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Small-scale Water Supplies and Sanitation: issues in the region and activities in the programme of work under the Protocol Oliver Schmoll and Bettina.

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Presentation on theme: "Small-scale Water Supplies and Sanitation: issues in the region and activities in the programme of work under the Protocol Oliver Schmoll and Bettina."— Presentation transcript:

1 Small-scale Water Supplies and Sanitation: issues in the region and activities in the programme of work under the Protocol Oliver Schmoll and Bettina Rickert Germany Frantisek Kozisek Czech Republic Sascha Gabizon and Margriet Samwel WECF

2 Small-scale supplies and sanitation: Work programme 2007 - 2009
Assess problems and health-related risks: small-scale water supplies identified as the priority risk area Share experience, information and good management practices Sanitation: voluntary activities of WECF Programme of work led to Bad Elster workshop

3 Small-scale water supplies: Workshop in Bad Elster (Nov 2008)
Backbone of water supply in rural areas Common challenges: Lack of political attention Differently regulated Poor compliance Sense of responsibility Lack of access to support networks Limited resources Bad Elster Workshop objectives: reviewing and assessing the existing evidence base with respect to health-related risks, identifying regulatory and managerial challenges and sharing information on effective management approaches & experiences

4 Small-scale water supplies: Workshop in Bad Elster (Nov 2008)
Positive cost-benefit ratio Water Safety Plan (WSP) is a viable management approach Need for guidance and advocacy materials

5 Small-scale water supplies: Awareness raising document
What are small-scale water supplies? Why are small-scale water supplies important? What are the challenges? What is the evidence? What are the cost and benefits of interventions? How can Water Safety Plans support improvement? How can an enabling environment be created? Networking and resource materials Awareness raising and background document: based on Bad Elster consensus statement (advance copy available in English and Russian) Importance: current JMP data rural areas: in different European Regions % rural populations Importance: current JMP data rural areas: proportion of rural populatino with access to improved sources of drinking-water in different European Regions 87 – 100% Importance: data on numbers of small scale water supplies for 12 countries of the European Region Evidence: data from 10 countries of the European Region on drinking-water quality in small-scale water supplies Evidence: summary of results of a literature review on campylobacteriosis in rural areas Cost benefits: it is worth it! Case study of cost-benefit analysis of private water supplies in Scotland WSP: examples of application of WSP in small-scale water supplies from Germany, Iceland, Romania Enabling environment: (non-exhaustive) list of elements (nationally and locally adapted measures and programmes) which can contribute to creating an enabling environment Networking and resource materials: International WHO Network for Small Community Water Supply Management (SCWSM) and related resource materials; resource materials for small public supplies, as well as for private supplies and individual wells from countries within the European Region

6 Small-scale water supplies WG Water and Health
2nd meeting (July 2009): Continuation of work endorsed WG entrusted Germany with preparing a proposal for the Programme of Work for 3rd meeting (May 2010): Sanitation as integrated component suggested Draft work programme endorsed Czech Republic announced co-lead for the activity Re-iterated and confirmed in Parma Serbia, Italy, Norway, Moldova, Hungary, Mama 86, Switzerland, Georgia, France and Czech Republic confirmed importance of the issue

7 Work programme 2011 – 2013: Programme area 3
„Cross-cutting“ issue: Small-scale water supply and sanitation – approved by the 2nd MoP in Bucharest (November 2010) Lead Parties and organizations: Germany and Czech Republic Women in Europe for a Common Future (WECF) Responsible bodies: Expert group approach Close collaboration with Task Forces TF on Target Setting and Reporting TF on Surveillance

8 Work programme 2011 – 2013: Water supply
Proposed activity areas: Development of policy and guidance documents Improvement of evidence base Supporting the application of WSPs Facilitating enhanced regional networking Complementary to ongoing WHO and EU activities and programs Cross-cutting issues rated as core activities under the Protocol These are proposed areas for activities with respect to drinking water Outreach to WECF due to expertise in field projects and sanitation

