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Fabio Durán-Valverde ILO GTTSP retreat March 2017, Geneva

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1 Fabio Durán-Valverde ILO GTTSP retreat 15-17 March 2017, Geneva
Pension reforms GROUP 1 Fabio Durán-Valverde ILO GTTSP retreat 15-17 March 2017, Geneva

2 Recent Trends in Pensions (world): ILO SP Monitor (SOCPRO DB based on media news on social protection)

3 Recent Trends in Pensions (world), 2010-2016 ILO SP Monitor

4 Recent Trends in Pensions (world), 2010-2016 ILO SP Monitor
Top 10 measures

5 Trends summary Europe and Central Asia concentrate most of the measures (announcements) Measures for contributory schemes: 84% Trends moving in different directions: expansions and contractions; increasing retirement age, extending coverage, increasing-decreasing pension benefits, etc. Different trends even within regions

6 Core ILO principles for social security pensions
(according to ILO conventions and recommendations, in particular C102 and R202) 1. Social security as a human right: universality of coverage based on social solidarity ILO constitution and several UN instruments 2. Solidarity and collective financing (C.102) 3. Entitlement to defined benefits prescribed by law (C.102) 4. Adequacy and predictability of benefits (C.102) 5. Non discrimination, gender equality and responsiveness to special needs (R.202) 6. Overall and primary responsibility of the State (ILC n.89, 2001) 7. Transparent and sound financial management and administration (R.202) 8. Involvement of social partners and consultations with other stakeholders R.202 and several social security conventions 9. Financial, fiscal and economic sustainability (R.202; ILC n.89, 2001) 10. Responsibility of the State (administration, financing).

7 Group 1 Pension reforms 1.1 Is about the initiative to change the pension schemes 1.2 The number of countries carring out pension reforms. Afecting SS principles promoted by ILO. Concerns (Gov., employers and workers) 1.3 We need to be well prepare for participate in the debate. Counter-balance other possitions. Policy messages. ILO do not promote any specific pension model. What we promote is principles

8 Modus operandi Work as a global team
Elaborate a position paper and standard ppt List of principles Have a voice in international fora If the want us in / if the want us out Work with our constituents Global, regional and country work

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