entering the information that the service was completed into ODDS M

13 Orientation Emphasis Attending Reemployment services is not good cause for refusing suitable work Work search suspended for service only If unable to attend, notify One- Stop Documentation needed to exempt Allow claimants to reschedule A. Orientation Emphasis 1. Participation in these services will not be considered good cause for refusing a bona fide officer of suitable work 2. Work search requirement will be suspended for each week the claimant is satisfactorily participating in reemployment services or approved training 3. Notify One Stop Career Center if unable to attend so the service can be rescheduled 4. Documentation is required from claimants to prove they attended similar services and be exempted from current profiling session 5. Claimants attending training or who have a bona fide job offer or scheduled interview should be referred for exemption or rescheduling

14 Assessment Interview Completion of Assessment Questionnaire, UCB -221
Record Information in ODDS A Application Screen Assessment Interview recorded ODDS H Services screen A. Assessment Interview 1. After orientation, each claimant not eligible for exemption is scheduled for an assessment interview 2. Completion of Assessment Questionnaire (LES Form UCB-221) 3. Record information by entry in (ODDS A application screen) 4. Assessment interview will be recorded on (ODDS H Services screen)

15 Exemptions Return to work date within 10 weeks
Take an “obtained” employment count Attending approved training Check BQ01 or BH10 for non-monetary determination Prior Services Received in the last 12 months documentation required or check BH10 I. Exemptions A. Florida law provides for claimants to participate in Reemployment Services and allows one or more of the following exemptions: 1. Bona fide return to work date within 10 weeks with a specific employer 2. The claimant is attending approved training with a non-monetary determination to that effect in the claim history. If a determination regarding the approved training has not been made, the claim should be referred to the adjudication hub. (Verify this procedure) 3. The claimant advises that all re-employment services have been completed within the last 12 months.

16 Exemption Codes in ODDS M
needs BH31 message received in last 12 months obtained employment check BH10-send to adj hub if no approved training determination Note: An exemption code can be deleted before 5:00PM on entry date “O” = Other Reasons “S” = Similar Services “P” = Job Placement “T” = Approved Training “X” = UC ended allows services in ODDS H does not remove profile flag A. Exemption Codes in ODDS M - Access the Profile Worklog Screen in ODDSM and enter the correct exemption code 1. “O” = other reasons. A BH31 message should be entered to describe the reason for exemption 2. “S” = exempt claimants who have returned to work or have prospects/ recall date 3. “T” = exempt claimants who are attending approved training 4. “X” = individuals who are no longer receiving UC benefits but who wish to receive employment services. This code allows the services to be entered in ODDS H. It does not remove the profiling flag. 5. To remove an exemption code, the correction must be made before 5:00 on the date the incorrect entry was made, otherwise the system will delete the flag overnight

17 Analysis Educational Level Work History Vocational Skills Barriers
1. Analysis of their strengths and weaknesses , relative to locating employment based on four factors: .Educational level .Work history .Vocational skills .Identification of barriers to employment

18 Re-employment Services
A. Re-employment Services 1. Counseling: .Claimants referred to counseling (group or individual) to receive assistance in understanding their relationship to the world of work so that they can make realistic decisions regarding job adjustment and training. . All claimants referred to testing will be provided an individual counseling session to explore the testing results. 2. Testing .Interest and vocational testing will be used to determine employment strategies .Interest Inventory and General Aptitude Test Battery (GATB) tests will be used to satisfy the testing requirement (Learn about tests?) 3. Job Search Workshop .A seminar at least four hours in duration which provides: )Labor market information )Application/resume writing )Interviewing techniques )How to locate job openings 4. Resume Preparation Assistance .How to write a resume or to critique a resume .Show online internet tools the individual can use to prepare a resume 5. Labor Market Information .Labor market information for a certain area where the claimant is seeking employment 1. Job Placement Services .After assessment or other services, those claimants considered “job ready” will be referred to job placement. .Document on ODDS H screen using code 7 in the Job Search field .All claimants with a service plan will be referred to placement services as the final step of the service plan 2. Referral to WIA and Dislocated Worker programs and training


20 ODDS M - Profile Worklog
I. Service Plan A. A service plan (Transaction SP) in ODDS M will be created for each claimant participating in re-employment services. 1. Access the Profiling Worklog (ODDS M) 2. Tab down to the space to the left of the claimants name and press enter 3. The individual’s service plan screen will appear

21 Create the Service Plan
Enter SSN in lower right corner Are Services available ? “S”ervices screen - enter S to schedule System will enter completion date A. Creating the Service Plan 1. Locate the claimant’s name by entering SSN in lower right hand corner, enter 2. This will display the re-employment services screen, place an “S” by the service to be scheduled and a report date 3. Re-employment services should be agreed upon by both service provider and claimant; however, the service provider is responsible for insuring that scheduled services are available 4. The system will automatically enter the estimated date of completion of scheduled services

22 ODDS H - Codes to Complete Services

23 To Remove Profiling Flag
Enter via ODDS H screen each service completed “S” for scheduled, changes to “C” for completed Take Assessment Interview credit in ODDS H If 09Pro flag is not removed overnight check the display screen using command “DS” If services in the Service Plan (SP) need deleting - change S to D or delete in ODDS H by using transaction code 1 A. Completion of Re-employment Services (ODDS M, H, SP and DS screens) 1. Enter via ODDS H screen when a service has been completed (ODDS H screen) 2. The system changes the “S” for scheduled service to a “C” for completed service 3. When all services scheduled have been entered on the ODDS H screen the ODDS M screen will show a “C” for completed and the 19PRO, profiling flag is deleted overnight 4. Remember to take credit for an assessment interview on the ODDS H screen 5. Services on the Service Plan (SP) that need to be deleted – change “S” for scheduled to “D” for delete 6. If the profiling flag has not been deleted the next working day – check the service plan or display screen (DS) to verify that all the services have been entered as completed

24 Intent The intent of Profiling is to provide Re-employment Services, not to deny benefits. Try to re-schedule, instead of exempting. If you schedule an individual for services, please try to provide those services and code the ODDS H screen as having completed the services to receive credit. Try not to exempt individuals if at all possible because USDOL has requested that no more that 30% of those scheduled be exempted from services. The intent is to provide re-employment services, not to deny benefits. If an individual fails to report, they can be rescheduled. Eligibility is determined on a weekly basis. Claimants should not be held ineligible if an attempt to report was made or if the failure to participate is minimal and does not significantly affect their ability to benefit from services. Issue Code Re-employment Eligibility Issues and Reason Codes

25 Summary of Process Orientation Assessment Interview
Service Plan to Schedule Services Provide Reemployment Services Enter codes via ODDS H to receive service credit and to remove Profiling flag

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