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San Luis Valley Gifted Education Network March 30, 2017

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1 San Luis Valley Gifted Education Network March 30, 2017

2 Goals for Today Refine identification in the talent areas
Confirm dates and actions for the rest of this year Plan for next year by reviewing needs and setting dates Look at materials for programming Learn about the characteristics and needs of twice exceptional students

3 Warm-up: Mirror Exercise
Pair up with a partner Face each other with your hands open and about three inches apart Designate one person as the “leader” the other will be the “mirror” Look at your partner and the leader begins to move their arms, legs and body in different directions always standing in place – the mirror synchronizes actions with the leader When “Switch” is said – the partners switch roles Next, do the same activity without designating roles simply by feeling and reacting to your partner Demonstrates the power of eye contact and allows people to experience the intensity of dramatic connection

4 Artistic Ways of Knowing
Mirror Exercise from: Artistic Ways of Knowing: How to Think Like an Artist by Joanne Haroutounian, Royal Fireworks Press Directors' Meeting - March p.8 Coming Soon: Artistic Ways of Knowing: A Curriculum for the Artist within EVERY Student Set of model “sparkler” lessons based on learning through Artistic Ways of Knowing 11 lessons in each art form and six 3-lesson units that combine arts, and integrate arts with academic content.

5 Events for the Rest of this School Year
April 1 – 8:45-4:00 – Creative Explorations at Ortega Middle School, Alamosa April 17 – Universal Screening Grant will be submitted May 9-11 – C-GER – update websites, visits/focus groups? June 10 – Reimbursements due to BOCES – wish lists due June TBD– Meetings with talents specialists groups

6 Planning for 2017-2018 Depth and Complexity Framework Network Dates
August 10th – R4R Workshop 2 – Learning Experiences 3 and 4 Level 1 presentation Implementation in schools Anticipated needs for next year Network Dates Special Speakers Creative Explorations New Comprehensive Program Plan – October, 2017

7 Some Resources to Investigate
Primary Science Standards and Units from Prufrock Press (in bold with suggested grade level) Grade Physical Science Life Science Earth Science K Sorting objects by physical properties; moving objects have speed and direction Sort by physical characteristics Sun provides heat and light Sun Makes Our Day (K-1) 1 Properties of solids and liquids Characteristics linked to parents and allow survival Survive and Thrive (K-1) Compare and classify earth’s materials 2 Motion Habitats non-living parts satisfy organisms needs Plants and animals have different structures to serve functions Budding Botanists (1-2) Weather impacts environment and organisms Weather (2) 3 States of matter What’s the Matter (2-3) Life Cycles Earth’s Materials can be broken down and/or combined Dig It (3) Earth Beneath Our Feet (3-4)

8 More Resources Royal Fireworks Press – units on philosophy
ASCD Quick Reference Guide – Giving Students Effective Feedback CAGT scholarships

9 Identification

10 Behavior Observation Scale
7/20/2018 Cognitive Test Achievement Test Behavior Observation Scale Performance Evaluation Talent Ability or Creativity Tests Parent Informal Input Additional Data Body of Evidence A body of evidence is made up of many assessments. Some are used for qualifying information for gifted identification and some are used to develop a student profile. The check marks indicate tools that might be used in the gifted determination process. The team can begin by collecting evidence in any order. They might begin with achievement data the district already has collected. If the student has scored at the 85th percentile or higher, the team will continue to look for other qualifying data. A cognitive score might be given or a norm-reference observation scale. If there is one piece of qualifying data, the team can decide to place the student in a talent pool. This means the students receives programming “as if” he or she were identified as gifted. If the programming is successful and student scores increase to qualify, the student will be identified. If the student is successful in the programming but qualifying data points are not forth-coming, the child can still remain in the programming opportunities because it fits their needs and abilities. No ALP is written for a student in the talent pool. If the student does not have qualifying scores and is not successful in the programming that is a good indication that the student is not gifted and needs to receive more appropriate instruction.

11 Clarification on Use of Parental Input
A norm-referenced behavioral observation scale for parents (e.g. SIGS) can be used as a qualifying piece of evidence for identification Parents may need instruction about how to complete the scale If being used with a non-English speaking parent a translator may be needed Informal parental input is not qualifying evidence but is very useful for determining programming and creating the Advanced Learning Plan (ALP)

12 Area of Giftedness: Specific Talent Aptitude
Performing Arts Music Visual Arts Dance Psychomotor Creative or Productive Thinking Leadership

13 What is Leadership? Work in small groups of 2-3 people List the characteristics of a leader on your chart paper Create a definition of leadership from your characteristics

14 Definitions of Leadership
Colorado Rules for Exceptional Children’s Education Act (ECEA) p. 101 12.01(16)(d) Leadership Abilities 12.01(16)(d)(i) Definition Leadership is the exceptional capability or potential to influence and empower people (e.g., social perceptiveness, visionary ability, communication skills, problem solving, inter and intra-personal skills and a sense of responsibility, etc.). Setting a goal and developing a plan to work with others to reach it. Leadership is about making things happen. Julia Link Roberts, WKU, Gifted Child Today, Sage Publications

15 Giftedness and Leadership
In your small group list specific traits of gifted students that could contribute to successful leadership. Write your ideas on your chart paper.

16 Characteristics of Successful Leadership
"Five well-researched personality factors associated with successful leadership are sociability, cooperativeness or diplomacy, integrity, emotional stability, and intelligence. The trait of intelligence has helped establish leadership as a type of giftedness.  The challenge for educators and parents is to figure out how best to encourage and nurture leadership at an early age. All children, intellectually gifted or not, can improve their leadership skills..."  Creating Opportunities to Develop Leadership Ability in Duke Gifted Letter retrieved from

17 Characteristics of Gifted People
✔ The desire to be challenged. ✔ The ability to solve problems creatively. ✔ The ability to reason critically. ✔ The ability to see new relationships. ✔ Facility of verbal expression. ✔ Flexibility in thought and action. ✔ The ability to tolerate ambiguity. ✔ The ability to motivate others. Frances Karnes and Susan Bean retrieved from

18 Observing and Programming for Leadership
Work in grade level groups – elementary, middle and high school Label your chart paper with the grade level Record answers to the following questions What would leadership look like in students at your grade level? How does/could your district program for leadership at your grade level?

19 Specific Talent Aptitude: Leadership - Rubric

20 Next Steps Create a subcommittee to work on Leadership Identification
Develop – leadership portfolio contents and review process Solicit local specialists on leadership to assist with portfolio review process

21 Content Imperatives Which content imperative was missing in this morning’s presentation? Can you think of a place it could have been put?

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