9 Work programme 2011 – 2013: Sanitation
Proposed activity areas: Development of guidance documents Water and Sanitation Plans for Schools Facilitating sharing of experience and networking

10 Policy advice material: Water supply
Area for target setting under Article 6 Development of effective & resource-sensitive surveillance approaches „Roadmap“ for introduction of the WSP into policy frameworks Capacitating national institutions to play their role in providing technical & managerial support Inter-institutional & inter-sectoral communication Advice material to be developed for national decision makers As this is an area which has not yet been legislated e.g. in the EU, Protocol can provide support with filling this gap Some of the chapters could be provided by the existing Task Forces Translation of drinking water related advice material into Russian also possible

11 Policy advice material: Sanitation
Policy, institutional and technical guidance documents for sustainable waste water treatment and sanitation systems: For municipalities below 10,000 population equivalents To be used for target setting Cost-benefit-analysis of waste water and sanitation systems In Russian and English Such materials may address, amongst others, the following aspects: encouraging Parties to compare costs and systems for waste water treatment as an area of target settings according to provisions of Article 6 of the Protocol: provision of a “roadmap” for introduction of waste water treatment and sanitation planning, including comparison of most appropriate solutions, adapted to the geographical and settlement situation, comparison of onsite and central systems, of domestic and community systems, of treatment and reuse options; requirements for capacitating national institutions to provide technical and managerial support for design and operation of municipal waste water treatment and sanitation systems (below p/e). All documentation will be made available in Russian and English.

12 Improvement of evidence base: Water supply
Inter-country collaboration for systematic data collection plus gap analysis: QUESTIONNAIRE Continuation of systematic literature review on diseases So far mainly anecdotal data Currently literature review by Enzo: disease outbreaks / health outcomes Protocol could be used to share collected data and to have coherent data collection on small scale supplies throughout the region Also for data collection: so far no widespread data on drinking water quality in small scale supplies, which could then also be matched with information on disease outbreaks  methods such as RADWQ could be promoted and applied within countries of the European Region in order to quickly obtrain data at relatively low costs to extend the evidence base on drinking water quality in small supplies & rural areas

13 Supporting the application of WSSP: Sanitation
Water and sanitation plans (WSSP) for schools Development of best practice document as a basis for up-scaling community-based water, sanitation and hygiene monitoring systems

14 Enhanced regional networking: Water supply
Regional workshop to further exchange information and experiences Building and strengthening collaboration with WHO-led SCWSN Network Involvement in the EU project on producing a technical guidance note on use of WSP-type approaches for small scale water supplies in the EU (lead: consortium KWR and the Scottish Regulator)

15 Enhanced regional networking: Sanitation
Facilitating sharing of experience and networking Web platform in Russian and English with several functions: Database providing information Discussion forums Policy section E-learning training in Russian and English for technical personnel Database: providing information about which companies, engineers or experts are providing which type of wastewater treatment and sanitation solutions; a cost comparison, with examples from implemented projects, studies on cost comparisons and research results; a funding section on funding programmes;

16 Options for field work: Water supply + Sanitation
Targeted rapid assessments of drinking water quality in small-scale supplies Pilot small-scale sanitation systems to demonstrate benefits & costs Field projects in pilot areas to bring local knowledge & data into the baseline analysis & target-setting process If additional funding becomes available in due course… If additional funding becomes available during the implementation of the work programme wor

17 Realistic plan for 2011: Water supply + Sanitation
No funding available for this programme area so far (!!) – difficult position of WECF Planning meeting: Prague, 17 January 2011 Selection of core expert groups (2 groups of 5-12 experts) Proposal of content of policy guidance document Proposal of questionnaire Extended lead-party planning group in June (Germany?) Following information to the Bureau and the WGWH on possible further progress If additional funding becomes available during the implementation of the work programme wor


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